The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 484 The same move

Aiden didn't want to cause trouble for himself by killing people in a place like this. His marksmanship was not good enough to guarantee that he would not hit the vital point in this situation. He could shoot without any scruples precisely because he was sure of the cure. Good opponent - at least he won't accidentally blow the opponent's head while shooting the leg.

"Ah! Ahhhh!!" Tubbs was still wailing, and it wasn't until a few seconds passed that he found that the pain in his leg had disappeared, "Huh?"

He touched the place where he was hit. Not to mention the blood and wounds, even the holes in his pants were gone.

It was a good thing that the fatal injury was gone, but he was trembling. He looked at the gun-toting "woman" who broke into his tent with trepidation. This strange healing technique was obviously her work.

"There's no doubt, I'm a witch." Aiden read the other person's fear and simply went along with the scare. "You'd better not do anything unnecessary. I don't like to use a gun repeatedly. Make holes in other people’s bodies.”

The beggar just now shivered and shrank into a corner, not daring to move. Now he just wanted to bury himself with the debris piled up in the tent.

Ordinary people may not encounter a wizard in their lifetime. Most folk rumors say that witches have magical evil powers and can torture people to the point of death. He has also heard of witches who can turn people into monsters.

And he unexpectedly got into trouble with a witch without even knowing what kind of curse he had been cast on.

Tubbs swallowed: "I really don't know what you are talking about..."

"Then why did your first reaction after hearing the question I asked was to take the opportunity to run away? Or was it when you were pointed at by a gun?" Aiden said coldly, "What makes you feel that after answering this question truthfully? , will he end up with a worse fate than being shot from behind?"

Tubbs was speechless.

Aiden felt that he was lucky. This rag collector obviously knew what kind of information was more important than his life. When he heard the question, his first reaction was to risk his life and run away. A person's first reaction is often the most true. .

"Perhaps I should use some other means to force you to tell the truth. You will never be able to resist. The outcome is the same anyway. You'd better save some time." Aiden observed Tubbs's reaction and added, " Or are you interested in the ways witches torture people?"

As a former heretic inquisitor, he knew very well what kind of terrifying image witches and their like had among the people.

If you just want to force a confession, you can use the "Wordless Code" to solve the problem instantly. However, the rules that can be written in the "Wordless Code" are limited. This city is not your home field. Aiden does not intend to use this code easily unless it is absolutely necessary. trump card.

"Inflicting fear should not be too reserved at the beginning. Since your power can heal injuries, you should let him suffer first, then tell him that this is just an appetizer, and then start the interrogation." The goddess of revenge offered advice beside him. .

"Don't point fingers at me, I'm not a sadist." Aiden responded consciously without even looking at her.

"But I am, I like to hear the sound of pain, let's do it, anyway, there will be no loss." The goddess of revenge said.

"I have no obligation to please you. Just be quiet and don't bother me. I make the decision here."

"Humph, boring mortal." After saying this, the goddess of revenge disappeared.

"I...I..." Tubbs's expression was distorted, and he struggled in his heart for a long time. Finally, he lay on the ground and said in a confessional tone, "I was wrong! I shouldn't have sold those young people. of!!"

"What are you talking about? Answer the question from the beginning. What did that person ask you here?" Aiden frowned slightly, "My patience is limited, so it's best not to talk nonsense."

"He came to me and entrusted me to help him search for boys over fifteen and under twenty in several camps, and asked me to check their residences..." Tubbs shivered, "Because my territory and that of my companions, Contacted the most settlements..."

"A boy under twenty years old?" Aiden frowned slightly, "Among the refugees?"


This sounds a bit perverted...

But just thinking about it for a moment, Aiden realized the key point - the specified age happened to be the age group of Professor Dodge's son.

A body for his son to possess? But the possessing demon has no requirement for the age of the host. In this case, is it a bit too demanding to pursue a body of similar age?

And from Tubbers' first reaction, it seemed that things were definitely not that simple.

"Huh, is this just what makes you so scared?" Aiden stared at Tubbs condescendingly.

After a long silence, Tubbs spoke carefully: "Those dozen young people disappeared one by one in just one month..."

"Killed! They were all killed! Died in that basement!" The beggar huddled in the corner said with a trembling voice, "That's a pervert who likes to kill!"

"A dozen?" Aiden frowned, his focus was on this number.

Something is wrong. If these young refugees were tied up and used as spare bodies, then there would be no need for so many people. As long as they are exchanged regularly, two or three vegetative bodies with their minds wiped out would be enough. Unless they are used Just throw it away...but does that make sense?

As a wanted criminal, Professor Dodge would do something that could easily lead to investigation?

Moreover, according to previous speculation, if this "Mr. Cage, a retired professor with a dog" is Professor Dodge, then the object possessed by his son most of the time should be that dog.

The sudden contradiction made Aiden suspicious. Did he look in the wrong direction?

But this Mr. Cage is indeed full of doubts.

"Those people are missing, do you have any clues?" Aiden tried to ask the refugee who collected rags in front of him, "How much do you know, explain it all!"

"I don't know how they disappeared, I really don't know! They are just like other missing people, disappearing inexplicably without a trace! The Resurrection Society said everywhere that this was a good thing done by the local government, and that person might also be related to this matter!" Tabers trembled, "One day I found a letter in the tent. There was a little money, a bullet and a human finger in the letter. The content of the letter asked me to continue doing this and warned me not to tell anyone, otherwise I would be worse than death."

Aiden fell into deep thought. Was this threat also the work of Professor Dodge?

The disappearance of more than a dozen refugees who were about the same age as Professor Dodge's son, judging by the number of people, was just like the kidnapping of a large number of people by the Kingdom's military who were carrying out the "Infection" project.

Imitating the local military to do such a thing, wouldn't it attract the attention of the military and alert them?

Unless... the military already knew all this.

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