The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 460: Possessed Demon

Deep inside the library of Rose Iron Prison, Daly's research room.

"Possessed demon?" Aiden asked.

"Yes, that's the kind we just used on Hero. According to what you said just now, the wizard is most likely to cultivate a possessed demon." Daly showed Aiden her short staff, at the end of which was entangled the possessed demon she summoned.

"Demons only need to be supplied with magic power, not food. Of course, the legend of ancient demons eating people is also true, but the demons do not eat flesh and blood, but magic power, so the theory of demons hunting souls has only appeared in modern times, but Abigail confirmed at the gathering more than 40 years ago that demons only feed on magic power, and devour souls only because that is a collection of magic power that carries the spirit itself..." Daly began to explain incessantly.

"Okay, okay, get to the point!" Aiden quickly raised his hand to stop her, so that the other party would not be unable to stop.

"That is to say, an empty shell without consciousness is of no value to most demons. Although there are demons that can convert the flesh and blood of living things into magic power, it is obviously more cost-effective to feed such demons with livestock than with human bodies. But possessed demons are different. To maximize the value of possessed demons, human bodies must be used." Daley said.

Professor Dodge once mentioned the issue of blood separation and purification to the Mother Goddess of Plenty Cult. Aiden believes that this should mean that Professor Dodge's son is not dead.

But in this case, his request to the cult to use his son's hair to create a reproductive body is quite intriguing. Aiden initially speculated that this request may be related to his son's condition.

In the end, he and the Witch Assembly only know that his son may have been put into the Empire's "Demon" plan and transformed into a demon, but what kind of demon was this demon fused with.

And Daley happened to be an expert in demonology, so Aiden made a special trip to find her to consult about the types of demons.

When he asked, he concealed some details, only mentioning that he was investigating a male wizard who raised demons and had made a deal with the Mother Goddess of Plenty to get two unconscious artificial human bodies.

And the answer given by Daley was the possessed demon.

"The possessed demon is a very special demon. It does not have the ability to maintain a physical entity for a long time. When it is summoned, it will fall into a weak state like this. Even the simplest purification magic can directly expel it." Daley showed the staff to Aiden. The possessed demon on the staff was a long black strip, like an earthworm pinched with mud, entangled in the staff and wriggling hard.

Aiden knew very well that this kind of demon was the weakest single demon. After being summoned for about ten hours, if it could not find a host or could not return to its habitat, its body would dissipate.

But if this thing finds a host, it will immediately adapt to the host's body and then gradually occupy the host's body, no matter what kind of creature the host is.

"The possessed demon will adjust itself according to the host. When it is attached to an animal, it will learn the habits of the animal. When it is attached to a human, it will gain a certain degree of intelligence. To thoroughly study the possessed demon, it is necessary to use the human body. An artificial human body without consciousness is the best, so that the possessed demon can quickly take over the host." Daley explained.

"Is there anyone... willing to be possessed by the possessed demon?" Aiden asked.

"Of course, Warden, have you forgotten how you said the Word of God with my help in the past?" Daley smiled, "The possessed demon has the ability to transform the host's body, which is often used by people."

"Use..." Aiden thought for a while and continued to ask, "Can it be used to treat diseases and injuries?"

"Well, there was indeed this idea in the past. The possessed demon will ensure the survival of the host to a certain extent before seizing control of the body, so it will use the ability of body transformation to repair the body's defects. Minor organ loss or limb mutilation will be temporarily repaired after using the possessed demon."

"So convenient?" Aiden was stunned.

"But later, wizards discovered that once the possessed demon was removed, the body would return to its original state, and the disability would be even more serious in some occasional cases. But it is impossible for people to coexist with the possessed demon for a long time, otherwise the spirit will soon be devoured by the parasite." Daly said with some regret, "So now people summon the possessed demon, basically only for short-term physical transformation and trauma emergency maintenance."

It is impossible for people to coexist with the possessed demon for a long time, and Aiden still knows this.

People or animals that have been eroded by the possessed demon for a long time will have similar physical mutations as other demon descendants, growing horns or tails, and have some innate spellcasting abilities, but after that, their consciousness will be gradually dominated by the possessed demon.

Humans who have been completely demonized by the possessed demon cannot be reversed. They will become extremely aggressive, try to kidnap ordinary people, and summon other possessed demons to parasitize. One of the classic cases sealed in the archives of the Inquisition is to eliminate humans possessed by demons.

But the fact that the possessed demon can transform the body does have certain application value.

It seems that the object that Professor Dodge's son merged with in the Demon Project was probably a possessed demon, in order to obtain the transformation to maintain the survival of the body and eliminate the risk of the demon's invasion of consciousness.

But in the end... Professor Dodge, who was an imperial soldier, broke with the imperial military because of this matter.

Was it because the case was successful, but the imperial military continued to experiment with his son, which angered him?

No, if that were the case, it would not explain his request to the Mother Goddess of Plenty to cultivate artificial humans.

Or is it more likely that the experimental results themselves angered him.

As Daly said, the wizard who would ask for a man-made body is most likely raising a possessed demon.

Are those two bodies really provided for the "possessed demon" to possess?

Thinking of this, what Father Valles said before emerged in Aiden's mind.

"... When I told him that the life span of this quick-growing reproductive body is less than a year, he was quite disappointed."

It is very likely that after merging with the possessed demon, his son's body was transformed, but it also brought the shortcomings of the possessed demon-it needs a parasitic body to survive normally.

If this speculation is confirmed... can it be used. Aiden began to think subconsciously.

His purpose is just to prevent Mr. Bloody from obtaining the Hand of Annihilation, but it seems a bit difficult to achieve it by finding Mr. Bloody and destroying it.

If you change your mind, maybe you can start from Professor Dodge. Let's not talk about Qiqimora, who is also eyeing power, at least in preventing power from being taken away by Mr. Bloody, their positions are consistent.

After gathering intelligence on Professor Dodge to this point, Aiden formed a preliminary impression of Professor Dodge. This person had participated in inhumane experiments and might not have a normal sense of morality and justice, but he seemed to attach great importance to family affection and did not show much ambition for power.

A new idea naturally emerged in Aiden's mind - perhaps he could find a way to win him over and make him an ally on his side.

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