The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 488 The Unlucky Duo

An hour ago, on the outskirts of the city, near the base, Lamia was sitting under a tree waiting.

"Do you really want to force a breakthrough?" Behind the tree, Chichimora's voice came.

"Drugs can't be spread in large quantities in the military camp. The cult has been speeding up its progress. Until now, we don't know how many people in the base have become fanatics. We have narrowed the scope of the core experimental field. It's not good for us to drag it on. We should take a gamble here." Lamia said, "Just rely on your ability, break in while they are changing the experimental materials, and steal the things."

"That little time is only enough for me to steal the props for making demons. I am not interested in the authority of 'chaos'. This proposal is completely a trap for me." Chichimora said.

"I will buy you as much time as possible. Judging from the current situation, the power of the 'balance' authority they used in their experiments is mostly based on props." Lamia said, "You steal it together. Didn't the jailer say that Dodger was eyeing that treasure? With it, are you still worried that the Hand of Annihilation will run away?"

"The situation in the innermost part is still unclear. You want me to sneak in alone to steal two artifacts? This is a bit difficult for me." Qiqimora complained.

"If you want to increase the success rate, you can ask the jailer to join the group to help, provided that he is willing!" Lamia spread her hands, "Didn't you hear what Abigail told us? He has come to Gistas, but he has no intention of contacting us! Just like what I said, he has his own plan, and this plan may not require us."

Qiqimora fell silent.

As the creator of the Great Witch Certificate, Abigail can sense the approximate range of the other six certificates. When they contacted Abigail today, Abigail revealed to them that Aiden Garrod had moved to the southern part of the continent.

This means that Lamia's previous speculation has been confirmed. The warden started to act after getting enough intelligence, but he has no intention of further cooperating with them for the time being.

The two of them are now in a dilemma. If they go forward, they will take a great risk to attack the base directly. If they retreat, they may fall behind the Resurrection Society led by Mr. Bloody Clothes if they continue to lay the groundwork for intelligence. Moreover, they still don't know where Professor Dodge hiding in the dark is and what he is planning.

If Aiden Garrod were to participate in the attack on the military base of Luohui City, the success rate would undoubtedly be greatly increased. However, Aiden's main purpose was not on this matter. The "infection" plan of the Kingdom of Gistas was quite low on his list of things to deal with. He had already shown his attitude when he came to Gistas but did not take the initiative to contact them. At this time, asking him for assistance would probably not have any results, which would only increase the embarrassment.

"Your 'informer' came a little late this time." Qiqimora temporarily changed the subject, "It's been two quarters of an hour."

"Maybe he was caught while helping us get intelligence. This guy might give us out." Lamia licked her lips with her tongue. After turning into a human form, the body habit of spitting out tongues in the form of a monster could not be changed for a while.

"The method of brainwashing with drugs is still not reliable enough. If you spread drugs in the army like this, you will be exposed sooner or later." Qiqimora said.

The risk of being discovered by the base is very high for them to control internal personnel by spreading drugs and turn them into their spies. They can't compare with Mr. Bloody Clothes in this respect. The believers created by that guy are basically absolutely loyal.

"That's why I advise you to act as soon as possible." Lamia said in a hoarse voice.

A few minutes later, Lamia sniffed, pricked up her ears and listened, and suddenly said in a calm voice: "Someone is coming, the number of people... at least ten, very light footsteps, professional."

"Bad luck always comes very quickly." Qiqimora sighed.

It seems that they are a team of soldiers. It seems that their informants have been found out by the army. Now they are coming.

Although it is only a matter of time, it is not a good thing for their infiltration to be discovered by the base. They can no longer use this method to spy on internal intelligence.

"Why not do a big deal before the action? This time, just catch a few people and interrogate them directly with pain drugs." Lamia's body began to swell faintly as she spoke. She has entered a state of war.

"Let me help." Kikimora started to cast a spell.

Thick fog emerged in the woods, covering the area. Only Kikimora and Lamia could see the outline of objects in the fog. Others could not see anything clearly. Even if they could see something, it was an illusion created by Kikimora.

Lamia was actually enough to deal with a team of soldiers. The strong body transformed into a monster could hardly be fatally injured by bullets, and the exorcism bullets could not reverse the transformed flesh. Kikimora just wanted to improve the efficiency a little.

Several figures appeared in the fog. At this time, Lamia had completed the monster transformation and crawled on the ground, with her snake tail swinging rapidly.

She rushed to the front of the first row of people and swept the tail, knocking the two people out.

The sound of broken bones and screams sounded almost at the same time. The two people who were hit flew out like two sacks thrown out by dock porters, hit the tree heavily and fell down, and never got up and moved again.

The others who entered the fog saw a giant over three meters tall. They raised their guns and fired in fear, but the bullets only passed through the shadow in the fog. The next moment, the woman's arms quietly stretched out from the fog and grabbed one of the soldiers by the neck. With just a slight twist, the soldier with a broken neck fell down with his head hanging down. Not far away, another soldier was entangled by the snake's tail and could not make a sound until there was a burst of sound - all the ribs were broken and pierced into the lungs, and blood foam gushed out of his mouth and nose.

"Remember to keep two alive for interrogation." Qiqimora reminded under the tree.

"No need for you to remind me." Lamia said as she pounced on the next person and threw the snake's tail again.

But this time, she felt that she hit a pillar - the man stood still. Not only that, Lamia suddenly felt like she was hit hard by a galloping buffalo and was knocked to the ground.

At the same time, another soldier in the distance screamed without warning and fell down.

What happened? Lamia immediately propped herself up, only to feel the pain in her body.

"Looking at your strange appearance, could it be that the famous potion queen Lamia?" The man laughed chillingly, "I never thought that the person who secretly hindered me was actually the witch of the witch gathering. Nice to meet you."

He took a step closer to Lamia, and the mask on his face vaguely emerged in the mist.

At this moment, Lamia and Qiqimora both changed their expressions - they had all heard this person's voice.

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