There was a muffled sound and the officer fell down.

The sudden change made Chichimola stunned, and he almost dropped the cigarette he had just lit.

The officer who was attacked did not lose consciousness immediately, but he was obviously caught off guard.

He never expected that his soldiers would carry out such a sneak attack. All soldiers who were entrusted with such a task had undergone strict inspections. These people were strict-mouthed and loyal. They would never question the orders of their superiors. The possibility of betrayal was extremely low. Suddenly, conscience discovered It is even more nonsense to start rescuing refugees.

However, in just a blink of an eye, the soldiers in the entire warehouse began to cooperate with the leader of the sneak attack.

His attacker put his knee on his back and forced him down. The two soldiers directly opposite immediately pounced on the officer, holding him down as he tried to get up, and took out a piece of cloth to seal the other's mouth - this thing was originally used on kidnapped refugees.

The officer shouted twice in vain, but the sound could not be transmitted outside. The sound insulation of the place chosen to do such dirty work would not be bad, not to mention that his mouth was sealed.

Chichimora regained her composure, stepped back slightly, and observed from a distance.

All eight soldiers in the warehouse rebelled, and they united to ambush the superior who came to inspect the work!

This is very abnormal. It's okay to say that one or two soldiers rebelled due to some reason, but even if he can convince more people, it is too difficult to make everyone become his companions and ensure that no one informs his superiors. High.

Someone is manipulating them! Kikimora immediately came to this conclusion.

Kikimora tried to mobilize the magic power - there was no response. The warehouse used to inspect the "materials" entering the institute was also affected by the forbidden magic barrier, so mental magic could not work.

At this time, the hostage in the third sack sat up slowly, as if he had just woken up. A soldier immediately stepped forward and cut the ropes on his hands and feet.

He slowly moved his wrists, then got up from the ground, and then took off the sack covering his head.

Chichimola took a closer look, but still didn't see the other party's true face. There was actually a mask underneath the sack, with only his eyes exposed.

"Good afternoon, Captain Morris." The kidnapped "refugee" looked down at the officer condescendingly and greeted him with a smile. "Don't be surprised why I know you. I have heard a lot about you from your subordinates. It’s your business. No need to doubt that they all converted to me.”

Chichimora observed the skin color of the person outside the mask, recognized the other person's accent, and quickly came to the conclusion: this guy was definitely not from the South.

A disguised refugee, using a group of soldiers who had betrayed the military, set up a trap to ambush the officer.

Kikimora held her breath and felt the dangerous aura.

The voice sounds quite young. I'm afraid this guy is not Professor Dodge...

A possibility emerged in her mind, making her shiver subconsciously.

"I'm just a little surprised. You look so gentle. You can't tell that you are an executioner who sent hundreds of people to hell." The man wearing the mask chuckled. "Obey the order without hesitation and destroy yourself." of humanity, you are a perfect soldier.”

The officer let out a dull cry, unable to move under the weight of the three men, like a snake nailed seven inches.

"The war caused by your country in the south has created countless refugees. You have obtained cheap materials. Thanks to you, I have gained many, many believers recently... Haha, desperate people are always the easiest to control. They will always I want a belief to support myself. It took me a lot of time to find you, but it is not difficult to sneak into these people and fish out your people." The man continued, "Don't worry, I am not a messenger of justice. I'm just a preacher. To a certain extent, I'm on the same page as you. But in order to achieve my goal, I need your cooperation. I wonder if you would mind helping me?"

The man stared down at the officer. His tone was very kind and his eyes were not hostile at all.

"Well!" The officer's voice was loud.

Although he was speechless, his angry eyes already gave the answer - an extremely clear rejection.

"Your loyalty to the country is admirable." The man applauded, "You have lived up to my expectations. Very good. The more loyal a person is...the more valuable he is to betray!"

After saying that, he suddenly raised his foot and stepped on the officer's head.

Just a gentle tap that hurts in any way, but carries an undoubted insult.

The officer suddenly roared angrily like a wild beast.

"Hostility - yes, the bloody desire to tear me into pieces, this is what a soldier should have." The man smiled kindly, "This hatred will turn into an unbreakable faith."

After a moment's pause, the man spoke again, reciting a strangely rich pronunciation.

Chichimora's expression changed and she subconsciously retreated to a corner. She knew very well that what the other person was reciting was the word of God.

At this moment, she was convinced that the person standing here was none other than Mr. Bloody Clothes, the man with the authority of "hate" who was being tracked by Aiden Garrod!

Chichimora vaguely felt the invisible realm, and a heart palpitating for no reason gripped her, even though she was not the target of these divine words.

The rebellious soldiers let go of the officer, stood at attention, and saluted the man together, their eyes filled with fanaticism.

This sentence is the baptism of their souls, awakening them and making them realize the faith that is truly worth following.

The officer's face changed. Although no one was pressing him, he felt that he could not get up.

As the world spun, an irrepressible feeling of disgust surged up - disgust for himself.

Obeying military orders without question, letting his hands be stained with blood for the country, such a pathetic puppet-like life, why would he be so enthusiastic about it and willing to give up everything for it?

In just a moment, he woke up.

It was all wrong, whether it was this country or everything he had done before. This country was full of sins, and he was also deeply sinful.

And the man in front of him appeared in front of him just to make him completely sober and point out the way to salvation.

He raised his head and saw the man looking down at him, with his hands open and his eyes kind and tolerant.

The hostility to skin and tear the other party apart instantly dissipated, replaced by supreme reverence.

"God..." He whispered softly, with a fanaticism of worship in his eyes, just like those soldiers.

As a soldier, the man who dedicated everything gained a new faith.

Looking at this scene, Chichimora subconsciously had the idea of ​​escaping: Leave here, this man is very dangerous.

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