The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 470 Farewell at the Station

In the middle of the night two days later, Aiden arrived at the train station with his luggage, ready to go on vacation.

The special car arranged by the Gistas Royal Secret Police only runs in the middle of the night, and it seems to have chartered a section of a certain freight train. The route of this train actually happened to run through the eastern part of the empire, the autonomous prefecture and the southern part of Gistas. Aiden guessed that the reason why the Royal Secret Police was able to use this train to skip the customs inspection and deliver him directly to Gistas was because This train itself is part of the Gistas' espionage network against the Empire, and is used to smuggle people and secretly transport supplies.

Before setting off, Aiden checked all the preparations.

The handover of work in the prison is almost completed; the intelligence preparation in Luohui City is not satisfactory, but it is considered to be the best it can be; there are also many necessary items, and finally...

Aiden glanced beside him.

"I'm a little sleepy. Let's get in the car and have a good sleep." Ms. Phoenix, the goddess of revenge standing next to her, yawned greatly.

"You can put your consciousness to sleep now." Aiden reminded.

"I want you to take a nap. That kind of sleep just makes time pass quickly." The goddess of revenge glanced at him disdainfully. "Sleepiness is a physical feeling. I feel sleepy because you are tired. We now share a You have a physical body, and the control of your body is yours. If you don’t rest, the fatigue we feel will not recover.”

"So you were unconscious when I was asleep?" Aiden asked.

"Indeed, the meaning of sharing a body is that our consciousness is connected to this body. If we lose consciousness due to physical reasons, we will all lose consciousness." The goddess of revenge replied.

"Then if only my mind is affected, hypnotized or suppressed, or directly eliminated, but my body is not affected in any way, you can occupy the magpie's nest, right?" Aiden noticed something alertly. .

"That's the theory." Nemesis said nonchalantly.

It seems that letting the goddess of revenge possess you, even if you don't give up the control of your body, is not completely risk-free. The good news is that at least this guy is honest when sleeping.

Ignoring the vision of the goddess of revenge, Aiden picked up his luggage and continued forward, entering the station.

Aiden did not bring any teammates or prisoners in the prison with him on this trip. He only allowed a trace of the remnant soul of the goddess of revenge to possess him, so that he could sense the movements of Mr. Bloody Clothes with the help of her call of revenge.

The goddess of revenge has said that she can use her incomplete powers to assist Aiden, but considering the evil nature of this goddess and the possibility of her taking advantage of the "Wordless Code", Aiden feels that it is best not to do anything to her. The opportunity is more suitable.

Generally speaking, there are quite a few benefits to taking her with you. If there is any problem, it is that your privacy is gone.

Even if he left the prison temporarily, Aiden still did his job as a watcher, using his own body as a cage to imprison the goddess of revenge in his body.

The night wind blew through the semi-open-air train platform. Under the night, the platform illuminated by gas lamps was empty, like an isolated island in the night. The staff on duty huddled on the chairs on the platform waiting for trains and dozed off. Everything is still, only the fallen leaves and paper bags blown by the wind make people feel the flow of time.

The weather had turned completely cold. Aiden wrapped his coat a little tighter and looked around on the platform.

The car hadn't arrived yet at this time, so he deliberately adjusted his time earlier because he still had some things to do.

He quickly found the person he was looking for.

Veronica was sitting on a chair waiting quietly, with a heavy sealed box at her feet.

Aiden strode over. Veronica turned her face when she heard the footsteps and immediately stood up reflexively. She was about to raise her hand to salute when Aiden stopped her with his eyes.

Only then did Veronica react and smiled sheepishly.

"Thank you for your hard work." Aiden smiled and nodded.

"That's what I should do," Veronica replied with a smile.

During this trip, Aiden entrusted Veronica with many tasks, including maintaining discipline in the prison and managing and monitoring special prisoners. Then, he also entrusted Veronica with disguising the amalgam golem as cargo and hiring people that day. Transport to the station for delivery.

Aiden originally thought that when he informed Veronica of the itinerary, Veronica would definitely offer to follow him. But to Aiden's surprise, Veronica accepted his arrangement without any objection. According to Aiden’s original words,

"You may have to work hard these days. If the situation is difficult to control, just use the method I taught you to keep the bottom of the box." Aiden said.

"Understood." Veronica replied loudly, ready to salute.

"Repay your respects?" Aiden raised his eyebrows.

"Accidentally..." Veronica lowered her head in embarrassment.

"How's the practice going?" Aiden asked suddenly.

Veronica was stunned for a moment, and then understood what Aiden meant: "I've almost mastered it."

"Then I'll be relieved." Aiden smiled.

In order to ensure the order of the prison, after careful consideration, Aiden decided to transfer a little divinity to Veronica and teach her the "stand-in" divine word of "existence" authority.

The so-called last resort is to let Veronica pretend to be him at the right time and use his prestige to suppress the situation. Of course, considering that Daly and the others have long been accustomed to following Veronica's command to assist the prison guards, this last resort is probably unlikely to be used.

Aiden also secretly left her the contact information - the contact channel of the secret police contact. Once there is any problem in the prison that needs to be consulted, Veronica will find the contact person to pass the message, and then the contact person will use the telegram to let the secret police stationed in Luohui City notify Aiden.

This should be foolproof...

Thinking of this, Aiden suddenly laughed silently.

"What's wrong with you, sir?" Veronica blinked.

"I just think that you are the most trustworthy and trustworthy person here, but if you calculate carefully, you have been working here for less than a year." Aiden sighed.

"...Really?" Veronica lowered her head.

Is this even shy? Aiden smiled helplessly in his heart.

The light of the gas lamp was a little dim, and Aiden couldn't see if her face was flushed.

The whistle of the train broke through the silence of the night, and the light of the kerosene gas lamp was lit in the direction of the railway track.

"The train is coming." Aiden looked at the clock. This special train arrived very punctually. "You should go back too."

"Hmm..." Veronica responded in a low voice, but did not move.

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