The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 49 The killer's survival rules

Killing a person is a very simple matter.

Slit the neck with a sharp blade, pierce the heart with a bullet, strangle the throat with a rope, break the cervical spine with both hands, pierce the eyes with a spike...or just use a drop of your own blood.

Countless killing skills have already been deeply engraved in his bones.

Just like a lumberjack cutting down a tree, like a fisherman catching a net of fish, taking human life is the job of a killer.

From the moment I can remember, there was only one path in front of me.

"Fanny, this is today's goal."

"Okay, Mom."

"Good boy."

Just listen to your mother's words. This used to be the only rule that allowed you to survive in this world.

"Don't kill me! I can give you money! No matter how much your employer gives you, I will pay double——"

Target, kill.

All the people who were in the way were also killed, her mother told her again.

"The killer has appeared! Protect the target!"

Kill the bodyguard protecting the target.

"Please, don't kill my son...I beg you!"

Kill the target's family members who stand in the way of the target.

"It's the 'Filthy Blood Death'! Kill him and share the bounty together!"

Kill the bounty hunter who is attracted by the bounty and comes after him.

"The Bloody God of Death, you have been surrounded! Surrender immediately!"

Chase down the police and investigators and kill them.

The only thing that needs to be done is to kill people, and just repeat the survival method of washing away the blood stains with new blood, until he is ambushed and caught, and then he is imprisoned.

After being thrown into prison, she was at a loss what to do - there was no order from her "mother" anymore, and she didn't know what to do.

"Nice to meet you, Prisoner 3201. I didn't expect that the legendary 'Blood Death' would be such a young child. I am Aiden, the warden here, Prisoner 3201. I want to ask you, are you willing to do something for me? "Across the iron table, the man said to himself who was handcuffed and shackled.

"Is this an order?" She answered subconsciously.

Listen to my mother, this is her own way of survival.

Only now, "mother" is missing.

The man in front of her seemed to be planning to give her orders on behalf of her "mother" - this was her first thought.

However, the man said something incredible: "It's not an order, I'm asking for your opinion. This is just a suggestion, you can refuse."

"Then I should refuse?" She didn't understand the meaning of this "order".

"That's not what I mean..." The other party looked helpless, "I mean, you can make your own choice."

After thinking for a long time, she asked: "Is it like the way you decide to kill yourself?"

"Uh...well, that's right." Aiden sighed, "I personally suggest that you help me. After all, you may have to stay in this prison for a long time. If you want to survive here, you have to Learn the rules of prison."

"Are the rules here different from those outside?"

"no the same."

"Okay, then I can." He agreed without much thought, "Who do you want me to kill? I can only kill people."

"The first rule I want to teach you now is that you are not allowed to kill people here." Aiden suddenly became serious.

"Can't kill?"

"Yes, you can't. If you don't kill people or break the rules, you can live a stable life here."

"Okay, I'll obey."

Just like that, the rules of survival changed, from listening to her mother to obeying the rules Aiden taught her.

Aiden did not lie to himself, obeyed the new rules, and indeed lived a stable life.

There is no need to kill anymore, and there will be no more hunting.

Until, "Mother" appeared in front of me again.

"Prisoner 3201!!"

A sudden shout brought Aifansha back to her senses from her thoughts.

What appeared in front of her was the prison guard who was usually responsible for giving her lessons.

"Why are you distracted again? Class is over, what are you doing standing there?" The prison guard stood by the door with a serious face, raised his hand and knocked on the door, "Come out quickly, we have to go back!"

Outside the corridor, underage criminals like her were already lined up, and the twins were also prominently among them.

"I know." Aifansha stood up and walked outside.

Ever since her "mother" appeared, she had always felt that her mind was in a mess, like an incomprehensible mess.

This is a feeling she has never experienced before. All along, she has only needed to simply obey. Whether it is the order given by her "mother" or the rules taught to her by Aiden, that is her Avansha's survival. law.

Leave this prison, this is the order of "Mother".

But the new rule Aiden taught her is that she must not leave here.

With obedience as her law of survival, she fell into a logical contradiction.

If you leave prison, you will have to go back to your old life and continue to kill people under the orders of your "mother".

Staying here means continuing what Aiden calls a "stable life" without killing anyone, and no one will come to kill her.

Could it be that this is her own choice?

Her own opinion...what is it?

"I'm not giving orders, I'm asking for your opinion." It seemed that Aiden often told her this.

Just like how she decided to kill the target herself - that was something she could only decide in the past.


The whisper from the front turned Afsan's attention back.

The one who spoke to her was the elder sister of the twin killers who were trained by the "mother" just like her.

Afsan looked at the twins in front of her. She remembered that Aiden had told her to pay attention to the movements of the twins.

From her observation, the twins have not done anything out of the ordinary yet. They attend classes like her and live according to the rules of the prison.

The only thing worth noting is that the two of them had a fever the day before yesterday and stayed in the infirmary for a whole day, and then came back this morning to attend classes as usual.

"What's wrong?" She responded indifferently. She didn't have any extra feelings for the twins in front of her who were from the same school as her.

As the most perfect work of Miru Jinu, she has never had any contact or communication with other brothers and sisters.

Killing is always done alone, and helpers who are far inferior to her will only hinder her.

Training and competing together were even more impossible, as no siblings could touch the soles of her feet.

"This is my mother's order." At this time, the younger sister of the twins also turned around.

"Order?" Evansa was slightly stunned.

Did "Mother" ask them to pass on a message to her?

However, the next moment, the demon claws of the twins, which were bound by bandages and shackles, waved in front of her, with the claws pointing directly at her eyes.

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