The Warrior Who Crosses the Heavens

Vol 6 Chapter 1061: Steering Forestry Regains Merit

"Elder, with the explosive growth of the population of the East China Sea, the farms in our hands are almost unable to support the huge consumption!"

Thunder Tiger returned to the East China Sea territory. The happiest person is the Mu Qing patriarch. The East China Sea leader who has quickly broken through the realm of Taiyi Jinxian has no polite intention. He caught Leihu, the elder. Speaking is extremely troublesome.

With regard to such heroic heroes who are brave enough to dare to take responsibility, Thunder Tiger naturally will not have any unpleasant emotions, but on the contrary, it has yet to be seen.

It is not without benefits for the Mu Qing patriarch to do so. The half of the East China Sea people ’s luck has been gathered in one body, so that they can make leaps and bounds in 10,000 years, reaching half a step of Taiyi Jinxian, and even faintly entered the ranks of Taiyi Jinxian.

Speaking of which, this is the lack of knowledge and understanding of heaven and earth.

During the Westward Journey, the group of three generals under the command of Lei Hu, if they had the unique resources such as the Mu Qing patriarch, would definitely enter the Taiyi Golden Immortal Realm in less than 10,000 years.

After all, Honghuang is a flood, and we ca n’t copy the way we travel to the world. The human race is not a dominated situation. It can even be said to be quite weak. The promotion of Fudao should not be too strong, otherwise it is likely to make wedding dresses for other races.

In terms of inheritance of knowledge, development of productive forces, standard of living, and depth of world awareness, the indigenous peoples of the flooded world have unique advantages, but they are still quite primitive and backward.

On the one hand, monks can easily create beautiful residences such as pavilions, pavilions, etc., but on the other hand, the bottom-floor ethnic people lived a slash-and-burn fire, and their primitive life was too fierce. The polarization was too severe. Some civilizations Development and inheritance simply cannot proceed.

Even in the East China Sea, Lei Hu only mentioned the issue of breeding farms, and did not mention more ways to develop productivity. It was not impossible but needed to consider more external factors.

Not to mention, as long as the normal production situation of the ordinary human kingdom in the Westward Journey is described, it will be enough to increase the productivity of the East China Sea people.

However, the last thing that may happen is that the East China Sea peoples do not have enough power to protect the resources obtained after the productivity increases, they are all cheaper and more powerful races, and they quickly rise on the human bones.

After all, there are only two great supernatural powers of Leihu and Dihong. The powerful races that have several or even ten supernatural powers can only kneel.

Don't think that the East China Sea people have become the hegemon of the East China Sea coast, there are really no enemies.

The Yuehui dynasty next to it was not vegetarian. Obviously, the Guanghan Palace behind it was not the existence that Thunder Tiger and Donghai people could offend.

The East China Sea has numerous counties, and all obey the orders of the Dragons.

If the Donghai Dragons had any bad thoughts on the human race, how could the Donghai people deal with it?

Therefore, Thunder Tiger's goal set for the East China Sea people is to slowly develop silent accumulation and wait for the strength to rise to a certain level before breaking out.

At present, the development of the East China Sea is pretty good. Every dozens or hundreds of years, Jinxian strongmen are born, and the number of Jinxian alone has accumulated over 10,000 years.

This is a force that is not weak among thousands of ethnic groups. Unfortunately, the high-end power is still too scarce. It would be better if three to five Taiyi Jinxian can appear.

That's it. The development of the East China Sea people can also be further developed. This time, Lei Hu came here to point out something to help the East China Sea people's productivity to a higher level.

As long as the resources produced are sufficient, the development momentum of the East China Sea tribe will not be affected. When the number of Jinxian reaches a certain level, the possibility of Taiyi Jinxian will increase. At least the Muqing patriarch in front of him must step into the rank of Taiyi Jinxian.


"Have you thought of any other way?"

Facing Mu Qing's request for help, Thunder Tiger did not respond immediately, but asked curiously: "Should be able to figure out something?"

"I did think about something!"

The Mu Qing patriarch was embarrassed and said, "Like flying birds in the sky, and swimming fish in the water, I have considered large-scale farming, but the results are not great!"

Isn't that nonsense? The technical content of bird and fish farming is not inferior. Without knowing scientific farming, it is not easy to form a scale.

The productivity and production methods of the Donghai peoples are not impossible to ponder, but they need a lot of time to study the laws. They are afraid that the Mu Qing clan has no such patience.

"Any other considerations?"

Lei Hu was not in a hurry, and patiently asked, "Other means of harvesting food resources?"

"Other means?"

The Mu Qing clan head was confused and shook his head: "Apart from farming is hunting, only hunting needs to face powerful beasts. Although the tribe does not lack good hands, it must not be too arbitrary!"

"that's it?"

Thunder Tiger was a little disappointed and continued to ask, "Is there any other way?"

Hunting is not a joke, it may provoke powerful beasts at any time, and even severe revenge. The risk is too great to be an important means of obtaining food.

Once the historical reversal has been driven, the good development momentum of the East China Sea tribe will eventually become a problem. Not to mention that the entire tribe needs to be divided, and this means of survival can only be selected under insufficient food.

The existence of the East China Sea tribe itself is due to the lack of food resources in the ancestral land. Otherwise, why do you try to separate a branch and travel to the distant East China Sea to survive?

"That's all!"

The head of the Muqing clan was inexplicable. He didn't understand what Thunder Tiger meant. Could it be possible that there were other means of obtaining food?

Thinking of the bright eyes here, he eagerly said, "Is there any other means to obtain food for the elders, please also elders give me advice!"

"Say, there should be many fruit trees here in the East China Sea!"

Lei Hu did not continue to appetite, and asked directly: "In ordinary times, do people of the tribe pick some ripe wild fruits to enjoy?"


The Mu Qing chief nodded and said, "Mature, non-toxic wild fruits may not taste well, but they can replace food to a certain extent!"

Speaking here, his eyes brightened, and he was pleasantly surprised: "The elder means that we can pick ripe wild fruits to replace part of the food?"

The Honghuang world has a lot of gadgets. Even the ordinary mature wild fruits are huge. At least a mature apple has the size of a basketball in the impression of Thunder Tiger. Apricot chestnuts have the size of adult fists.

These mature wild fruits may taste average, but as a supplementary food, there is no problem at all. As far as Thunder Tiger knows, the East China Sea people have a habit of eating wild fruits. It is not unacceptable for people to use mature wild fruits as food.

However, before the excitement on the face of the Muqing clan has risen, it quickly became helpless, and said with a bitter smile: "Elder, although there are many wild fruit trees in our tribal territories, they are not enough to serve as food!"

"Not only that, these wild fruit trees have different flowering and fruiting cycles, and there is no way to form a scale!"

"you're so dumb!"

Thunder Tiger was unhappy: "You wouldn't organize manpower to transplant fruit trees of the same species together, forming a scale like a farm?"

"When it comes to scale, no matter when it blooms and bears fruit, there will be a sufficient number of mature wild fruits to eat. Is it not easy to replace part of the food?"

In a few words, the long head of the Muqing tribe said was cyanotic, and it took a long time to respond. His eyes suddenly became bright, and he nodded again and again and said: "The elder said so much, the elder said so much, if it was according to the elder Come, we can form a large-scale fruit tree farming, and we can continuously obtain mature wild fruits for food! "

The more they talked and the more excited they were, they shot in succession: "In cooperation with the farm, almost half of our tribal food needs can be solved. This is a great idea!"

"Not only can it be planted on a large scale, but also the people can also plant some at home, which is not a problem at all!"

Lei Hu continued to point out: "Of course, you must prepare for anti-virus beforehand, don't let poisonous fruit trees come in!"

The Mu Qing chief nodded again and again: "This thing is easy to handle. Although our people are not so powerful, this skill is still there!"

Lei Hu nodded in praise, in fact, there are still many places to dig here, but there is no need to dig too much, and let the people of the tribe slowly explore in the production activities. Have to leave a way for Shennong in the future?

"Elder, with the cultivation of fruit trees, the development of the East China Sea tribe will enter a new stage!"

The patriarch Mu Qing was excited and walked back and forth: "As long as there is no shortage of food, the fertility of our people can be increased more than a few hundred years, and hehe ..."

"Don't dream, let's get things done!"

Lei Hu waved his hand and laughed and cursed, "Don't get things done by then, then make a joke!"

Really think that planting fruit trees on a large scale is as simple as that?

If you do n’t eat some boring stuff at, you will not be able to sum up the experience and lessons, you will not be able to improve the planting technology, and you do n’t know how troublesome it is.

Of course, Thunder Tiger has no doubts about the final success.

As Mu Qing said, as long as there is enough food and the fertility of the human race, it will not be a problem to double the population in a short time, and there will be no shortage of old and weak women and children who take care of the fruit trees. .

I'm afraid that when the time comes, a new food crisis will emerge in the East China Sea. The Honghuang peoples are all big-bellies, especially after practicing the generals' training method taught by Thunder Tiger, their appetite will increase greatly, for fear of fruit trees. The speed of planting and production is not as fast as the rapid increase in food demand of the people.

What I just called Thunder Tiger did not expect is that with the East China Sea people starting fruit tree planting operations, from time to time, there is a little light of merit. Although the number of one-off is not large, it is victory that lasts. This is an unexpected delight ...,

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