The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 496: No Counting

The next day, Aiden said goodbye to the two witches, left the "camping" lake alone and walked to the nearest village. After a short rest there, he rented a carriage.

When he returned to the city, it was already afternoon.

"No, first... I mean, ma'am, it's really no need. It's just an ordinary horse, and you don't need to compensate." The man standing in front of Aiden waved his hands with a polite smile on his face.

"The market price of an ordinary horse is not cheap." Aiden said with his wallet, "Are you so generous?"

The man in front of him was one of the secret police stationed in Luohui City, and one of the several receptionists assigned to Aiden by Heinz. Whenever Aiden needed anything from the secret police, he just had to find them and ask. The horse yesterday was called for by this receptionist.

"I am just following the orders of my superiors and providing assistance as much as possible. This "as much as possible" contains many meanings. It is completely within the scope to provide a mount for free and in an emergency." The receptionist spread his hands, "I will not accept your compensation, just as I will not ask you what happened to your mount. If other departments find out here, I will also answer that nothing unusual happened yesterday. Please rest assured."

"Don't you have any questions about me?" Aiden looked at the receptionist with interest.

"My duty is to obey, not to ask questions." The receptionist replied calmly.

"Counter-espionage is also your duty, right? I am a foreigner, acting recklessly in your country..."

"Well, the process of counter-espionage is like this - the superior determines that a target is a spy, and then we go to arrest him. The superior says that the person is a spy, then he is a spy... I mean, he has to be a spy even if he is not, you know." The receptionist showed a secretive smile on his face.

Aiden also smiled knowingly. Arresting spies is the duty of the secret police, but the arrested person can be a real spy or someone else who needs to be arrested for being forcibly charged with espionage. This is the true meaning of the secret police's "counter-espionage duty."

"So on the other hand, before your superiors determine that you are a spy, you will not be suspected of anything you do. I said, our duty is just to obey." The receptionist emphasized again.

"When I first arrived here, you tried to control my whereabouts." Aiden said.

"That was also an order from the superiors, saying 'If possible, pay necessary attention to you, but if it will cause you disgust, cancel this order', please understand." The receptionist spread his hands helplessly, "We gave up on the first day. Even if we wanted to monitor you, we couldn't do it. We really couldn't see through your disguise magic."

Heinz knew that Aiden had mastered the "substitute" divine word. That guy should have conveyed the information that he was "good at disguise" to his subordinates. So when Aiden changed into the appearance of the goddess of vengeance and found the receptionist, the receptionist who saw the evidence did not have any doubts.

Just as Aiden thought before he came, Heinz supported him to come and solve this matter in person. After all, the existence of Mr. Bloody Clothes is also a huge hidden danger to the Kingdom of Gistas.

But this does not mean that everything will be supported here.

"Then, can I continue to make requests to you?" Aiden asked tentatively.

"Of course, it is our duty to assist you." The receptionist answered without hesitation.

"I really don't know how to thank you." Aiden showed a flawless polite smile.

"No, no, this is what we should do." The receptionist nodded slightly.

"Enough, how long will this hypocritical surface etiquette last?" The goddess of vengeance suddenly appeared beside Aiden and urged impatiently, "Hurry up and get down to business."

"The so-called courtesy is basically a prelude to business, don't be anxious. And the other party has not mentioned the business for a long time, which is actually an answer." Aiden replied in his heart.

Then he spoke to the receptionist: "So, I wonder how the matter I entrusted yesterday is going?"

When Aiden found the secret police to borrow horses yesterday, he also asked them to investigate Mr. Cage who lived in Jinhu District.

After yesterday's investigation, Aiden basically determined that Mr. Cage was Professor Dodge. Mr. Cage was also on the secret police's suspect list before - but at that time he was just a suspect.

Searching for a target in a city, the secret police did not have enough police force to conduct a detailed investigation of every suspect.

But Aiden has successfully narrowed down the investigation target to himself through his own investigation and speculation.

By focusing the police force on the investigation of one person, with the authority of the secret police, more intelligence should be dug out, unless-

"Well..." The receptionist showed an embarrassed expression on his face-just as Aiden expected.

"Did you find nothing special, or..." Aiden paused here deliberately, then slowed down his speech, "What... unexpected resistance did you encounter?"

The receptionist subconsciously held his breath and raised his face suddenly, just in time to meet Aiden's meaningful smile.

"Madam, you already know it, why are you still asking?" The receptionist understood the meaning of the other party's smile.

"Just to confirm, you just need to answer me, which department is preventing you from investigating further?" Aiden asked, staring into the receptionist's eyes.

"Kingdom Intelligence Bureau." The receptionist thought for a moment and gave the answer. "The people over there told us that this person's information involves their confidential mission, and they hope we will not continue to investigate."

Confirmed——Aiden finally confirmed his suspicion in his heart.

Mr. Cage is Professor Dodge and assisted the "infection" plan. Otherwise, the Kingdom Intelligence Agency, which leads the "infection" plan, would not have to prevent other intelligence agencies from conducting in-depth investigations of Mr. Cage.

"So, are you sure you won't continue to investigate?" Aiden asked tentatively.

"Yes, we will not continue the investigation. The Kingdom Intelligence Bureau and our Security Bureau have no superior-subordinate relationship, but their responsibilities occasionally overlap. We actually don't need to obey their orders... but there is no need to do anything about this matter. Confronting them is also the intention of my superiors, I can only obey, please forgive me," the receptionist said calmly.

Superiors - that is to say, Heinz still maintains this attitude. Once it involves a situation that may conflict with the military, he will not let the Royal Secret Police assist Aiden.

There is no hope of continuing to use the power of the Royal Secret Police to conduct an in-depth investigation of Professor Dodge.

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