The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 493 I owe you a favor

Listening to Lamia reciting the divine words, Aiden did not panic. He looked up at Lamia without stopping writing.

"Corporal punishment." He said lightly.

Lamia's divine words were instantly replaced by a scream of pain. She instinctively made the "dragon roar" just now - but Aiden could not hear it.

Thorn-like black stripes grew rapidly on her pale upper body and colorful snake tail. These stripes would not cause her any harm, but would only bring her extreme pain.

She rolled and collided in the cage with a momentum several times more violent than before, and the snake tail was entangled in spasms.

After catching Lamia, Aiden did not leave the cage immediately, just to ensure that he could impose corporal punishment on her at any time. Among several punishment methods, corporal punishment has the shortest attack distance.

Then, Aiden finished writing the rules with confidence: "In the domain, all individuals will not fall into a state of mental abnormality. The so-called abnormality is relative to the individual's mental state most of the time."

Aiden stopped writing, and two seconds passed. There was no abnormal reaction in the "Code" - this rule has been accepted by the "Code".

The unspeakable power spread to every corner of the domain with the "Code" as the center. Aiden looked at Lamia and found that the other party was still struggling in pain in the cage.

After hesitating for a while, he first withdrew the punishment of corporal punishment, and at the same time stared at Lamia vigilantly, ready to attack again at any time.

After the pain stopped, Lamia collapsed on the ground, gasping for breath, looking very weak.

After a while, she hummed a few times, her body shrank a circle, and the extra two hands slowly retracted into her body - this is a good sign.

But Aiden did not dare to relax his vigilance. He was not sure whether the divine words in the "Code" could achieve the expected effect.

"Lamia." He tried to call her name, "Can you hear me?"

Lamia slowly raised her face and looked at Aiden with her green fluorescent eyes.

A response to the name - Aiden was relieved.

"How do you feel now? Do you recognize me?" Aiden asked.

Then he saw Lamia's lips move, but he couldn't hear the sound - the cage still blocked the sound from inside.

"Nod if you are." Aiden said.

Lamia nodded weakly, able to understand the language and give an affirmative response, obviously she has regained the ability to think normally.

Success - after confirming this, Aiden took back his power and lifted the imprisonment.

"Good job, kid." The goddess of vengeance praised him rarely.

"Want a high five?" Aiden glanced at the illusion beside him.

"No thanks, I will get goose bumps." The goddess of vengeance said and disappeared.

Aiden then spoke to the Great Witch's certificate: "Lamia has returned to normal, and the mission is completed."

"On behalf of the Witch Assembly, I would like to thank you." Abigail's plain reply came from the certificate.

As soon as the voice fell, the mist in the Great Witch's certificate rolled out, summoning the three people who were here to Abigail's study again.

"Lamia, your brain is finally fixed." Qiqimora was sitting on the ground, and when he saw Lamia lying on the ground, he sighed tiredly.

"It feels like I had a nightmare, and my brain seems to be inserted with a spoon and stirred... Damn, I will kill that masked bastard sooner or later." Lamia cursed weakly.

"I'm glad that we have the same enemy now." Aiden smiled.

"I have a taste of blood in my mouth. What did I eat? It doesn't taste like human flesh." Lamia stuck out her forked tongue.

"You ate the horse I rode here. Of course, it's also possible that you swallowed a few fish under the water... Who knows." Aiden spread his hands and ignored the other party's next words for the time being.

"It tastes bad." Lamia commented.

Her condition seemed to be a little better. She coiled up the snake's tail and stood up.

"You shouldn't dislike its taste. It's my only means of transportation. I hope you can find a way to send me back to the city." Aiden said.

"When I recover my strength, I can hold you and crawl back. My speed will not be slower than a horse." Lamia laughed hoarsely and slowly approached Aiden.

"Then I'd rather walk until dawn." Aiden waved his hand without hesitation to refuse.

"Don't be so polite."

"I'm not being polite!" Aiden told the truth without hesitation.

"If you are afraid of my monster form, I can also turn into a human form." Lamia said that her lower body began to change form, the snake tail quickly shortened, then split into two sections, and finally turned into a human's slender thigh.

But even after she turned into a human form, her height when standing upright was still close to two meters, and Aiden still had to look up to see her face.

"So you can turn into a human form." Aiden sighed, "But forget it, you'd better find some clothes first, and go back to the city with you, the police will ask me questions."

Now Lamia's figure has become graceful in both the upper and lower parts, and she is naked. The gray mist released by the witch's certificate covers the most sensitive details, but it still makes people imagine.

"I have to admit, kid, I owe you a favor this time." Lamia possessed and approached Aiden's face, "A huge favor."

"Then I have to remind you that only favors that need to be repaid are meaningful." Aiden replied.

"Of course, I still have this character guarantee." Lamia smiled.

"Although it's a bit rude to say this..." Aiden said calmly, "Can you please stop talking so close to me? I can smell the blood in your mouth."

Aiden felt his stomach churn when he thought of the liquid Lamia had spit out before.

"I'm sorry, I have never considered the issue of appearance." Lamia straightened up. "This should be our first real face-to-face meeting. Haha, I'm glad to see you in person."

"To be honest, I didn't really like the process of meeting you just now. Your appearance just now could write a horror novel." Aiden nodded, "But thank God, you are back to normal."

"It's a good thing that Lamia has recovered, but I have to remind you..." Kikimora suddenly interjected, "Our situation has actually only gotten worse. The cult leader has deeply rooted himself in that base. , and Lamia and I have been eliminated from the competition for infiltration operations."

"About this, I actually have some bad news to tell you." Aiden continued on the topic, "I found out that Professor Dodge seems to have an affair with that military base. He doesn't want to take it away. research results, but are cooperating with them - they are probably in the same group."

"Sounds like we can head home right now," Lamia said.

"The situation is a bit serious, so we must deepen our cooperation." Aiden looked back and forth at Lamia and Kikimora, "Let's meet up first. We have to discuss the next policy."

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