The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 473 Let the beggar pay

"World Police... Gistas?" Nemesis and Aiden chatted while walking.

"Yes, that's right."

"I remember you said before that the war in the south was caused by the Gistas? They also hired my followers."

"Yes, they were the ones who committed murder and arson, and they were also the ones who presided over the trial." Aiden smiled sarcastically, "After the war started, Gistas presided over the mediation and intervened in the negotiations between the two parties. To put it another way... "

"You can interfere in the internal affairs of two countries at the same time." The goddess of revenge also smiled, "It is indeed interesting to cry out to catch thieves, but it seems that the people here have no awareness of what their country is doing."

"Order is maintained by binding force. If a country does not have rules that can restrain it, the world will become a jungle where the jungle of the jungle is strong. Of course, the jungle of the jungle is not everything. Decency is also one of the elements of civilization. It rises to the level of the country. No matter how shameless a country is, it will try to whitewash itself. This kind of whitewashing is often not external, but internal. Of course, this kind of internal whitewashing does not mean to deceive its own people..."

"It's just conveying part of the truth. You don't need to explain it." The goddess of revenge replied.

If one country only reports negative news about another country, it is enough to portray the other country as the source of heinous evil. You can only report positive news about yourself, and you can also package yourself as a messenger of justice in front of the people - this is a necessary process for almost any country's official media.

The exit of the train station was in front of him, and Aiden stopped here and turned his head.

Behind him, "Veronica" walked over.

Aiden casually handed over the luggage in his hand to the other party, and "Veronica" took it without saying a word and followed Aiden quietly.

After leaving the train, Aiden asked the people on the train to move the sealed box containing the amalgam golem to the warehouse where the luggage was temporarily stored, and throw it into a corner.

Then, he found an opportunity to release the amalgam golem from the sealed box, and replaced it with Veronica's appearance using the divine words of the "substitute".

Under Vera's design, the amalgam golem has a certain degree of perception and the ability to complete some commands and basic programs.

On the way out of the station, Aiden asked the amalgam golem to keep a certain distance from him, pretending to be a stranger and keeping an eye on his back.

The amalgam golem will issue a "warning" whenever someone approaches him quickly from behind.

It was said to be a "warning", but in fact, to others, it was just a slight cough from a young woman, which could be quickly drowned out in the noise of the train station.

But as the "substitute" releaser of the Word of God, Aiden himself can choose to perceive the reality before he was replaced.

The coughing sound of the amalgam golem was like a crisp metallic sound in his ears, obvious and abrupt.

The refugee pickpocket probably couldn't imagine that the fat sheep he was targeting would suddenly turn around and scare him as if it had eyes on its back.

Outside the train station was a huge square. As soon as he came out, a dirty and sore-covered hand stretched out in front of Aiden.

"Okay, sir! I haven't eaten in three days!" The beggar who begged him had an old face and disheveled hair, but his voice was not weak, and he didn't sound like someone who hadn't eaten in three days.

Aiden looked at him, then turned his head and looked around, and soon found that there were no fewer than five beggars nearby who were also in ragged clothes and could move around. It was hard to tell how many people there were further away.

There are pickpockets everywhere inside the station and beggars everywhere outside the station. To some extent, the train station is also a microcosm of Luohui City, which has been hit by the refugee wave.

It was really difficult for him to express this kindness, so he walked around the other person and left: "I'm sorry."

"Oh, please, sir, you are dressed so decently! You can't be so hard-hearted!" The old beggar insisted on begging from him, and followed Aiden without any regard for dignity, keeping his hand in front of Aiden. .

This is their usual entanglement tactic, and the more well-dressed the person, the more likely it is to use this tactic. Of course, most people would not be happy for them to come over and rub the dust on themselves, nor would they like to be entangled like this all the way. Some people would reluctantly pay for them and send them away. They wouldn't mind if the other party got angry and yelled. Since they had come out to beg, their dignity would have been trampled into the mud.

Aiden actually didn't mind spending money to send away one or two beggars. Although they were not as miserable as he described, they were indeed poor people.

But considering that giving away money might attract other beggars, Aiden chose to ignore it, but the man who got entangled this time seemed to be very perseverant.

At this time, the goddess of revenge who was following Aiden glanced at the beggar and said, "It's a bit of an eyesore."

The beggar was suddenly startled, and then retracted his hand with a strange expression.

Just when Aiden thought he had given up completely, the beggar stretched out his hand again. The difference was that this time he had a few more coins in his hand.

"Here's the money for you, sir! You must know how to make good use of it better than me." A kind smile appeared on the beggar's face.

Aiden glanced at him in surprise, then reacted and walked around the beggar: "No need."

The next moment the beggar returned to normal and stood there in confusion: What the hell was I going to do just now?

Aiden continued to walk forward, and another beggar came up to him and prepared to beg from him. However, the moment he opened his mouth, the beggar's eyes changed, and his action changed from spreading his hands to asking for money to forcing money in: "Sir, please take it! I don't need these meaningless things, let me stay away from these things!"

"Don't ask me for money!" Aiden was prepared to bypass him.

The second beggar woke up and also fell into self-doubt on the spot.

Another beggar came up and said: "Don't give me your money!"

"Get out of the way!" He immediately retorted.

Aiden quickly left the square in front of the station, and in his mind he spoke to the goddess of vengeance beside him: "Is it too crazy to control beggars to take money?"

The strange actions of these beggars just now were obviously the work of the goddess of vengeance. The power of "betrayal" turned their eagerness to ask for money from others into the idea of ​​giving money to others, and their desire for money turned into disgust.

"Really? I think I've done a good thing by making a greedy person who only knows how to take things become generous." The goddess of vengeance smiled.

"What's the real reason?"

"Our senses are connected, have you forgotten? Didn't you smell the sweat on that guy?" The goddess of vengeance replied, "I have no reason to tolerate such a thing."

"Okay." Aiden understood this.

"Where are we going next?" asked the goddess of vengeance.

"Find a place to stay." Aiden replied, "Away from danger, and closer to the place we want to investigate."

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