The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 476 A Sadistic Woman

Near the Luohui City military base, in the woods on the outskirts.

"Give me the medicine... Please, give it to me quickly!" The man wearing the uniform of an officer of the Kingdom of Gistas lay on the ground with tears streaming down his face, begging the woman in front of him.

The woman in front of him was nearly two meters tall. She was wearing a loose robe and a veil on her face. She looked mysterious and strange.

The woman opened her mouth and replied in a hoarse voice: "My medicine is very precious. The information you betrayed... is really difficult to deal with."

"That's all I know! I really have said everything!" The officer continued to beg on the ground, almost burying his face in the soil, "Medicine... please, if you don't give it to me, I will die!" "

"You can't die. You will only suffer from this emptiness and pain forever, hahahaha..." The woman laughed sinisterly, "Because you are already worthless."

"No! No, no, no! No!" After hearing this, the officer raised his face with eyes filled with bloodshot eyes, "I'm willing to do anything! Please!"

When he thought that he would endure this kind of torture forever and never taste that supreme happiness again, he felt a mountain of despair.

If that's really what happened, it would be better to kill yourself with a bullet...

"Are you really willing to do anything?" The tall woman squinted her eyes. Behind her veil, her slender eyes shone with yellow-green luster.

"Absolutely! I swear!!" the officer agreed without hesitation.

"Then...bring me the list of key people in your experiment." The woman stated the conditions she had prepared long ago.

"But I am not qualified to touch the restricted area." The officer was at a loss.

"Then find a qualified person and tell me! If you don't know something, let me spy on it. Do you want me to teach you? If you can't get any results, then shoot yourself in the head as soon as possible. Forget it. Useless people are not even qualified to be food!" the woman said in a decisive tone.

The remaining trace of reason made the officer hesitate for a moment. Do you really want to spy on the intelligence of the restricted area? That is the highest level secret. If he is discovered, he will not be dealt with by the gendarmerie or military court, but by a more secretive department. He may even directly become an experimental subject of the restricted area project - there will only be something more terrifying than death. Punishment awaits him.

"Don't you want to do it? That's fine, I don't care anyway." The woman's voice was cold.

"No, no, no, please! Please leave it to me!" The officer nodded hurriedly, for fear that the woman would change her mind.

"That's good."

"Then...Mirukino-sama, can you...give it to me..." the officer begged pitifully.

The woman snorted coldly from her nose, took out a medicine bottle with a dropper cap from her robe, skillfully opened the cap and pulled out the dropper.

"Well, only two drops," the woman said.

"Only-" the officer's eyes widened.

"You have no right to make demands! Now, open your mouth." The woman ordered.

The officer remained kneeling with his head raised and his mouth open, like a begging dog, with no dignity at all. He stared at the dropper with burning eyes. After the woman shook her hand a few times, he would try hard to adjust the position of his head, for fear that the medicine would go astray when it was dropped.

"Ha..." The woman looked down at him and chuckled.

As soon as her hand shook, the dripping potion deflected, crossed the side of the officer's face, and dripped to the ground.

"Ahhh!" The officer wailed as he watched the precious medicine seep into the soil, then buried his head and licked the soil with his tongue.

He scraped the dirt into his mouth and swallowed hard. The particles of soil irritated his throat, causing him to retch violently as a reflex.

He covered his mouth desperately, forcing himself not to spit out anything.

Seeing the miserable look of the other party, a sadistic smile appeared on the woman's face behind the veil: "Hahahahahaha, idiot, there is no need to swallow it. The medicine I made... the moment it touches the mucous membrane, it will It’s starting to work.”

As she said, the medicine took effect quickly.

The officer stopped retching, began to tremble all over, and moaned indecently from his throat.

After a while, his eyes rolled up and his consciousness began to dim.

"Humph." The woman lost interest and turned to leave.

"Your personal taste is still as bad as ever, Lamia." Next to the woman, Kikimora appeared with a cigarette in his mouth. "You just torture the target, but you still use the name of your apprentice?"

"They used my name to cheat, why can't I let them take the blame once? When did you arrive?" Lamia glanced at her sideways.

"When you order him to do something," Chichimora answered.

"It's really troublesome to move around where there are people. I haven't turned into a human form for a long time. I almost forgot how to walk with my legs. The clothes on my body also make me feel uncomfortable." Lamia complained.

"After this drug was successful, it actually became addictive to the point where a trained soldier turned into a completely domesticated animal."

"After all, I mixed the potion with my own hands. How can it be compared with the inferior products made with herbs sold by gangsters?" Lamia replied lightly, "Just a small sip is enough to produce a pleasure that will directly break the spirit. Use it. After taking the drug, you will no longer feel the joy brought by other things, only overwhelming emptiness and pain, unless you continue to take the drug... But withdrawal is still very simple, as long as a bullet or a dagger is enough ”

"So that person is already dead?" Kikimora asked.

"Almost, but before he dies, we will eat up all his value." Lamia said.

"It's still not efficient enough. That man can control people's minds in an instant - and finally achieve complete domination, which is more terrible than your potion." Qiqimora said with lingering fear.

"Well, this is the first time I have encountered someone who cannot be brainwashed with this potion." Lamia agreed.

The two of them infiltrated the military base by kidnapping with Qiqimora and brainwashing and controlling with Lamia's dependent potion.

They have successfully brainwashed an officer in the institute with this method, but before that, they actually failed once.

The core experimental field of this experimental project, the staff inside almost never leave the restricted area restricted by the authority of "balance". All they can do is to find out the people who deliver materials in and out of the core area and find out the situation inside.

In the process, they found that there was an officer with a terrible determination and could not be brainwashed with potions at all. When his consciousness became blurred due to the effects of the potion, that person still tried to maintain himself, and kept repeating a honorific name - "Mr. Bloody Clothes".

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