The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 468 Take a long vacation

That evening, Aiden personally sent Hero back to the cell.

"What a heartless and unjust man. When you want to use someone else, call me Ms. Phoenix. If you don't want to use me, it's the prisoner Hailuo." Hailuo entered the cell and grabbed the railing to tease Aiden.

After using the possession proposal proposed by Nemesis, Aiden asked Nemesis to return to Hero's body.

"Don't talk nonsense, I have to make some preparations." Aiden replied without changing his expression.

Aiden has planted more than one intelligence source in Gistas, but no force is willing to act for his purpose. Before the situation becomes irreversible, he must do something, even if it is just to secretly trip Mr. Bloody Clothes. Son is also good.

After much thought, he felt that he could only do it in person.

But now Luohui City is full of unstable factors, and there is also a mortal enemy who can sense his presence at all times. Just like the sea under the heavy rain clouds, it seems that it has not surged yet, but it may turn into rough waves and danger at any time. In this environment, if you row a small boat with the leisurely mood of going fishing, you will be buried in the belly of the fish sooner or later.

For this, he must be fully prepared, and obtaining the revenge inspiration from the goddess of revenge is only one of them, and it is also the most necessary part. Mr. Xueyi can detect his existence through the call of revenge. If he cannot do the same thing, entering Luohui City is like a sheep entering a tiger's mouth. In a head-on confrontation with Mr. Bloody Clothes, it was almost impossible for him to win, but if he just wanted to avoid being chased, he still had some plans.

In addition, he had to do some additional preparation work, one of which was the handover of work in the prison, so that he could devote himself to this matter with confidence.

The door to the core area opened again, and the columns of prisoners entered the corridor under the supervision of prison guards. It was now time for them to return to their cells after their break.

The prisoners and prison guards who were walking at the front were stunned for a moment when they saw the warden standing in the middle of the corridor. The prison guard hurriedly saluted.

"It's okay, keep working." Aiden told the other party not to worry.

The queue of prisoners entered the cell area along both sides of the corridor without incident until it was the turn of the dozen prisoners at the end of the queue.

"Hey, Master Aiden!?" Fei'er was overjoyed when she saw Aiden, and her eyes lit up, "You finally came to inspect, I... I miss you so much... ah..."

However, when she noticed Aiden standing in front of Hero's room, her speaking speed slowed down quickly until she stopped.

Then, she glared hard at Hailuo.

"A good negative emotion, anger? Or jealousy?" Hailuo smiled at her gaze, "Want to join the cult? A little girl with horns!"

"Hmph, don't be so proud!" Feier said through gritted teeth.

"Don't stay here, go back to the cell!" Aiden noticed that she stopped and affected the progress of the queue, and urged him casually.

It doesn't matter if you don't urge her, Feier's eyes immediately widened as soon as she did.

"Are you still facing her?" Fei'er pursed her lips and poked Hailuo's direction with her finger, looking aggrieved.

"I'm telling you not to disturb the queue and move forward quickly!" Aiden urged seriously.

Mayfair suddenly puffed up her face and angrily walked back to the cell door of Room 13, waiting for the prison guard to open the door.

"I'm talking about you, prison boss..." At this time, Camila, who was passing by on the other side of the corridor, also looked hesitant to speak. "Has your taste become a bit... curious?"

Aiden gave her a surprised look.

"Warden?" Flanda, the prison warden, also looked surprised when she walked in and saw Aiden. "What do you think? Is this a surprise inspection?"

Under normal circumstances, when Aiden came to inspect the prison cell, he would basically ask her to accompany him.

"No, I'm just observing Hero's condition." Aiden said, approaching Frenda. "Just in time, I have something to tell you. Come to the duty room."

Franda signaled the other prison guards to open the door to let the prisoners into the cells, and then followed Aiden to the duty room.

"What's wrong, warden?" Flanda asked.

"I'm going to take my annual leave soon." Aiden said.

"Huh?" Franda was stunned for a moment, then laughed, "You are finally ready to take a rest, okay, when will it be?"

Since Aiden took this position, he has basically never taken a long vacation.

After Aiden took office, the order of the Rose Iron Prison has been greatly improved. Most of this improvement is due to the advanced management system formulated by Aiden, and part of it is due to a series of wristbands used by Aiden himself. Come with the blessing of prestige.

The operation of this prison has always been inseparable from Aiden, so the warden can only occasionally find opportunities to rest for a day or two on weekdays. He does not receive the long-term vacation benefits he deserves, and he works a lot of overtime.

But the situation is different now. Due to the combined effect of various factors, the discipline of the entire prison has risen to a whole new level. Nowadays, the prison's operating funds are no less than those of the Iron Prison of Thorns. The facilities have been renovated, the equipment has been updated, and the manpower has been expanded. Nowadays, there are very few things that Aiden has to do personally. Even if he leaves the prison for a few days, there will basically be no major problems.

When Aiden said he wanted to take a vacation, Frenda must have agreed with both hands. She was already an old prison guard at the Rose Iron Prison before Aiden was transferred here. After Aiden took office, how much did the treatment of the prison guards improve? It couldn’t be clearer. The leader's daily hard work is obvious to all, and Frenda has long thought that Aiden should take a good rest.

"Just the next few days, I will tell you about the handover of work when the date is set..." Aiden thought for a moment.

"You can safely leave this to us. If you are worried about the prisoner causing trouble, just give Veronica a little more authority." Frenda smiled.

"That's good." Aiden nodded with satisfaction, "I'll go back and check the schedule first."

"Have you ever thought of somewhere to go on vacation?" Flanda asked. "Would you like me to recommend you?"

"No, I've already decided on the destination." Aiden waved his hand.

A border city of the kingdom close to war-torn areas and surging undercurrents - this is the "resort" that Aiden likes.

Aiden walked out of the duty room and was about to leave. At this time, Hailuo, who was standing in the cell, suddenly spoke to his back: "Don't forget what you promised, my warden, we have done it once now." The camaraderie experienced.”

Her words were only heard by the prisoners in a few nearby cells, but they were enough to freeze the air in an instant.

"You really have a bad mouth." Aiden turned to look at her.

At this time, Feier, who was not far away, suddenly hit the iron railing with a "wow" sound and started crying and fussing: "I can't accept this! Come on, please open the door for me! I want to hide under the quilt and cry!!" "

Looking at this scene, Aiden couldn't help but wonder: If he left for a few days, wouldn't something happen here?

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