The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 495: Common Purpose

A quarter of an hour later, Aiden began to enjoy the supper cooked by himself, and exchanged the recent intelligence collected with the two witches.

"... That's it. Judging from the intelligence collected so far, Professor Dodge is likely to be involved in the 'infection' project. It's best to be mentally prepared for him to stand on the same side as the Gistas Kingdom Intelligence Agency."

"In other words, if he wants to take action on the research results of that base, he will not sit idly by." Lamia came to a conclusion based on his own purpose.

"On the other hand, if you directly find Professor Dodge to snatch the Hand of Annihilation, you might also get support from the Gistas military there?" Chichimora's tone was no longer relaxed.

"Then your intelligence showed that Mr. Bloody Clothes' infiltration operation was extremely smooth. He even caught you guys out and almost killed you." Aiden shrugged, "I guess the research on that base is coming to an end."

"It's all bad news," Lamia commented.

"Be optimistic. At least there is good news. Our goals are the same." Aiden spread his hands.

"Speaking of this, what was your original plan, Warden?" Kikimora suddenly asked.

"There's no need to hide it. You didn't even contact us when you came here. You just investigated by yourself for a day. We all noticed that you had your own plans." Lamia added, "That's why we didn't contact you to avoid embarrassment between us. ”

"It's so understanding and touching." Aiden smiled helplessly, "Okay, I have to admit, I did have other plans. At that time, I was planning to find Professor Dodge and form an alliance with him to deal with Mr. Bloody Clothes. Of course it would be better if the 'infection' plan could be destroyed easily."

"Does that mean you don't take Kikimora's purpose to heart at all?" Lamia smiled scornfully, "What a heartless man, thanks to us Kikimora, we still treat you..."

"Believe it or not, I will fall in love if you keep joking." Kikimora flicked the remaining cigarette to Lamia and interrupted, "Want to take a shot of 'ignite'?"

"I'm speaking for you, don't be ungrateful." Lamia threw the cigarette butt into the bonfire, then turned to Aiden, "So you gave up immediately after knowing that Dodge was involved in the 'infection' plan? Why not?" Be our enemy?"

Professor Dodge has an affair with the Kingdom Intelligence Agency, which organizes the "Infection" plan. Aiden can still form an alliance with him, as long as Aiden is willing to support the "Infection" plan. Simply speaking, for Aiden's purpose, this actually has a better chance of winning. In addition to Professor Dodge, he can also let the military join in to eliminate Mr. Bloody's forces from the city.

But in this case, there is no doubt that the goals of Lamia and Chichimora conflict at the same time. Of course, Aiden, who was the first to betray, will definitely have the advantage.

"I just have my own insistence. I don't like the military's plan." Aiden answered seriously.

"What an idiot." The vision of the goddess of revenge suddenly appeared beside the campfire and said with a smile, "We should boldly use sweet words to deepen our feelings here."

Aiden chose to ignore her.

"Warden, what bargaining chips are you going to use to negotiate with the other party in the first place to make Professor Dodge believe you?" Kikimora suddenly asked.

"I think Abigail might be able to help with the treatment plan for his son." Aiden replied, "Don't you think Abigail can create a balanced demonic state?"

Lamia and Kikimora were startled for a moment, they looked at each other, and then said to Aiden in unison: "Why do you think Abigail will agree?"

"She will still help with this little trouble, right?" Aiden said.

"How is it possible? She is essentially a selfish witch - just like us." Lamia said in a hoarse voice, "Do you expect her to have the sense of justice to heal people's illnesses and eliminate disasters?"

"She is polite to you, but she doesn't know your details." Chichimola said.

"Indeed, she is quite cold to you all." Aiden nodded, "But no matter what, this is a way, even if it means paying a small price to trade with her... You must know that Professor Dodge does not need to communicate with Abigail. channel."

"After all, he is the public enemy of witches." Lamia sneered.

"Even if Abigail can't get through, I can still offer to help him take away the research results of the 'Infection' project." Aiden added.

"But since he is involved in the plan now, he doesn't need any Kaitou assistants." Kikimora said, "If he goes with Abigail, even if Abigail is willing to help, he will be more willing to help." They tend to believe in the results of the 'infection' plan they support, rather than the organizers of the witch gathering."

"So I say that our goals are the same, because there is only one way for us to go at the moment." Aiden brought the topic back on track, "From the current situation, it is impossible for us to catch up with Mr. Bloody Clothes on the base's intelligence progress. The most feasible plan is Just take the risk, invade the base directly, and steal the research results in the base. Then Professor Dodge will take the initiative to come to the door, and then we will negotiate with him. It is best to get the hand of Annihilation and move out of the city as soon as possible. "

"Cooperation with consistent interests, okay, I like it." Lamia smiled happily.

"I have no objection, but what should be done specifically?" Qikimora asked, "Warden, how about we all listen to your plan now?"

"My idea is that if you can't infiltrate the base, Chichimora, you should continue to use your abilities to collect intelligence, check the core areas, check key personnel, and find those controlled by Mr. Bloody Clothes. Now you can be tougher. It doesn't matter if you are discovered, as long as you are not caught on the spot."

"If you are discovered, the base will be alert and even move." Lamia made a suggestion.

"At least then Mr. Bloody's progress will be affected, and the intelligence he prepared may lose its meaning. He is our biggest risk factor for failure now." Aiden replied, "and we don't have much time."

"Okay." Lamia, who had personally experienced Mr. Bloody's power, quickly agreed, "Then what should I do?"

"You just do what you are good at - killing people, kill all the controlled officers found by Qiqimora. In addition, if Qiqimora finds the most core person in charge, you will work together to kidnap him and hand him over to me, and I can pry intelligence out of him."

"I like this division of labor, it feels like you have become our superior." Lamia teased, "Then who will be responsible for investigating Professor Dodge?"

"Leave this matter to me, I am the person who currently has the most comprehensive information about him." Aiden replied calmly.

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