The Warrior Who Crosses the Heavens

Vol 6 Chapter 1077: Da Luo Jin Xian is not Chinese cabbage

After reminding the great **** of Fuxi, Thunder Tiger did not continue to hesitate and returned directly to his own palace after leaving.

That's right, as the status rises, the right to speak in the People's Palace increases, and he has his own palace in the core palace group of the People's Palace.

Not only palaces, but also several gods!

Being a **** is the official establishment of the People ’s Palace. Although it is not very high, it also enjoys many benefits of the People ’s Palace. It is a pretty good job for a middle-class Protestant monk in Heaven.

Doesn't it mean that being inferior to God is inferior to others? Isn't there a sentence called ‘Good practice in the public gate’? Protestant monks of moderate strength want to get sufficient resources from heaven to help them practice, and becoming a **** is a very good choice.

From time to time, you can also listen to the preaching of great magical people. This alone is enough to make ordinary protoss monks rush.

Lei Hu will naturally bring human monks. The gods around him are all from the East China Sea. The eight Jinxian strong men are placed in the group of gods in the palace. They are not eye-catching.

Go back to the secret training room, open the protective formation, take out the world gourd, look into it, see the green world of the gourd world, Thunder Tiger's face shows a satisfied look, and the mind can not help but groan in the gourd world.

At this time, the world of gourds was already alive. Flowers and trees were everywhere on the huge land.

The bright red and green are crisp. If you look closely, you can find trees such as peaches, plums, apricots, pears, and other flowers and green grass, which exudes this rare spiritual charm.

These flowers and trees that almost covered the world of gourds are all innate spiritual plants collected by Thunder Tiger over the years.

Either congenital, or the best of the day after tomorrow!

With the filling of these flowers and trees, although the gourd world still has no living beings, it is more spiritual.

These flowers and trees covering the continent are not simple. Many are older than Thunder Tigers, and many are born with a bit of wisdom. It is very hopeful that this gourd will be transformed into a world without natural enemies.

The Gourd World Law has a sound foundation and solid foundation, which can bring life from the flood world into it, but Thunder Tiger has no such idea for the time being.

If the flowers and trees transplanted come out of shape, he would be happy to see it. After all, the existence of the spirits of the plants and trees is mostly pure and hearty, and basically they are willing to be bland and not have so much fighting mentality. Compared with the fierce struggle of various races, The floodland is much better, at least he thinks so.

The gourd world has a few more spiritualities, which has given Thunder Tiger a lot of luck.

After careful investigation, it was provided by the flowers and spirits that covered the entire continent inside the gourd world. He immediately thought of a special race: the spiritual race!

The so-called spirit tribe is a racial name that is transformed by grass and trees. It is also a very special race in the world of flood and wasteland. Not only is it a large number, but its strength is quite amazing. The general existence is really not dare to offend easily.

As long as the two representative of the Ling clan exist, Zhen Yuanzi and Zhun Ti, we understand the power of the Ling clan!

Of course, because of their origins, the Ling clan has also become the target of many hunting in the floodland, and the life of the Ling clan in general is not good.

However, the spirit race is a race. Once the size of the ethnic group is formed, plus the natural fit, the luck that can be provided is quite amazing.

Thunder Tiger didn't really look at the luck that was originally provided by a Haywood Elf in Hulu World.

If the grass-elves of the gourd world are transformed into a large-scale form, it may be able to provide a magnificent air transport for Thunder Tiger to enter Zhunsheng.

Unfortunately, the gourd world currently only has grass and wood spirits, and no transformed spirits exist, and the air transport that can be provided is quite limited.

However, the limited return is limited. Although the amount of luck provided by the plant-elves is small, it has a peculiar effect that it can increase the chance of Thunder Tiger to find a companion.

In other words, Thunder Tiger can find enough and high-quality flowers and trees in these years, and transplant them to the world of gourds, including even the fun things like the first tea tree innate, special plants and trees Luck has played a big role, and he is particularly happy.

Regardless of the huge changes in the world of gourds, and the special luck provided by the plant-elves, Thunder Tiger is most concerned about the perfect rules of the world of gourds.

Although he practiced martial arts, or the road of power, and opened up all roads, it did not prevent him from understanding other road laws.

If there is no chance, then he obviously has an excellent opportunity at this time, and the perfect rule of the gourd world has almost completely opened up all his secrets to him. If you do n’t know how to grasp the enlightenment, then you are really a fool.

Lei Hu has no idea of ​​waste at all. As long as he has free time, he will comprehend the laws that are fully disclosed in Hulu world, and constantly improve his own accumulation.

Don't think that the strength has reached the peak of Da Luo, Xiu will be unable to continue to progress, unless he can enter the quasi-sacred realm.

The peak of Da Luo is also divided into strong and weak, otherwise where would the most powerful Luo Yi say?

From the peak of Daluo to the state of quasi-sanity, it is necessary to thoroughly master a law of heaven and earth, but before you reach this threshold, you can understand more relevant laws, which is naturally even more powerful.

Thunder Tiger's major law of force can be implicated in almost all laws.

There is a good baby like the world gourd in hand, but there is a rule in the gourd that perfects the mid-thousand world with a solid foundation, and it also corresponds to the world rules of Da Luo's realm. Would n’t it be a waste if you did n’t take advantage of it?

He didn't mean to change the laws of the world. At least, he must understand the basic principles that make up the complete world, understand the state of reaching the peak of Da Luo, and even the state of quasi-sacred.

The creation and destruction of the Avenue of Forces envelops. As long as the realm reaches a certain height, it is not a problem to open up a complete world. It is not a problem to destroy a complete world.

Of course, if you can fully understand the Three Thousand Avenues, and create a complete world in your body, the strength is beyond imagination, even if the existence of the Avenue of Forces reaches its peak, it is difficult to counteract. The time required to practice the laws of the world is too long.

Even if there is not much time in the flood world, I am afraid that it is a long time. It is not true that the properties of the turtle may not be able to bear patience.

Thunder Tiger is immersed in the feelings of the world rules of the gourd, and the time quickly passes unknowingly until one day ...

The protective array arranged in the secret practice room was touched, and Thunder Tiger was immediately awake from the state of comprehending the gourd's world law. After the state completely recovered to normal, he opened the array and went out.

"what happened?"

It has been explained before that, if it is not an urgent matter, he will not be allowed to disturb the gods in the palace when he is practicing retreat.

"Sir, Fuxi is affectionate, very anxious!"

The God of God reported carefully: "Heard, it seems that it is over the palace, something happened again!"

Oh, is the palace again?

Lei Hu raised his eyebrows slightly, and his heart became clear instantly. It seemed that his guess was correct, and it happened again after more than 10,000 years.

"Holy Thunder Tiger, you guessed it!"

As soon as he arrived at the main palace of the people's palace, the great **** Fuxi said solemnly, "The news just now, Tianyuan, the great magical power of the Imperial Palace, has fallen!"

"How did it fall?"

Feel free to say hello to a member of the People's Palace, and Lei Hu curiously said, "How long has it taken, and there have been great magical powers falling, it is really shocking!"

Who said no!

The great magical person is not Chinese cabbage. No matter how big Luo walks, Jinxian is not as stupid as a dog.

You know, Da Luo Jinxian has another name, that is, the Taoist master!

The rules are divided into innate and innate. The congenital three thousand avenues are the avenue rules that go straight to the level of mixed yuan. Once you have mastered a certain avenue rule, you can directly advance to the level of mixed yuan.

It's just a pity that no such bull figure has appeared in Honghuang World till now.

As for the acquired law, it is an acquired rule derived from the congenital three thousand avenues. Thoroughly taking charge of an acquired law can immediately prove Da Luo Jin Xian, which is also the main reason for some Da Luo Jin Xian to become the acquired Taoist master.

Let's put it this way, an acquired avenue rule can only accommodate one Da Luo Jinxian strongman, and only the innate avenue can accommodate multiple Da Luo strong men. That's why their relationship is also a very cruel fight. When they met, they killed directly. , At least there is nothing to look at.

What's more, the gods born from adhering to a certain rule of heaven and earth, or certain powerful positions, also possess the strength of Da Luo.

In the end, it is a kind of racial luck Da Luo, which is a nature race with the totem god.

In short, although the world of floods is large, the number of great magical powers of this level is limited.

The last one will alarm all parties ~ ~ not to mention the great magical power of the Imperial Palace.

Don't think about it this time.

"Hey, Tianyuan Daoyou also has bad luck!"

Unexpectedly, Fuxi's answer was calm: "Not long ago, a congenital spirit treasure was born in the southeast of Honghuang, and Tianyuan Daoyou happened to meet and participate in the scramble. As a result, he was seriously attacked by a sneak attack during the scramble. "

Speaking of this, the great **** of fuxi also sighs endlessly, and the heavenly palace's great magical power, Tian Yuan, also has a relatively famous existence in the heavenly court. As a result, he died so humiliatingly, so that he was not suspicious of what was tricky.

Without Thunder Tiger's original reminder, he would really take it as an accident.

However, in his heart, Fuxi was slow to doubt and doubt. He didn't believe it was an accident, but a conspiracy against the Imperial Palace. This was the main reason he hurriedly called out the Thunder Tiger who was retreating.

There are already three big Luo Jinxian strongmen in the Imperial Palace, and they can no longer continue ...

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