Luohui City, the Kingdom of Gistas, a residential area in Jinhu District.

"Please come back and clean it again next Sunday. I may be out that day, and I will leave the keys in the same place in advance." The middle-aged gentleman ordered the old maid who was about to leave in the courtyard.

"Okay, Mr. Cage, please don't worry." The maid bowed slightly.

"Here's today's wages. Thank you for your hard work." Mr. Cage took out his wallet and handed the cleaning fee to the maid.

"Thank you." The maid took the money as usual and turned to leave.

Then she saw the figure of the shepherd dog walking on the lawn of the courtyard.

"Let's go, Tony." She waved to him kindly.

As usual, the sheepdog named Tony barked back politely as a farewell.

The maid smiled, took a few steps, and suddenly heard a low growl.

She looked over there with some surprise, and found Tony pacing back and forth quickly on the lawn, growling faintly, and seemed a little anxious.

Moreover, the shepherd dog's body was shaking slightly, as if he was in the cold winter.

"Mr. Cage, there seems to be something wrong with Tony..." She spoke to her employer with some worry.

Mr. Cage was also staring at his pet with a solemn look on his face, but when he heard the maid ask this question, he immediately put aside his serious expression and waved his hand towards her: "It has been a little allergic recently and has diarrhea. It was drooling. I got some veterinary medicine for it in West Street. It will be like this after taking it. It’s okay. It’s a normal reaction. It’ll be fine after the medicine wears off.”

"So that's it. I didn't even notice that he was sick this afternoon... He needs to get better soon." The maid said with a concerned look on her face.

Mr. Cage watched the maid leave, looked around, then immediately changed his expression and turned to look at the shepherd dog.

"Tony, come on! Get in the house!" he shouted to the sheepdog.

The shepherd dog followed the sound and came over. His body was shaking more and more, and he was breathing heavily.

Cage led Tony into the back room, then squatted down and stretched out his hand to caress Tony's back: "You have reached your limit again so quickly. Get out of this body quickly."

The shepherd dog took two breaths, and then actually spoke human words: "I'm fine, dad..."

"Don't hold on, this body is going to start to transform into a demon again, and it will be irreversible after it reaches the critical point." Cage persuaded, "You come out first!"

After hearing this, Tony made no further comment. He took a few deep breaths and suddenly let out a wail.

The shepherd dog arched its back as if convulsing, and deformed bony protrusions bulged along the back, finally breaking through the cortex and tearing a long gash on the back, like an unzipped leather bag.

The strange body was squeezed out from this opening. The first thing that came out was the back lined with bony protrusions, then the skinny body, with almost only a cervical vertebra left in the neck connected to a human head, and finally the skinny but thin body. Ridiculously long limbs - the bizarre body proportions make him look like a stick insect.

A "stick insect" parasitic in the body of this shepherd dog. Except for the head, his body seems to have only a skeleton, and then a layer of black skin is wrapped around the skeleton. His ribs were turned out, exposing his empty chest, and a long bony tail stretched out from his tail vertebrae.

Of his whole body, only his face looked a bit human. It was as if the face of a handsome young man had been attached to a deformed black-skinned skeleton with a tail.

It was hard to imagine that a large dog could harbor such a monster safely, but after he crawled out from behind the sheepdog, the torn hole on the sheepdog's back quickly closed again. . Then the shepherd dog, who looked a little thinner, lay on the floor and passed out.

After leaving the host, Tony lay on the ground, struggling to support his body with his limbs, gasping weakly.

Beside him, his father, "Mr. Cage" who lived in Golden Lake District - the real Professor Dodge, stretched out his hand to him: "Come on me first, son."

"I'm fine, dad, let me stay like this for a while..." Tony shook his head and tried to support himself, "I can still move, but I'm just a little uncomfortable."

"Stop talking nonsense, silly boy! How many days can you last like this?" Professor Dodge's voice was a bit stern, "Is now the time to worry about my health?"

"I'm really fine, Dad." Tony waved his hand, "At least... let me stay like this for a day, it's okay."

"You...sigh!" Professor Dodge sighed helplessly, "Why are you always so stubborn?"

"Dad, Hans's even weaker than before." Tony looked at the unconscious shepherd dog. After he pulled out of the other person's body, the shepherd dog looked thinner and obviously older.

"Because it is already twelve years old and is almost dead. It is no longer suitable for possession. This time it only stayed for a month before it began to die... Alas, it is also resistant to stabilizers, too. I don’t know how long it will take for the medicine to be reattached this time.” Professor Dodge reached out to help his son get up from the ground and help him lie down on the bed. “It’s time. Let me find you a human body...”

"Dad, you promised me not to mention this matter." Tony reluctantly sat down on the bed.

"I can catch another criminal for you, the kind that deserves to die, and you can use him by wiping out his spirit." Professor Dodge put his hand on Tony's shoulder, and the bony shoulder bone felt a little prickly. "From now on... just live a good life."

"What's the point, Dad? The real criminals who deserve to die are full of sins in their consciousness remaining in their bodies, and they will be eroded by the power of the devil in a few days. But the body you gave me, Dad, sometimes... Alas, I should have thought of it earlier. How can there be so many people who deserve to die in this world? I know that you sometimes lie to me, Dad." Tony smiled bitterly and shook his head, "Let's see in two days. I want to continue to stay with Hans. That way I feel more at ease. When I am with him, I can feel that his consciousness is with me. After changing the body... he can't recognize me."

"Tony, you have been like this for too long... you should live a good life." Professor Dodge persuaded earnestly.

Tony lowered his eyes, and after a moment, he asked, "Dad, can I really only survive in this world by hurting others?"

Professor Dodge was silent for a long time, then he sighed, stood up and touched Tony's head.

He was silent, silent, his son's half-human, half-demon body reflected in his eyes, and his expression was as hard as stone.

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