The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 463: Be sure to tell them about this

Officers and soldiers prostrate themselves at the masked man's feet, as if on pilgrimage. They abandoned their loyalty to their country and became followers of the enemy on the spot.

Kikimora felt terrified. She knew a little about the power of "hate", but this was the first time she saw its actual effect.

Directly reversing the hostility of the other party into worship of oneself like this. The more serious the hostility is, the stronger the reverence will be - it can be said that it is not reasonable at all.

In the same way, other negative emotions such as fear should also be able to be reversed into positive emotions.

It is completely foreseeable what the outcome will be if you show up in front of this man.

But even so, there was still a trace of greed hidden in Kikimora's heart.

If this man is Mr. Xue Yi, he should have the only authority of "hatred" in him.

He hasn't digested that authority yet, and the only authority he should carry with him is that it can be stolen from him if there is a chance...

This thought disappeared without a trace the moment the other party's eyes moved over.

Fortunately, the other party's eyes did not stay on her, and he just looked around out of vigilance.

Chichimora breathed a sigh of relief and immediately woke up - the only authority will summon the saints who are close to the authority, and they can sense the existence of the only authority.

And her "hidden" power is impossible to block the call of the only authority. Once you steal the only authority, you are tantamount to exposing yourself.

How much power can she exert as her only authority without even touching the power of "hatred"? Relying on the power of two "empty" authorities to fight against a "hateful" saint?

No matter how you think about it, it's not a wise move.

To her, Mr. Bloody Clothes was a competitor for the Hand of Annihilation, but there was no need for her to test the brink of death at this juncture when the Hand of Annihilation had not yet been cast.

After all, Mr. Xueyi’s real enemy is someone else. And she just needs to do her own intelligence work.

Thinking this, Chichimora shrank into the corner of the warehouse.

Two hours later, Abigail summoned the space.

"...After thoroughly brainwashing those people, he left the base under the cover of these people. Thinking that I must bring the news back to you, I watched the whole process until he left." Chichimola stopped. Tell.

There was a moment of silence, and Abigail sat at the end of the long table with nothing to do. Aiden and Lamia, who were sitting side by side, looked at each other.

When he received the contact relayed by Abigail, Aiden was busy with the work at hand, but as soon as he heard that it was related to Mr. Bloody Clothes, he immediately put down his work and came to attend this emergency meeting.

When Kikimora described the mask that the man was wearing, Aiden's mind soon came to the memory of his predecessor Aiden before he died, and he could even recall the feeling of the bullet penetrating his chest.

"Luckily you're safe," Aiden commented.

"The warden turned out to be concerned about my safety." Kikimora pursed her lips and smiled.

Aiden thought to himself that because of the plot in the stories I've read, the scout who peeked into the key secret was basically dead and disabled in the end.

"Be sure to tell them" is also a pretty classic death flag.

Fortunately, Kikimora's "hidden" power is completely hidden in the true sense. As long as you don't test it on the edge of death, you will basically be fine.

"The cult leader started infiltrating this base before us." Lamia said in a hoarse voice, looking at Aiden, "I said, your intelligence network didn't notice it?"

"If I had fully grasped his whereabouts, I should have taken action long ago." Aiden replied calmly, "He has been in Luohui City for at least a year, and he has only started to take formal action now. It is rather late."

"It's quite a feat to spend a year building channels from scratch to find the secrets of the Gistas military, but in terms of intelligence collection, 'hatred' is no match for 'nihility'." Chichimora said slowly.

"We're lucky to have discovered us in time." Aiden nodded.

Mr. Xueyi also discovered the "infection" plan in the Luohui City base and began to take targeted actions. It was bad news, but it was indeed a blessing in misfortune that they were able to discover it in time.

"You can't be so optimistic once you start taking action." Abigail reminded from the side, "'Hate' is a kind of fire. Once ignited, it will start a prairie fire. He has now completely controlled the person responsible for kidnapping materials for the experiment. The entire team, in terms of infiltration efficiency, is much higher than yours."

Aiden was lost in thought, that much was true.

The spiritual control of the "hate" authority seems to require more skill than the other two authorities of the spiritual throne.

But once successful, there is almost no solution.

According to the information provided by Hailuo, with the level of "hatred" of the saints, it should not be possible to directly control all the people in the base, otherwise Mr. Xueyi would not be so down-to-earth.

The team responsible for kidnapping refugees doesn't seem to be critical, but they can send living people to that research institute - as long as they do it properly, they can take the opportunity to organize a team to rush in. If they control them, they will undoubtedly control the entry into the base. Deep channels, the witch assembly also focused on this point to target the officer from the beginning.

It is impossible to undo the brainwashing of that officer and the soldiers under him. They must be from Mr. Xueyi's side, unless...

"Do you want me to find a way to assassinate all those people?" Kikimora suddenly said the idea that came to Aiden's mind.

Aiden thought about it. For what those people had done, there was really not much room for sympathy, even if they were just executors of orders, but...

"But killing them will not stop Mr. Bloody's infiltration. He just needs to change a group of targets. Doing so will expose our side and make the base and Mr. Bloody's side alert at the same time. If the Gistas military directly moves the project to other places for this matter, are you confident that you can find it again?" Aiden asked.

"Does that mean we continue to wait and see?" Kikimora asked.

"You are responsible for continuing to wait and see, and I am responsible for finding a way to exclude these infiltrated people." Aiden replied.

For now, we can only deal with it as it happens and use Heinz's relationship to do something.

Mr. Bloody will start to infiltrate the base of the "Infection" plan. There is no doubt that he has found out Professor Dodge's purpose. Once Mr. Bloody takes control of the base, he will have the initiative to ambush Professor Dodge and snatch the Hand of Annihilation from him.

Mr. Bloody has finally surfaced around Gistas's "infection" plan, and now the only thing missing is Professor Dodge.

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