The Warrior Who Crosses the Heavens

Vol 6 Chapter 1069: Privately complaining and confident 10 feet (Good New Year)

Alas, this is, what happened to that brother?

Emperor Tianjun, who was somewhere in the thirty-three heavy wind style world, abruptly stopped, his face frowning with suspicion, and his face changed again and again but sighed helplessly.

Thirty-three heavy winds are a magical place. The confusion of the heavenly machine and chaos is limited, and it is impossible to explore the outside world with the technique of the heavenly machine or other supernatural beings in the world of law.

Just now, he arranged for an important cadre to spur the backhand of his body. It should be an automatic rebound when faced with the threat of life and death. Unfortunately, in the realm of wind and wind, he ca n’t even figure out who he is, even if he is eager, he can only press it temporarily. .

It is not his cold blood and ruthlessness, but the inevitable choice as the power-holder.

Knowing that more than one congenital spirit treasure would be born soon, he wouldn't just watch the big magician beside him get a bargain, maybe there was a strong adversary who needed to be cleared up later.

Besides, his rear hand is not simple, he can be inspired when his soldiers are threatened by life, and he can also move this confidant directly back to the Sun Palace.

As long as the men whose lives are threatened will hang up without any luck, and naturally know what is going on after returning to the Sun Palace, it is useless to return in a hurry in their hearts. It is better to grab the innate Lingbao that is about to be born first.

The confidants of his subordinates will be scattered all over the circle of the scourge. Many of them carry certain missions that cannot see the light. Even if Emperor Jun wants to get revenge for his subordinates, it is not easy to get the news on the table.

As for why this trip to the Mengfeng world was defined as a journey of snatching, this is an abacus made by Di Jun.

Congenital Lingbao was born, and it is not yet one. Who knows which great magical person is associated with it, Di Jun can not guarantee that he will definitely get one of them.

Now that you're not sure, be a predator behind the scenes. You'll always know which one has the best chance, and quietly snatching is not a big deal.

At this time, Emperor Jun had a quasi-religious practice, and he was already at the top of the flood-waste world. At the moment when the saint was not born, he was the most powerful voice in heaven and earth. It was nothing to be tough.

Here, Thunder Tiger knows that the arrow of sun light just now should be the emperor of Emperor Tiandi. It really deserves to be the top protoss of the Protoss, not the one he can fight now.

Of course, Thunder Tiger is not discouraged. Dijun has practiced more than he knows how much Yuanhui, and he has a lot of energy to cover the sky. He can have the current strength and achievements, and he is confident in the future. Li quickly caught up.

The body was dazzling with blood, especially the right hand, which was slagged by the sun light arrow, quickly grew a new arm, and a new robe was added to the body. After recovering a little, he searched in a direction. past.

Faintly, it seems that this direction is sensed, and something connected with his Qi machine may have occurred, which should not be the innate spiritual treasure that is about to be born.

Howling law is vast and boundless, among which there are many very dangerous howling wind restricted areas. From time to time, there are violent howling winds and howls, and once you fall into it, it is difficult to escape and you may even encounter danger.

Originally, it could directly cover tens of thousands of miles of consciousness, but here it can only cover thousands of miles without saying, and may also encounter the special presence in the scourge.

Once this happens, the infected consciousness must be immediately and decisively discarded, or the special existence in the legal realm invades the consciousness sea along the consciousness, and even the big Luo Jinxian must be knocked down by the dust, and the realm will be completely lost even if it is not dead. Wonderland can't sustain it.

Although Thunder Tiger is practicing a top-level refining method such as "Nine Zhuanyuan Gong", both the spirit and the body are much stronger than the great magicians in the same realm, but he also does not want to experience the dangers in the scourge. Be careful to avoid some existences that even he is unwilling to contaminate, and quickly explore in the whirling legal realm.

The body is as heavy as a mountain, which is the unique power of Zhoushen Mountain. It is so heavy before reaching the summit of the high level. If you reach the summit, you do n’t know how terrible it is.

The exploration continued for more than two months. On this day, I heard a fierce mana fluctuation not far from the front, but also a collision with the laws of terror. There was a violent turbulence in the surrounding space, and howling winds could scarcely be seen.

Well, one of the rules fluctuates. Thunder Tiger is very familiar and belongs to Dihong's family!

With a movement in my heart, is it possible that Emperor Hongshi is just like himself, being stared at by the monster saint?

Another rule fluctuates very violently. Wei Neng is not lost to Di Hongshi, but it gives Thunder Tiger a sense of inexplicable mania, which is definitely not a kind.

Suddenly, where the two rules in front collided fiercely, a violent explosion erupted suddenly, a ray of light shouted in all directions, and the circle of the wind and the law circle was a disorder, and it seemed that even the space was following the turbulence.

not good!

Thunder Tiger had no time to think about it, his body was a few miles in a blink of an eye. Of course, as a big Luo Jinxian peak peak, the true speed of movement cannot be so unbearable, it is really the chaos in the surrounding world is too chaotic, not good in it Use space supernatural powers wantonly, otherwise a bad one is likely to have unexpected accidents.

But that's it. It was only a few breaths away from thousands of miles away. In the blink of an eye, the thunder tiger rushed into the core of the squall wind and the turbulence in the space.

"Patriarch, are you okay, which great magician did you fight with just now?"

Standing by the side to protect Dihong ’s law, feeling that Dihong ’s breath was slightly stable, he then asked: “Just now, it seems that the patriarch has dispatched the innate spirit treasure!”

"Hmm, the heroes in the confidant's side around Tiandi, call it the Dao Sheng!"

Di Hongshi stabilized his injury and sneered, "I don't know how long this uncle has followed me. I tried to sneak attack when I was unprepared, but it was unsuccessful. Unfortunately, this uncle also suffered a mark. Cruel, if it weren't for his escape, he would have to be killed this time! "


Thunder Tiger was taken aback, but it was a terrific treasure of human race, the best congenital spirit treasure!

Of course, it has the most unique effect in suppressing the human race's luck. It is similar to the top-grade congenital spirit treasure in the hands of Thunder Tiger, and the Fudao Qi is transported to the treasure Taiji Rune, but the power and magic are much greater.

Yingzhao suffered a cruel blow from the seal. Even if he could escape, his life would be very bad. At least it would take him tens of thousands of years to recover.

"Patriarch, there is no need to be angry about such beings!"

Lei Hu laughed: "Wait for a chance later, it is not too late to clean up!"

Then, he also explained his own experience, ignored the surprised look of Dihong's, and said ruthlessly: "Our tribe has developed, and there will be more forces to test it in the future. Try to conquer or suppress it. It will be habitual in the future , There is no need to worry about such a thing! "

"You're talking lightly!"

Di Hongshi quickly returned to his normal look, and said badly: "It's uncomfortable to be unknowingly unknowingly. This time it's just the temptation of Jimeng and Yingzhao. It won't be so easy next time!"

Emperor Tiandi Jun, but there are ten big Luo Jinxian confidantes, they claim to be the top ten demon saints, although the strength is the same, they can not stand a large number.

If more than five so-called demon saints are dispatched at one time, Di Hongshi estimates that he and Leihu will have to run away immediately, and the prospects of that tribe are not good.

"Don't worry!"

At a glance through Di Hongshi's mind, Lei Hu laughed: "The emperor is not without enemies, and his strength is still not weak. Besides, people will not let Emperor Jun be so arrogant in the upper and lower palaces. Let ’s talk about it then!"

Just kidding, one trick and one second, telling Leihu to have a more real understanding of his own strength, in the same realm is definitely a very powerful existence.

Coupled with the superior congenital treasure in his hand, the Rune of the Supreme Arctic Taiji Rune, and the hidden deep Void Rune means, even if he breathed against the two demon lords in one breath, he was not afraid or even confident of winning the final victory. .

As he mentioned the development of the three industries of forestry, fishery and animal husbandry by the people of the East China Sea, he gained a steady stream of merits and luck, and gradually explored the final realm of Da Luo Jinxian. The eighth transfer method suitable for him.

There is a vague feeling that after the eighth turn of "Nine Turns to Yuan Gong" is completely completed, it is likely to directly impact the quasi-sacred realm.

If it can successfully enter the quasi-sacred realm, Thunder Tiger can be regarded as the top of the pyramid in the flooded world, and it has become the heaviest right to speak.

At that time, the human race will be unstoppable, even if the front and the Emperor Dijun hard steel also have the confidence, what the top ten monsters are a fart!

"Patriarch, let's continue to search for treasure, don't affect the chance because of this idea breaking!"

When he waved his hand, Lei Hu said with a smile: "If Dijun's generals are playing such an idea, we must not be fooled!"

"Well said, we can't be fooled by Di Jun!"

Dihong's mind was shocked, and he even said, "Let's go, let's act separately, so the opportunity is also greater!"

So I was thinking with Lei Hu ~ ~ nodded and said goodbye directly, and walked in a certain direction along the induction in the dark.

That's right, Thunder Tiger has induction again.

This time, it was a spiritual treasure on his body that played a role.

After being completely separated from the Emperor Hongshi, Lei Hu moved along the induction while taking out the Lingbao colorful gourds that were warmed up by the nurtured gods in the sea.

It seems that the innate Lingbao born this time has some inexplicable connection with the colorful gourd. As the owner of the colorful gourd, Thunder Tiger can clearly sense the implication of the idea.

My heart suddenly moved, and I suddenly remembered the famous gourd-like congenital spirit treasures in the flood-waste world, which came from the unscrupulous mountain.

If it is really that good thing, Lei Hu's suspicion is hot, and this time he can make a lot of money.

Of course, it may be possible to see the benefits but not get it, but before that, how could he fight hard ...

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