The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 494 Camping by the Lake

Lamia gathered the dead branches and piled them together. Chichimora recited a spell, took a puff of the cigarette, and then blew a big puff of smoke into the firewood.

The ignition magic took effect immediately. The white smoke blew into the firewood pile and several sparks exploded, igniting the firewood.

Soon a bright bonfire was lit by the lake, and Aiden and the two witches sat around the bonfire.

Aiden took out a knife and processed some freshwater fish that Lamia caught from the lake on the leaves. There were some mushrooms, wild vegetables and fruits beside the campfire.

It was Chichimora's suggestion to eat something before the war meeting. After working for such a long time, they were all a little hungry except for Lamia, who had just eaten. None of the three of them had brought any dry food. It was still some time before dawn, so they simply used local materials and baked something to eat.

"I didn't expect that after escaping from death, I could have a picnic in such a beautiful place." Kikimora leaned against a tree and smoked a cigarette leisurely.

"Is the scenery good?" Aiden strung up the fish and followed her gaze to the lake.

Everything was silent, a waning moon hung high in the night sky, and the surrounding stars twinkled. The mirror-like surface of the lake reflects all this. Occasionally, the night wind blows, causing ripples on the surface of the lake, crushing the stars and stirring them in the water.

To be fair, as a fishing and camping project, this is indeed a good attraction.

However, Aiden had just fought a fierce battle with a monster like a horror movie BOSS here not long ago, and the partial bones of the horse that was the victim should still be lying at the bottom of the lake.

Many horror movies with blood and flesh take place in this kind of camping resort. At this moment, in his eyes, the quiet lake and woods still seemed to be full of dangers, and terrifying monsters seemed to emerge from the lakes and woods at any time.

"Hey, guess what I caught again." Lamia's voice suddenly sounded behind Aiden.

Before Aiden could turn around, he saw a dead snake hanging from above, hanging in front of his eyes. Fortunately, he had experienced the baptism of close contact with Lamia, and this level of horror could no longer scare him.

"First, don't hold the dead prey close to my face, secondly, don't put your arms around my shoulders, and finally, don't put your chest on my back." Aiden said angrily to Lamia lying behind him. .

"Is this weird? Shouldn't men like this kind of fat mass?" Lamia chuckled.

"Having seen your fully liberated monster form, how many men do you think can have a physical reaction to your disguise? And your teasing is not sexy at all." Aiden frowned, "In the end, you seem to have no idea about your own. If you don’t have enough awareness about your weight, get started now!”

"Damn it. If this little girl tries to get the upper hand, she will probably crush the man to death." Aiden heard the goddess of revenge complaining in his mind.

Lamia's body was incredibly heavy. Even if he only leaned half of his body on Aiden's back, Aiden felt that his shoulders were about to collapse. The goddess of revenge could also feel the weight he felt.

"Lamia, can't you find something to put it on?" Kikimora also suggested to Lamia.

"Oh? You've never mentioned this kind of opinion to me before." Lamia said and stood up straight, and Aiden finally felt a little more relaxed.

Chichimora was stunned for a moment, as if she did not expect Lamia to say this suddenly. She said with some hesitation: "Forget it in the summoning space normally, but now we are face to face, and there are men around, you are like this... …The impact is not good.”

"What can I do? My last piece of clothing was torn to pieces when I lost control of it. I hope our man can be a gentleman and donate a coat to me, but it's a pity that he refuses." Lamia held up a hand. On Aiden's shoulder, he said meaningfully, "Maybe our warden still prefers me to be naked."

"As a man with ordinary sexual orientation, I have to admit that if you ask me whether I like to see beautiful women running around naked, my answer is yes." Aiden strung the fish on a branch without changing his expression, "But I won't borrow it. The reason for your clothes has nothing to do with this. First of all, you are too big and my clothes can't cover you. Secondly, it's really cold now. You can go down to the lake to fish naked. I guess you are not afraid of the cold. of."

"Then it seems that the only one who has an opinion is Kikimora. Are you afraid that our warden can't control it?" Lamia looked at Kikimora with interest, "Or are you feeling irritable yourself? Hmm. ?”

"Don't make fun of me, it's up to you." Kikimora, who had a premonition that he was going to be teased again, interrupted the conversation in time and looked away.

"You just suffered a defeat, you guys are taking it easy." Aiden commented.

"The most important thing now is to adjust the state. It's not a bad idea to relax a little and talk about business again," Lamia said.

"That's right." Aiden agreed and placed the skewered fish near the campfire.

Before he used the excuse of vacation to say goodbye to his subordinates and set off here, he never imagined that he would be camping by a lake in the countryside with two witches.

"Aren't you going to deal with this snake too?" Lamia hung up the snake again and shook it.

"I've never handled snakes," Aiden refused.

"You can eat it just by removing the head... Of course, for you, it's better to peel it, dig out the internal organs and roast it." Lamia suggested.

"Have you always eaten raw?" Aiden glanced at Lamia.


"Then take care of it for me too." Aiden sighed. He really didn't want to see Lamia chewing a raw snake beside him while eating grilled fish and telling him nonsense that "it tastes a bit like chicken."

"Don't be bothered. Snake meat is delicious." Lamia replied.

"Why not cut a piece from your snake tail in the form of a monster and eat it." Qiqimora teased.

"I don't mind that. It will regenerate anyway..." Lamia laughed hoarsely, "But I don't know if you will survive after eating it. I don't even have an antidote for the poison in my body."

So 'dirty blood' is also your masterpiece... Aiden thought.

It seems that Miru Jinu transformed Avansha into a body with poisonous body fluids, relying on the research results of his master.

"There is no salt, no spices, and even no oil at this time. Don't pursue any taste. Just fill your stomach." Aiden said.

"I have a way to do this." Lamia suddenly pointed at her neck and suggested, "My glands can secrete fragrant digestive juices with salt and fat - to add flavor to food. I can guarantee that this is non-toxic, so why don't you use it."

"Absolutely not!!"

"No, do you think it's like putting butter on bread?"

Aiden and Chichimora rejected it at the same time.

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