The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 480: Fighting is part of human nature

In the evening of that day, Jinhu District Square.

"...I have to admit that there have been more and more news about refugee crimes in newspapers recently, but everyone has to make some comparisons! Just last week, some refugees had an quarrel with the person who gave the alms because they felt that the alms were not enough, and they gathered together ungratefully. A group of people surrounded each other to extort money. Also last week, a refugee religious group caused trouble at a gathering of a local legal religious group. There was also the drunken murder case of refugees the day before yesterday, and then there was the robbery incident in a department store yesterday. The police were clearly on the scene. Dillon refugees were not the only people arrested, but every newspaper had the word refugee in the headline!”

The young man stood on the steps of the square, stepping on a wooden stool to give a speech. Behind him, several people were holding a propaganda banner signed "Mutual Aid Association" in the square, including two Dillon people.

"Think about what has happened in the past two weeks. Newspapers are full of news about refugees committing crimes, as if they are a group of bloodthirsty demons. But please think carefully about how many months it has been since the refugees came. Such a terrifying group of demons are... In our city, we have been unaware of it until the media suddenly discovered the 'truth' in the past half month. Isn't it strange? And what a coincidence, just last week, our mayor announced the establishment of a new city in the suburbs. The decision to centralize the asylum is to arrest all refugees regardless of guilt or innocence, and then lock them up like livestock. If you think about it for a moment, you can understand the reason. Of course, a decision will need the support of public opinion..."

Aiden stood in the outermost circle of the crowd and listened to this speech. Beside him, the goddess of revenge was holding her hands and yawning: "What's so good about this boring charity speech? I'm hungry, and you must be hungry too." , go and eat quickly.”

"You don't like this?" Aiden asked.

"I dislike all charity," replied the Furies.

"Why? Do you think it's hypocritical and meaningless?" Aiden asked.

"There is no reason, I just don't like it. I have no memory of my mortal days, so authority has a deeper impact on me." The Fury replied nonchalantly, "I like fire, I like struggle, I like hate speech, people's madness and aggression will It makes me happy, that ideal of wanting to fill the world with love just gives me goosebumps.”

"It sounds like the power of 'hatred' is really a cancer of human civilization." Aiden replied.

The Resurrection Society formed by Mr. Bloody Clothes is also constantly inciting antagonism between the refugees and the Gistas Kingdom's military. It seems that there is some influence of "hate" authority in it.

"Idiot, everyone knows that struggle will bring losses, but has human civilization ever lacked war? Civilized activities are the concentrated expression of human desires. The mutual struggle of human beings throughout human history shows that human beings need all this. Struggle is human nature A link, even if it is irrational hatred, is an integral part of the spirit," the goddess of revenge said in an educational tone.

"That's right." Aiden rarely agreed with the other party's statement.

He glanced around. The audience around him was basically residents who came for a walk. There were many people attracted by the speech, but not many people actually supported the mutual aid association. Some people frowned, their eyes overflowing with uncontrollable disgust. Of course, more people came over with the intention of watching the fun.

With the sharp increase in refugees, conflicts between the southern border areas of Gistas and the refugee groups have been intensifying. After all, people are still driven by profit. Among local residents, there are far more people who support driving refugees out of their own cities than people like mutual aid associations who use slogans to promote equality and fraternity and treat refugees well.

"Fuck you, don't come here! Is everything in the newspaper all fake news?" a middle-aged woman shouted in the crowd, "Just last week, my wallet was stolen by refugees at the station, and Dillon was What’s wrong with driving out the hungry ghosts? This is our city!”

As soon as she shouted this, people started to applaud. It was obvious that many of the people who came to listen to the speech were ready to tear down the stage of the mutual aid association.

"Oh? It seems to be interesting." The goddess of revenge, who had been saying she wanted to leave, suddenly became interested.

The young man giving the speech waved his hand: "Of course refugees cannot be all good people, but are they really as evil as the media says? Please think about it calmly and don't be taken advantage of easily!"

"Who cares whether we use it or not? I only know that we are just ordinary citizens who earn some money to support our own family. We have no spare money to support the hungry ghosts in the south! Whose money is not earned through hard work? You people go around collecting donations for refugees every day, you How many refugees have you seen working seriously?" the middle-aged woman yelled.

"That's to the point...Refugees have no status here and can't find serious jobs at all." The speaker found an argument. "We have been advocating to provide jobs for refugees, but the local government has been doing nothing in this regard. Change Think about it, they are displaced, living in poverty, and have no place to earn a living. They are a group of people who are on the verge of death. Discriminating against them at this time will only ignite more hatred!”

"You still want to give refugees jobs? How many people here do you want to be laid off?" It was an old man who protested this time. "You only know how to help foreigners, but why weren't you so active when there were homeless people in the local area? You only focused on the refugee issue to protest. You come here to protest and ask for money from others. In the end, you gain fame and we all become cold-blooded animals!”

Other fragmentary critical voices also sounded one after another, which made the speaker even more embarrassed: "Everyone, calm down first! Calm down, okay..."

"Haha, that's right. Let's quarrel, and even better, fight!" The goddess of vengeance clapped her hands in a look of watching the fun.

Aiden glanced at the illusion beside him: "You didn't do anything, did you?"

"Do I need to incite this kind of thing? These people's dissatisfaction has long been written on their faces." The goddess of vengeance shrugged.

"That's right." Aiden looked ahead. The young man who was giving the speech had already coped with it. Once the critical voice was ignited, it was out of control. His voice had been drowned out.

It was inevitable that the mutual aid society would be excluded. They only advocated fraternity and equality, but their opinions were not realistic and feasible, and they could not provide a solution to the refugee problem - of course, it was impossible to give it. When a large number of refugees poured into the country, the contradiction was irreconcilable.

In the final analysis, the source of solving the refugee problem should be to prevent the generation of refugees, but few people here point the finger at the country that manipulates all this behind the scenes.

Aiden turned around and prepared to leave the scene.

"Hey, wait a minute, I haven't seen enough!" the goddess of vengeance shouted.

"Let's go eat first. We'll go to the south side of the park later." Aiden said without looking back. "This kind of excitement happens every day here."

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