The Warrior Who Crosses the Heavens

Vol 6 Chapter 1067: Lingbao born gods heart

Thunder Tiger did not expect that the so-called monster tribe is not so particular about it!

In other words, as one of the foundations of the Protoss heaven court, the human palace is the indispensable core existence of the heaven court, at least it looks like this now.

Emperor Jun just became a Emperor of Heaven, but in his early years, even if he had any ideas, it would not be too drastic, and the court of heaven maintained the original order.

There are not many things that people's palace needs to deal with. The strength of Thunder Tiger can be easily solved. Most of the time, they are retreats, or several people's palaces are invited to exchange ideas. .

The power here covers many races in the famine. The word 'people' refers not only to the human race, but also to sentient beings, including innate and acquired races.

Lei Hu didn't say that he wanted to make good intentions. At least he also had a good relationship with most people's palaces. He stopped at the palace and nodded to say hello.

The relationship between the boss is good, and the relationship of the race behind him is naturally good. As long as there is no direct conflict of interest in survival, even racial differences can live in harmony.

Not only is Thunder Tiger like this, but Dihong's thought is like this. The relationship between the human race and many neighboring races is good.

On that day, Thunder Tiger was practicing in his palace, and suddenly he was called by Fuxi, and he rushed over without saying a word.

No, in the main palace of the people's palace, I saw that most of the great magical people who stayed in the palace came, and hurried to see each other.

"Do you know what happened, how could the palace master suddenly summon?"

"This, I don't know what's going on, will it be clear when the palace master comes?"

"Taoyou has always been well-informed, but what happened?"

"I majored in the way of luck, but it was faintly inductive. It seems that there are some opportunities that should be related to this matter!"

"That's the case. It can shock the palace master and summon the opportunities of so many of us. It is not easy to see!"

"I'm afraid there will be some twists and turns. The movement of our palace is so big. I'm afraid that the major forces in heaven are moving!"

"What's the big deal, you ca n’t stop the chance. If you do n’t, you wo n’t be able to force it. We will do it by our own skills. If anyone wants to snatch, our palace is not vegetarian! "

"The psychic Taoist words are not bad. I really meet shameless guys. We don't need to be too polite, but there is no reason for chance!"


Lei Hu listened to the little news of one ear, and slowly got some thoughts in his heart, but it was not easy to talk to the people next to him.

"Elder, you have to be prepared. This time, I am afraid that there are many opportunities to come. If you have a chance, you have to grasp it!"

When I do n’t know when, Di Hongshi came to the side and quietly reminded: "If you are really in trouble, don't be polite, the great magical person in our palace is not a bully!"

"Relax, patriarch, do you look like I'm afraid?"

Lei Hu laughed softly, disapprovingly said: "I really want to fight, I have not been afraid of the great magical person in the same realm, but I have not experienced such things, some of them can't figure it out!"

"Who can tell me clearly?"

Di Hongshi laughed: "Just try your luck. If you really have that luck, don't let it go easily. Every time you make such a big move, the chance is not small!"

Ha ha……

Lei Hu chuckled and didn't say a word.

As for what method to choose at that time, it is nothing but contingency.

"Ahem, all the great magical people who can come in the palace are here, and this place is not nonsense. This sudden gathering of everyone is indeed a great opportunity!"

Fuxi stepped out from the apse with a big meteor, and laughed loudly: "Just now, this palace suddenly felt something. There are heavy treasures in the thirty-three floors of Zhoufeng, which are not Zhoushan, and they may be born soon. One! "

This remark immediately caused a small commotion among the supernatural beings present.

Congenital Lingbao, but it is more than one!

Even for the great supernatural beings present, Congenital Lingbao is a very precious treasure, not a good thing for everyone.

A congenital spiritual treasure may contain a complete avenue rule. As long as the owner can fully refine it, it means that he has thoroughly understood and mastered the avenue rule.

This is a short cut to practice, which can help the great magician to quickly reach the peak level of Da Luo Jinxian, and touch the inscrutable threshold of quasi-holy.

Even the most inferior congenital Lingbao does not contain a complete avenue rule, but it can also help the owner to quickly penetrate the core area of ​​the avenue rule and understand the avenue rule faster and better.

Stepping back 10,000 steps, even if you do n’t need to refine the congenital Lingbao and master the avenue rules contained in it, the power of the congenital Lingbao itself can also help the owner to improve a lot of combat power. .

More importantly, congenital Lingbao is conceived by the avenue, and most of them have the effect of suppressing air traffic, which may be even more important for the great magical people.

You must know that the fortunes of each great magical person are not static, or increase or decrease, which represents whether they have further possibilities, and bad luck that is going downhill. Who cares about personal interests?

As long as it does not exist in the practice of Qiyun Avenue, it is impossible to suppress Qiyun by itself, and it will slowly dissipate over time.

An innate Lingbao that can suppress its own air transport is very important at this time. Not to mention how to accumulate and improve air transport, at least it can also prevent its own air transport from dissipating.

Of course, different levels of innate Lingbao can only suppress the powerful luck of the same level or below.

The congenital treasure is equivalent to the saint level, and it can suppress the luck of the saints and the great magical powers below, and even the great teaching luck related to it.

The best congenital spirit treasure, the corresponding nature is quasi-sacred, which can suppress the self-luck of quasi-sacred and below.

The top-grade congenital Lingbao corresponds to Da Luo Jinxian, the middle-grade congenital Lingbao corresponds to Taiyi Jinxian, and the bottom-grade Congenital Lingbao corresponds to Jinxian Power.

Thunder Tiger possesses the superior congenital Lingbao Taiji Rune, and its luck can remain intact. Unless it has done the evil that offends the flood and wasteland, it can remain intact at any time.

This is also the main reason for his rapid progress in practice. Naturally, there are merit aids. It won't be long before he can step into the late realm of Da Luo Jinxian and become a strong player in the entire flood and wasteland.


Not only did the great magical powers of the people's palace shake, but all the forces in the heavens were shocked.

Tianzhu, which is not Zhoushan, is just below Tianting. It is the only land channel connecting Tianting to the flood and wasteland. It has a close relationship with Tianting.

The Great God of Fuxi can get hints from the underworld, and the other great magical powers of heaven will naturally not fall.

Not only are the great magical powers of the heavenly courts receiving induction, but also some great magical powers searching for the treasures in the thirty-seven days, because the distance factor also has some induction.

What else is there to say?

A treasure hunt that spread across the entire heavenly courts, including the big Luo Jinxian, and some of the great wild spirits, began.

Thunder Tiger and a great man from the palace, followed behind Fuxi, and left the heavenly court to enter the thirty-three heavenly wind layer.

"You guys, let's break up every chance!"

God Fuxi waved his hand to stop everyone, and laughed: "When you get into the stern wind layer of Zhoushan, everyone will look for opportunities separately. If you are in trouble, you can call a neighbor to help you!"

"Relax, the lord, we have something in mind!"

The princes of the imperial palace laughed with a smile, but they dismissed Fuxi's reminder and did not think that such a thing would happen.

What a joke, people ’s palaces have a famous presence. They are also famous as members of people ’s palaces. They do n’t bully the next supernatural powers. They are very well-educated.

Lei Hu did not have such an arrogant thought, and quietly reminded Dihong: "The patriarch is careful, after all, it is about congenital spirit treasure, and no one can guarantee that there will be an accident. Let us not be too far apart! "

Di Hongshi heard that the dissatisfaction on his face disappeared instantly and nodded solemnly: "The elder reminded me that I have something in my mind!"

He is not a fool. Thunder Tiger makes a lot of sense. It is related to a flood and a treasure such as Innate Lingbao. No one can guarantee that there will be an accident. It is not possible for members of the palace to take the plunder.

Lei Hu smiled slightly. Since Di Hong's mind was so comprehensible, he was more lazy.

This time, if you don't search for treasure in Zhoushan, something will definitely happen!

It is both a feeling in the heart and a speculation that you have seen and heard.

Just now ~ ~ The people's palace and his team met with Emperor Tianjun and his party. Although the atmosphere between the two sides is quite friendly, Thunder Tiger is keenly aware that some of the monster saints around Emperor Jun are full of themselves. Are malicious.

At the same time, he suddenly caught a certain secret in the heart. This treasure hunt was not smooth, at least for him, and there may be unexpected twists and turns.

In this regard, Thunder Tiger is still not afraid. If the so-called accident is related to Dijun's confidant monster tribe, he doesn't mind that these arrogant guys look good.

At this time, the top ten monster saints are a fart in the big system of the protoss!

Don't say that there is not much fame in the heavenly courts. It is even a nameless person placed in the world of floods and famines. Even if he is beaten, he will only lead to a mockery. Don't think that he can run wild with the emperor. Can't get the respect of the Protoss.

If there is a so-called monster saint who finds faults in the treasure hunt, Lei Hu decides to learn a good lesson. At least it must be broken.

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