The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 466 The Goddess of Vengeance Appears

Aiden didn't reply, but stared at Heroine with suspicion.

Hailuo didn't say anything, and faced Aiden's gaze calmly, with a weird smile on his face.

After a while, Aiden silently took out the "Wordless Code", crossed out the rule "No Stealing" and wrote "No Lying".

"What is your purpose for bringing this up?" Aiden started to ask, no, it should be said to be an interrogation.

"It's just a reasonable proposal. You want me to contribute, but you prohibit me from participating. I can't accept it. At the very least, I have to reserve the right to give opinions during the operation. It will also be good for you to have someone to help." Hai Luo answered calmly.

"That's it?" Aiden asked.

"If it's for some other reason... I'm actually a little bit interested in you. I would like to know more about that conspiracy bitch's favorite toy." Hailuo narrowed his eyes.

"That's all the reasons?"

"That's all."

"Don't you plan to snatch my body?" Aiden asked cautiously.

"It's rare that you think so highly of me. If I could, I would." Hailuo sighed with pretense of regret.

"Answer directly." Aiden lowered his voice.

The "prohibition" stipulated in the "Wordless Code" means that there is no prohibition. When answering questions, Hailuo can only tell the truth, but he can choose to only tell part of the truth.

By using words, you can sometimes use one-sided truth to misunderstand the other party, achieving a more effective misleading effect than lies.

The interrogation of Hailuo must be done thoroughly.

"Of course it can't be done, idiot." Hailuo snorted softly, disdainful of Aiden's cautious expression, "My current spirit is not complete at all, and it is impossible to overwhelm your consciousness on your home court. Possibly. If I want to possess you, I must use the power of 'sacrifice'. The main prerequisite for the power of 'sacrifice' is that the target is willing. If you are not willing to take the initiative, how can I take your body?"

This is also true...

Aiden thought seriously.

According to the theory of spiritual magic, an individual's personality has a home field advantage in his own spiritual world. It is almost impossible to use spiritual magic to completely eliminate a person's spirit and then occupy the other person's body instead.

Either temporarily hypnotize the other party, making the other party's spirit weak, and then control the other party's body. However, even if this kind of hypnosis is successful, it can only last for a very short time.

Or, like Precia, pull away the other person's spirit and occupy the already empty body.

Another method is to directly kill the opponent's body, and then use necromancy to attach to the body after the spirit dependent on the body dissipates.

The "sacrifice" power to snatch the body must be voluntary for the target to be effective. The goddess of revenge can occupy Hailuo's body because Hailuo sacrificed voluntarily. Theoretically, he doesn't want to, and the Nemesis really can't take away his body.

"But since you are attached to me, you can use your power, right?" Aiden continued to ask, "Aren't you planning to use your power to do something detrimental to me?"

"How is it possible not? If I get the chance, of course I will do it." Hailuo admitted very frankly and without hesitation, "But don't you have this crappy book that can restrict me?"

"Does it mean that in order to take you with me, I have to consume a rule to guard against you?"

The "Wordless Code" can only be written or revised three times a day, and only three rules can exist at the same time. To bring Hailuo with him, even if Aiden makes Hailuo swear in advance that he will never harm him, at least one rule must be consumed to force Hailuo to abide by the oath, which is undoubtedly a weakening for him.

"You attach so much importance to maintaining this prison that you carefully manage, so you must leave this broken book here to restrict me." Hailuo said with a smile, "It's just a rule, you should be considered to have earned it."

"No, I plan to use medicine to put you to sleep for a few days while I'm out." Aiden replied.

"Can you be any more shameless?" Hailuo frowned at him.

"It's just taking certain coercive measures against prisoners who may seriously disrupt the order of the prison. I don't see any problem." Aiden replied calmly.

"In this case, I cannot agree even more. If you want to borrow my ability, you must let me possess you." Hailuo replied, "Choose for yourself, boy."

Aiden pondered for a long time, and finally raised his eyes to look at Hailuo: "We can try it first."

"Wise choice." Hero grinned.

A few minutes later, after doing basic insurance work using the Wordless Code, Aiden began to try out Hero's possession proposal.

"Come, offer everything you are willing to offer." After pretending to recite the divine words of "sacrifice", Hero reached out his hand to Aiden.

Aiden silently placed his hand on Hero's.

For a moment, as if a burst of electricity passed through, Aiden felt something "invading".

At the same time, he saw that Hailuo's eyes were blank and became extremely dull.

This sluggishness only lasted less than a second, and a madness took over these eyes. A crazy smile appeared on Hailuo's face. At the same time, Aiden felt the other party grabbing his hand tightly.

Aiden reacted in time, pulled his hand back forcefully, and at the same time stood up and distanced himself from Hailuo.

He could clearly feel that the goddess of revenge had left Hailuo's body, and Hailuo turned back into the "crazy" Hailuo again.

"Hehehehehe!! Haha!" He Luo laughed excitedly and crazily at Aiden.

Aiden was ready to order the amalgam golem to control her. He Luo was very aggressive in this state and could pounce at any time.

But in the end, He Luo did nothing, just spread his hands to Aiden and shouted in awe: "My supreme master, I have nothing, because everything I have is yours."

"Then sit down honestly." Aiden frowned.

He Luo had no reaction to his words, still just raised his hands and looked at him in awe.

"Your orders are useless to her. Her master is me, not you." A strange voice came from beside Aiden.

Aiden turned his head and unexpectedly saw a strange woman who had never seen him before standing beside him with her hands folded and looking at him sideways. With long hair, she looked much younger than He Luo. The upturned corners of her eyes and the sinister smile on her face made her look a little shady.

"You..." Aiden was stunned.

"We just talked a minute ago, and you've forgotten me so quickly, kid?" The strange woman - the goddess of vengeance grinned at him.

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