The Warrior Who Crosses the Heavens

Vol 6 Chapter 1030: The end of the Journey to the West hits Luo

The latest website: Didn't ask Thunder Tiger to wait long, and the news of Westward Journey and his party arrived in Lingshan smoothly.

"it's finally over!"

Sitting in the center of the handsome hall, Lei Hu chuckled at the general and laughed: "Everyone must be ready. When the Westward Journey is completely completed, it is estimated that the merit and luck will drop. Don't miss out on further opportunities!"

In a few words, the general of the Yellow Turban Army laughed at the scene, one by one, unhappy.

However, Lei Hu's words also reminded them that if the merits and fortunes really come after the end of the westward journey, they can't be ignored.

Not to mention, when you ca n’t always receive merit and luck, are you still on duty?

If you miss the best opportunity for improvement, then it is called depression.

Also, if the fairy **** next to him sees the clues, maybe there will be any troubles, these are not sure.

Therefore, after the meeting, all the Jinxian powers began to prepare, and all the subsequent garrison and patrol activities were handed over to their subordinates Tianxian and Dixian Wu. They only waited for the news of the Westward Journey to come and immediately went into retreat.

Thunder Tiger's mood was both a little bit anticipating and quite frustrating.

His cultivation at this time has reached the peak of Taiyi Jinxian's mid-term, fearing that he will soon break through to the later stage.

If there is enough merit and luck to add, it means that one breath can impact Da Luo's realm.

But he had a hunch. Once he hit Daluo's realm, he was afraid that he would not have to leave the world to travel to the west. He was really reluctant.

It is not that they are reluctant to do a great warrior general. There is no endless banquet in this world. Anyway, with the Yellow Turban Army becoming one of the strongest forces in the heavenly courts, the strength of a great warrior general has reached the point where he is valued by the Jade Emperor. There is no shortage of future prospects.

With this result, Thunder Tiger has nothing to be reluctant to do.

To be honest, he would like to see if it was not long after the end of the Journey to West, and then the story of the Journey to the West was opened.

If this is the case, Thunder Tiger may have the opportunity to change to the position of the Emperor.

In the story of the Journey to the West, the demon ancestors have no sky and magic flames. The first Buddhist door is unlucky and the second heaven is bad. It can be said that most of the powerful monks of Buddhist doors and heaven have been wiped out.

If at this time, Lei Hu shook his arm and reorganized the heaven, and there is great hope for success.

Anyway, the introduction of Jade Emperor by Dao Men is also pushed. Thunder Tiger itself is also part of Dao Men. As long as he shows good faith, Dao Men's senior management is not unacceptable.

At that time, Thunder Tiger's cultivation should reach the realm of Da Luo, and it had enough confidence to suppress the Three Realms. Even if it could not be compared with the years of Jade Emperor's operation, Thunder Tiger had rich experience in the battle, as long as it was not a quasi-sacred power. To embarrass, there is no such thing as an impossibility to conquer repression.

Taking a step back, even if there is no way to conquer the emperor's position, as long as it is properly operated and not turned over by the magic ancestors, it will not be impossible to become a big mountain in heaven.

Heaven emperor can't confuse, one of the six imperial can still think about it.

If it really succeeds, with the help of heavenly majesty, he will not hesitate to hinder the practice of Da Luo, of course, provided he has the follow-up practice of "Nine Zhuan Yuan Gong".

However, Lei Hu was not worried at all. At that time, he directly asked Laojun for a complete "Nine Turns to Xuan Gong" practice method, and believed that Laojun would not refuse.

The story of the Westward Journey is really going to happen, there are too many opportunities to gain merit and luck. Heaven is unlucky, but Buddha is even worse, and there are more opportunities to gain merits and luck.

The others don't say, as long as the reincarnation spirit of Rulai is protected, will the merit and luck be too small after the re-proofing?

In addition, the magic ancestors completely subverted the Buddhist monk. Thunder Tiger can also arrange for some of the Jinxian who are more recognized by the Buddhist monks to join in actively. After the Buddhist monks return to normal, at least they will be able to mix the fruit position.

In short, once the Westward Journey story really happens, there are too many opportunities to gain money and luck.

Unfortunately, Thunder Tiger estimated that he could not wait until then.

What, you said that suppressing cultivation as a realm can continue to travel to the west without impacting Da Luo's realm?

Who knows how to judge that magical power that can shuttle him through the world?

What if this magical power judges that Thunder Tiger has already had an impact on Da Luo's realm and lets him cross it directly?

At that time, will the merit and luck of traveling west to the world still be common in the other world? If there is any incompatibility, who does Thunder Tiger cry for?

Although he practiced and improved in Taiyi's realm, he encountered little obstacles and made progress almost every day and every day. In addition to his diligence and hard work, the most important thing is his virtue and luck.

Once the merit and luck of traveling to the west can't be used universally in the next world, then his loss will be a big deal, not to mention stuck in the Taiyi realm somewhere, at least don't expect to wait for a thousand miles Cultivation progress.

Don't think that Thunder Tiger ’s luck is given by heaven, and the money from participating in the westward journey is small.

The real big head is the promotion of runes together and rune equipment.

That's right. At the beginning, the unintentional move was just to make the people and the West Niu Hezhou people have a better life. I did not expect it to be a great success.

With the large-scale promotion and popularization of runes together and rune implements, they have affected the production and life of the people of the Xiniu Hezhou people and quickly changed the living standards and living environment of the people of the Xiniu Hezhou people.

With the passage of time, the rune implements and runes have become more and more popular with the people, and have given the Xiniu Hezhou people more beneficial changes in their lives and production. rich.

With this kind of merit and luck, Thunder Tiger's practice can make rapid progress, and there are no bottlenecks at all.

It ’s just a pity that the strength of Thunder Tiger and the deterrent power of the Yellow Turban Army are not enough. Otherwise, runes and rune implements will be promoted to all the territories of all four continents at one time. Pushing Thunder Tiger's cultivation directly, the tower entered an unpredictable quasi-sacred realm.

This is also something that can't be helped. Now the promotion of Taoism in the human race has attracted the attention of Daomen. It is no longer possible for Thunder Tiger to want to eat alone.

The ancestor of Fu Dao can be said to be either a Taiqing saint or a Yuqing saint.

The Taiqing sage created a united Taoism, which is the mother rune of all acquired runes.

As for the sage of Yuqing, the seal of Taiji Rune, the treasure of Fudao Township, is in his hands. If he wants to promote the run of Taoism in the human race, the sage of Yuqing cannot escape.

Maybe the two saints despise this merit and luck, but their disciples and grandchildren, how can they not let go of such a good opportunity to win merit and luck.

Anyway, Thunder Tiger has helped to prepare for the early stage. As long as the promotion is done step by step according to what Thunder Tiger does, then you can enjoy the beauty of boundless merit and luck, and cultivate the taste of rapid advancement.

It's the Shangqing gatekeepers. They are good at frontiers, and they may return to participate in a fight.

Thunder Tiger is no longer confident that it can withstand the oppression of the core forces of the door, and that it can reap the benefits of the moment.

Of course, if he wants to promote runes and runes within the Kyushu realm, it is not impossible to do so. On the contrary, as a basic human race, Thunder Tiger still has a secret hand here.

However, Thunder Tiger does not think that adding the merit and luck provided by the Kyushu enclave can help him break through the quasi-sacred state in one breath.

Since it is possible to leave the world when you feel the impact on Da Luo, don't waste such good resources.

He has instructed Tai Shici and other henchmen in private, and they will preside over the promotion of the runway of the Kyushu enchantment when they travel west, which is a gift for the Yellow Turban Army.

Not to mention, as long as the Yellow Turban Army does not civil strife in the future, in the case of the Westward Journey, it is not impossible to have two or three more Taiyi Jinxian powers.

What can be done, or the backhand who can stay, has been left. Thunder Tiger did not wait for the news of the end of the westward journey, but went directly to the closed room to retreat.

Open the secret room to restrain and completely let go of one's practice. The peak of Taiyi Jinxian's mid-term practice was revealed without reservation. Crossing his knees and sitting on top of his head, five different colors of air waves washed back and forth. In the midst of loading and unloading.

Compared with the initial entry into Taiyi, the three flowers and bones on the top of the head have gradually become clear and solid, as if they existed.

All over the body, a terror of the power of Taiyi Jinxian was lingering, and over time, this power became more and more powerful.

I do n’t know when the three flowers on the head have changed from virtual to real. Although they are still beautiful, they already have the meaning of the flower of the idea road.

On his body, the breath of Taiyi's realm gradually became complete, and his vigilance quickly reached the late stage of Taiyi.

Suddenly ~ ~ a merit and luck directly ignored the defensive array method of the back room and directly poured into Thunder Tiger's body. The repair that had been advancing by leaps and bounds suddenly accelerated, and it reached its peak from the late stage of Taiyi.

This is not over yet. The merit and energy consumption is less than 30%, and the other 70% is transformed into the body's inner details, as if the waves were rolling overwhelmingly, impacting a higher level of cultivation.

Among the five colored air waves above the head, one of the three flowers and bones that had been solidified trembled violently, and the petals that were originally closed together trembled, which is a sign of blooming.

At the same time, in the long river of fate in the westward journey, a unique fate of Thunder Tiger is setting off a stormy sea in the long river of fate. A blood-filled horror illusory figure is struggling to escape the fetters of the long river of fate .

Such movements suddenly attracted the attention of many beings who have surpassed Fate's fate. I don't know which Taoist has arrived in the realm of impacting Daluo and is about to jump out of Fate's fate.

But at the next moment, the figure and breath full of blood and flames struggling in the long river of destiny suddenly disappeared, as if it did not exist in this world at all ...

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