The Warrior Who Crosses the Heavens

Vol 6 Chapter 1032: The demon dynasty?

Latest website: The senior officials of the Ministry of Iron and Steel have recently been suspicious ...

The effect of the tribal warriors' recent hunting is really amazing. It is so good that the tribal executives notice that the situation is not right, and they feel hairy in their hearts.

In the past, tribal warriors went out for hunting. Which one hurt a few when they died?

In those unlucky times, the situation of the entire army's annihilation did not occur.

However, several hunts now, although the tribal warriors have been frightened, they can often save themselves from danger, and they also have a good harvest. The tribal executives knew it with a little thought, and they must have been secretly helping.

However, the Ministry of Iron Eatery is only a small tribe. Several high-level officials do not think that the tribe has something worth remembering by the strong. The only thing that can be obtained is the blood-eating beast blood of the tribal people. Take it out as a gift.

The more you can't figure out what the hidden strong man is thinking, the tribe's senior leaders become more and more embarrassed. They are really afraid that this hidden strong man will have a non-dividing request that makes the tribe difficult.

The famine world is weak and strong, at least for such a small power as the Ministry of Iron and Steel, such an environment.

The actions of gods and powers are often purposeful, but there is no tradition of doing good things without leaving a name, and they are very particular about giving and receiving.

Fortunately, Thunder Tiger did not tell them to wait any longer. Once again, they helped the hunting team of the Ministry of Iron and Steel once they escaped from a crest bear in the top level of Tianxian. He was enthusiastically invited by the hunting warriors of the Ministry of Iron and Steel for the rest of his life. For the first time, I walked into the settlement of the Ministry of Iron and Steel.

"Welcome Your Holiness to the Ministry of Food and Beverages, I wonder how to call them?"

The top of the Ministry of Iron and Steel welcomed Thunder Tiger warmly and placed him in the best guest house of the tribe. He was accompanied by the elder and carefully tested.

"Just call the justices!"

Lei Hu chuckled: "Passing the aristocratic territory, I want to ask some questions!"


The elder erupted his expression suddenly, and suddenly his face changed, and he was startled, "The Supreme Master is the Master Xuanmen Xiandao?"

When speaking, take a step back to reveal an undisguised look of exclusion.

Nyima, fortunately he is careful enough!

Seeing the look of the elder of the Iron Ministry, Lei Hu was so lucky in his heart, but his face calmly said: "This seat is also lucky, and has occasionally passed down the Xuanmen Immortal Path in the depths of the mountains ten miles away. Only after the retreat has achieved 100,000 years of practice! "

"Oh, that Lord is really lucky!"

After hearing such an explanation, the elder's face still showed envy, and the atmosphere was unconsciously relaxed, but his tone was no longer as enthusiastic as before: "What do you want to know?"

As if he did not see the elder's alert, Lei Hu laughed: "This seat is too long to retreat, and it is dark to see the outside situation, especially when the emperor and Jin Detian fall, the seat is in the red. Critical moment, so I do n’t know much about the situation at the moment, and I ask the elders not to tell you! "

"So it is!"

The elder's expression calmed down completely, and he did not doubt the words of Thunder Tiger.

The floods are vast and endless. There are countless monks. Many monks are not retired for 10,000 years or even 100,000 years. It's just that few monks have succeeded in training like Thunder Tiger, but they know nothing about the outside world. repair.

That's right, the elders regarded Thunder Tiger as a lucky Xuanmen retreat, otherwise they wouldn't come to the Ministry of Food and Beverages and spend a lot of hands and feet to inquire about the situation.

This is not a embarrassment. Although the instinct repels Monk Xuanmen in his heart, the elder does not use it to talk about the surroundings, and he must repay the kindness of helping the tribe warriors before Thunder Tiger.

Although I do n’t know how Thunder Tiger repairs it, there is a monk who has the courage to call himself ‘this seat’. At least it ’s also the ancient saint (Jinxian) repair.

"I do n’t know, since the Emperor Tianhou and Houhou fell a hundred years ago, the area around them has been chaotic, and annexation and killing are everywhere!"

Speaking of this, the elder's face became distressed, helpless: "Even if the Ministry of Iron and Iron is backed by the Yanjin Dynasty, it is often miserable because of dustpans!"

Then, I described in detail the helpless experience of the Ministry of Iron and Steel in the past century. In short, the situation is not optimistic and the situation is quite chaotic.

Yanjin Dynasty!

Lei Hu listened quietly, but his mind was scratching his head.

Isn't this a floodland? How could a dynasty say?

It was just that he was not good at asking questions. Obviously, the elder was very wary of Monk Xuanmen. If he rushed to ask if he could get a reply, it would probably cause this skepticism.

Seeing its casual tone and attitude when talking about the Yan Jin Dynasty, it is clear that such a dynasty might be a very common existence, or a name like common sense.

If asked rashly, it is likely to lead to bad consequences.

The Iron Ministry has the Yan Jin Dynasty as the backstage. Who knows that he has asked too much, will he let the Iron Ministry directly report to the Yan Jin Dynasty and expose himself completely?

He didn't want to be too eye-catching before he could not figure out what power the Yan Dynasty, or the forces with the title of 'Dynasty', could play.

I listened blankly to the ears, but there was a lot of information but not much information. The useful information extracted by Thunder Tiger was just the same. The area of ​​hundreds of millions of miles is all the Yanjin Dynasty. He has been in the Yan Jin Dynasty's sphere of influence and has never gone out of borders.

According to the elders, it is not that the masters of the Ministry of Iron and Steel are not willing to come out of the Yan Jin Dynasty and see a wider world, but that it is too dangerous outside.

If there is no ancient **** or ancient saint (golden immortal) cultivation, running around outside, there is a great chance that it will kill the body.

As for what a dangerous law outside the Yan Jin dynasty, the elders couldn't make any sense. Obviously, these words cannot be believed.

After learning some basic information, Lei Hu didn't spend much time with the iron eater, and he left on the same day. Everyone made it clear that he was unwelcome.

However, from the attitude of the elders, we can see the hegemons in the area of ​​hundreds of millions of miles. The attitude of the Yan Jin dynasty to Monk Xuanmen. After Lei Hu left the iron department, his body changed, and it was full of rough masks. Quite breath.

Do n’t forget, his root is martial arts. Qi is full of blood and strong. If you really want to talk about your physical fitness, he has been trained to the sixth level of “Nine Zhuanyuan Gong”. warrior.

Since the hegemon in the area does not like the monk Xuanmen, it shows a rough and overbearing atmosphere, not to mention that the monk monk can completely cover his body. At least the monks in the Taiyi or Daluo realm have no clue. .

Sure enough, after wandering around the Yan Jin Dynasty, no one regarded him as a monk, but thought that he was a warrior from that tribe.

Another point is that he feels very helpless. Whenever he arrives at a certain tribe, he will inevitably fight a few planes. The creatures in the flooded world are not ordinary combatants.

Of course, he also knew that it was forced by the environment.

Beasts and birds outside, and even swimming fish in the river, casually have the third-level to the peerless Mighty level strength, plus the talented blood vessels are very cruel, if the tribal people have no blood courage, the entire tribe regardless of size Just wait for the finish.

However, these tribal warriors are mammoth, but no matter they are martial arts or magical means, they can only be described as rough.

It seems to be affected by the flood and wild environment, blindly pursuing fierceness and strength, that is, magical means have not escaped such fan cage restrictions, and the thunderous martial arts, a force of blood and horrible thunder tiger, except for kneeling, there is no second road.

In this way, while traveling around the Yan Jin Dynasty, he made a name, and at least a small tribe such as the Ministry of Iron Food could basically rely on a pair of iron fists to run rampant.

Thunder Tiger has no interest in bullying the weak or punching children.

It was just that he was challenged by the tribal warrior, and he was not very polite. Basically, he tried to solve the trouble by removing three and five, and then left the other side with a chic back.

As time goes by and times are more, the fools know that Thunder Tiger's strength is far beyond their imagination, which naturally aroused the interest of senior officials of various tribes and the power of Yanjin Dynasty.

It is impossible for Thunder Tiger to join the tribe below the Yan Jin Dynasty, nor is it the Yan Dynasty. It is not that he is arrogant and looks down on the other side, but that the Yan Jin Dynasty is not a human force, nor does it have the righteous status like the Journey to the West. Stupid to join?

That's right, the Yanjin Dynasty is not a human force, but a dynasty formed by the professed descendants of the devil, which is the so-called demon dynasty.

The people of the Yan and Jin dynasties were basically similar to the people of the Iron-Eating Tribe, and all had more or less blood from the monsters and monsters.

Don't look at the people of the Yan and Jin Dynasties from the upper to the lower levels. They are all human-like. That is because the human body is a perfect model of the a priori body. As the acquired race, it is better to use the human body as a template. Cultivation promotion.

These are common sense ~ ~ and also the public information that Thunder Tiger knew during the journey to the Yan Dynasty.

However, as the so-called demon dynasty, the Yanjin dynasty still values ​​the blood of the gods and monsters.

Let's put it this way, the more traces of blood of the gods and beasts revealed by the body, the more they are valued by the Yanjin Dynasty and various tribes.

As far as Thunder Tiger's personal experience is concerned, the blood of the monsters and monsters is indeed very effective. Once the blood ability that can be obtained is stronger, the combat power that can be exerted becomes more powerful.

There are powerful beasts and birds everywhere, as well as a flooded world with dangerous environments. The way to become stronger in the short term and the powerful strength are the foundation of the body. The choice of the Yanjin Dynasty is understandable.

However, with Thunder Tiger's Taiyi Jinxian consummated at this time, it is possible to break through the realm of Daluo at any time. Naturally, he can see this more clearly.

The blood of the monsters and monsters is indeed a way to get stronger quickly. It may be very effective in low-level monks, but once the cultivation reaches a certain bottleneck, or the strength of the monsters and monsters at the source of the blood is not good, the fun can be Big hair ...

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