The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 491 Horror Movie

More than an hour later, Aiden rushed to the lake and tied the horse to the tree.

It was basically impossible to find public transportation to take him to the outskirts of the city in the middle of the night. He could only find the contact person of the local secret police and ask him to dispatch a fast horse. Fortunately, Heinz still gave him enough support. The secret police in this city would try their best to assist him, and the other party only recognized the certificate specially made for him by Heinz, not the appearance.

"My dear Ms. Phoenix, our enemies should not be nearby." Aiden opened his mouth to confirm it first.

This is the most important thing. He must not easily step into the range where Mr. Blood Clothes can sense him.

"West, not close, but not too far." The goddess of vengeance replied, "It's barely a safe distance."

"West..." Aiden recalled the map and the information that Qiqimora told him in the past.

It seems that Mr. Blood Clothes is still active in the Luohui City base at this time. It seems that he has indeed lost interest in Lamia and the others. This approach is reasonable. Lamia, who has become crazy due to the influence of the two powers of "chaos" and "hatred", cannot be easily manipulated, and it is impossible to restore to normal without the intervention of the power of the higher authority that can directly affect her spirit. As long as she is left to fend for herself, the witch gathering will sooner or later become the target of the Kingdom of Gistas.

He hesitated for a moment, and finally did not light the lantern immediately, but used the black magic of night vision instead.

If Lamia is still running around nearby, the light of the lamp will increase the risk of him being attacked. It is better not to lure Lamia out before making preparations.

"Kikimora, are you still alive?" Aiden injected magic power into the credentials of the great witch and started to contact.

After a delay of several seconds, he heard Kikimora's voice: "I'm still alive."

"Very good, how is Lamia now?" Aiden asked again.

"Uh, this..." Kikimora hesitated a little.

"What happened?" Aiden had a bad premonition.

"I... accidentally lost Lamia." Kikimora replied in a low voice.

After a few seconds of silence, Aiden sighed: "Qiqimora..."

It was dark in the wilderness at night, and the search would become extremely difficult. If we lose Lamia at this critical moment... If we find Lamia and she has already massacred a village, things will become very difficult.

"I don't want to shirk responsibility, but how can I catch up with Lamia's speed with my strength?" Qiqimora's voice sounded a little aggrieved, "For more than two hours, I have been relying on provoking Lamia to barely keep her. The power of "overhead" has been used to the limit. I can only hide first..."

"Okay, thank you for your hard work." Aiden stopped the meaningless blame-shifting in time. The most important thing now is to find Lamia, "Then can you move now?"

"Sorry, I'm really too tired, and the power of "overhead" can't be used for the time being. Let me rest first..." Qiqimora pleaded.

"Okay, then I won't meet up with you, you take care of yourself." Aiden made a decisive decision.

Time is precious now. Kikimora in this state cannot be a helper. It seems that this operation can only rely on himself.

"Abigail, can you locate Lamia?" Aiden turned to Abigail for help.

Although Lamia has gone crazy, she still carries the credentials of the Great Witch. Abigail should be able to locate her.

"The accuracy of this induction is not high. I can only sense that she is not far from you..." Abigail responded, "Let me use the crystal ball to check the situation around her."

Aiden looked around vigilantly. It was good news that Lamia was still nearby. This place was not far from the military base, and the military base was far away from towns and villages. There was no need to worry about Lamia killing people in a human settlement for the time being.

He was not worried about Kikimora who was protected by the power of "hiding". He was worried about himself. In the countryside at night, wild animals had more advantages than humans. The situation was urgent. He couldn't bring the amalgam golem, which was suitable for hand-to-hand combat, with him this time. The amalgam golem couldn't keep up with the horse, and couldn't move continuously over long distances.

Lamia could come out from a certain direction at any time. He planned to search along the lake first. The lake reflected a little moonlight, and the view by the lake was the widest and brightest.

At this time, Abigail spoke: "Strange, I can't see anything in the crystal ball, but I seem to hear the sound of bubbles."

"Bubbles?" Aiden was stunned for a moment, then slowly moved his eyes to the lake. The night was terribly quiet, and only the sound of owls could be heard occasionally.

Now he felt as if he was in a B-level horror movie where the scene could become bloody at any time.

The panicked neighing of the horse broke the silence, and Aiden looked back in surprise - the sound came from behind him, and it was the horse he rode over.

He quickly reacted and said to the witch's credentials: "Abigail!"

"Well, I heard it here too. The crystal ball just emitted the sound of water and horses." Abigail replied.

There was no doubt that his horse was attacked by Lamia.

Aiden turned around and walked back, trying to walk lightly.

When he rushed back to the scene, he only saw a broken horse rope on the tree trunk, and the horse had disappeared.

A long bloodstain was drawn on the ground, leading directly to the lake.

Aiden turned his head stiffly. With the help of the moonlight reflected in the lake and the night vision magic he cast, he vaguely saw that a ball of ink seemed to bloom in the lake, and bubbles kept coming out.

It really turned into a horror movie, Aiden thought.

Right under the water - he faced the lake, took a few steps back, and leaned against a tree.

"Well, it seems I have to go back later." Aiden heard the voice of the goddess of vengeance.

"Is it the time to care about such trivial matters now?" Aiden replied, while lighting the lantern, taking out the pistol, and began to check the bullets.

He quickly entered the battle state and calmly realized that he could not let Lamia slip away from here. Without a horse, if Lamia started to run around, he would not be able to catch up.

He had to lure her up...

After making up his mind, Aiden took out the gun, aimed at the lake, and fired several shots.

The gunshot startled the birds in the forest, but the lake remained calm. Only after two seconds, the bubbles rising to the surface of the water became more and more dense.

Then, he vaguely heard a rumbling sound coming from the bottom of the water. He raised his gun and aimed, chanting the divine words at the same time.

With a loud "splash", the ferocious sound broke through the water surface, fiercely pounced on the shore, and used six slender arms to climb the ground and drag the wet body up. Aiden heard the other party's angry roar - the previous few shots obviously disturbed her eating.

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