The Warrior Who Crosses the Heavens

Vol 6 Chapter 1099: Surprises come and go

Thunder Tiger is stunned ...

I never imagined that there would be an innate Lingbao to take care of him.

At the same time, the congenital Lingbao, which appeared in front of Lei Hu, appeared in front of Thunder Tiger. It is a twelve-grade white lotus and lotus platform that emits immense quiet light.

The next moment, an inexplicable message came from Liantai.

I was originally a twelve-grade pure white lotus, one of the congenital Wufang lotus platforms, the best congenital spiritual treasure, the defense and the peace of mind, and the ability to purify the dirt and evil of the world. It is a rare treasure.

Regardless of how the twelve products of Baishi Bailian ran to Abbot's Island, looking at this congenital spirit treasure that took the initiative to cherish and hold, Lei Hu was happy and helpless.

He likes such a baby, of course.

Need for congenital Lingbao, not to mention its defensive effect, just the ability to purify the dirt and evil of the world can provide a continuous flow of merit and luck.

The congenital Wufang lotus platform is all Qiyun treasures, which can suppress the existence of Qiyun.

In the mythology of the mythology, the Zhenjiao treasure of the Western religion is the twelve-pin merit golden lotus, while the Zhenjiao treasure of the blood sea nether religion is the twelve-pin industry fiery red lotus.

Even the demon religion that is bound to the Taoism and Buddhism, its Zhenjiao Treasure is also the extinct black lotus that is one of the congenital Wufang lotus terraces.

I can say that it was precisely because of the black lotus that suppressed the devil's luck that monks could be hit hard by monks of Taoism and Buddhism, and they could continue to exist forever.

As one of the lotus terraces with very special effects, Jingshi Bailian's township effect will not be bad, but it will become more powerful over time.

There is a very important premise for Bai Kejing to have full effect.

That is to use the power of Jingshi Liantai to purify all evil spirits and all kinds of evil and resentment in the flood and wasteland, that is, the garbage cleanup workers in the flood and wasteland.

The twelve products of the Pure World Bailian cast their arms and embraced, and the related opportunities were thoroughly revealed. If you want to thoroughly refine this superb congenial spiritual treasure, you must start the journey of purifying all the evil and worship in the flooded world.

It's really a big job, not a small one, not a lot of trouble.

Zhe Leihu smiled and collected the twelve-pins of pure white lotus in his pocket. The so-called heaven and the sky are not to be blamed. He has no intention of making such a good baby.

The people who followed in the palace, the great magical powers, and the East China Sea strong people, although envious, did not have any objection.

Didn't I see the congenital lotus Lingbao who took the initiative to give it away? They just wanted to talk about it without excuses.

Fortunately, Abbot's Giant Island is an original treasure protected by chaotic airflow. In addition to the most dazzling twelve-pinion pure white lotuses, a great magical person also sensed several spiritual treasures that contain the first weather, and they are not No chance.

For the next thousands of years, Thunder Tiger and the people ’s palace supernatural powers, as well as some of the strong human races, have been decorating the people ’s palace in the abbot's giant island.

I can say that Abbot Abbot is indeed one of the most mysterious secret places in the flooded world. In addition to the innate Lingbao discovered in a single trip, there are as many as four in addition to the twelve-pinnacles of pure white lotus.

One top-grade congenital lingbao, one middle-class congenital lingbao, and two low-end congenital lingbao, all of which were captured by the palace's great magical power.

Not only that, but also a very rare congenital root pear tree!

Although this congenital pear tree is not one of the ten congenital spiritual roots, the effect is also quite good. The resulting fairy pear has the effect of washing the body to enhance the qualifications. The most important thing is to eat one that is enough for ordinary creatures to immediately have heavenly immortals. Mid to late level mana.

Congenital Linggen is rarer and more precious than Congenital Lingbao. It also has the effect of suppressing local air transport, as well as the effect of purifying space and improving the environment in the area.

With this innate pear tree, the brand of People's Palace Beppu has been improved a lot.

Xun Leihu naturally will not be selfish to swallow it, but the area where the congenital pear tree is located is designated as the backyard forbidden area of ​​the palace of the people's palace.

This is also a good errand, not only can you get a few more fairy pears, but you can also use the innate rules of the innate pear tree to understand its origin.

Xun Leihu just collected the cores of the first generation of a few pears and sent them directly to the inner world of the world gourd. It is believed that it will not take long to grow a second-generation pear tree.

Not only is it planted in the inner world of the world gourd, but also in the soil near the congenital pear tree, it has also planted a lot of stones.

He waited for Beppu to be arranged, and time passed thousands of years.

During this period, Thunder Tiger has completely controlled the innate array formed by the chaotic airflow around Abbot Island, and directly launched the space concealment function of the array method, so that a giant island that had already been born disappeared out of thin air.

The nonsense said that the protective array around Abbot's Giant Island was quite extraordinary, especially with the chaotic airflow joining, which made its power reach the quasi-holy level.

In other words, even if there is no power to host internally and rely on autonomous operation alone, you can easily isolate the Da Luo Jinxian strongman, and even cause a fatal threat to the Da Luo strong man who is hesitant to leave.

Even if he encounters the quasi-strength force, if he does n’t know much about the battlefield, it will take a lot of time for the direct attack.

After Gao completely controlled Abbot's Giant Island, she realized why it was so mysterious.

It turned out that the core of Abbot's Giant Island is that it has a chaos Lingquan, and I don't know why it is connected with the inner chaos.

Able to continuously extract chaotic airflow from the inner chaos and join the outer protective array system, basically there is no need to worry about the chaotic airflow of the island protection array will completely dissipate over time.

This is a wonderful thing. It has a much greater effect on Thunder Tiger than that of the congenital pear tree.

First of all, the chaotic airflow in the Chaos Lingquan is quite gentle. With Thunder Tiger ’s cultivation and physical strength at this time, it can completely absorb the refining and accelerate the cultivation progress of the eighth revolution of Nine Zhuan Yuan Gong.

That's right, he has only fully reacted to the cultivation of the eighth turn of "Nine Zhuan Yuan Gong". It is best to directly absorb the chaotic air to train, so that the innate **** body that has reached the innate extremes slowly turns into the chaos real body .

This is a bad place to explore your own achievements. Many times, only when the opportunity comes, you know that there may be problems in the previous cultivation method, and you will react when you encounter a suitable opportunity.

Of course, this is also good. Once the problem is discovered and the solution is found, at least the practice at this stage of quasi-sanitation will no doubt be difficult.

Xun Leihu was also the same. After discovering the effect of chaotic airflow on cultivation, the eighth transfer method of "Nine Zhuanyuan Gong" was quickly optimized and was very suitable for his own situation.

I realized in my heart that once the innate **** body is completely transformed into the chaos real body, it is estimated that the cultivation will also reach the peak of quasi-sage, and even the realm of mixed Yuan Da Luo.

Of course, it is not easy to completely transform.

The ubiquitous innate aura in the flood-waste world is one level worse than the chaotic aura.

In other words, in the flooded world, except for the special area with mild and chaotic aura, Thunder Tiger body will be diluted by the assimilation of innate aura once it launches magical powers and fights with the power of the flesh.

Wait until the body is completely assimilated and diluted to the state of the innate **** body, the realm will not fall, but its own combat power will drop.

This is the frustration of practicing the Avenue of Power, and then Thunder Tiger reacted. Fortunately, with the gentle chaos and aura of the core area of ​​Abbots Giant Island, otherwise he wanted to continue on the Avenue of Power, the more difficult it was to get behind.

The chaotic Lingquan on the abbot's giant island is not only a great help to Thunder Tiger's own cultivation and improvement, but also a good thing for the conservation and cultivation of innate spiritual roots.

The congenital pear tree can grow and bloom. Thanks to the help of Chaos Lingquan, otherwise the congenital pear tree can't escape the same end of the congenital gourd vine. All the essence is used to conceive the fruit. When the fruit is picked, it will wither. Already.

At the moment, the 108 mature fruits grown by the congenital pear tree were all picked by the thunder tiger and the palace of the people who entered the abbot's giant island. The congenital pear tree is still alive and well. This is the role of the Chaos Spirit Spring.

Zhe Leihu tried to bring the spring water of Chaos Lingquan into the inner world of the world gourd, carefully watering it on the half-dead congenital gourd vine, and the world tree banana tree which has become the world inside the world gourd. The effect was unexpectedly good.

The banana tree has actually grown a new banana leaf that contains the power of the four elements of earth, water, fire and fire in just thousands of years ~ ~ Although they are only small young leaves, they are still mature. I don't know how long it will take, but this is a huge surprise.

A bigger surprise is still on the congenital gourd vine. Originally, Thunder Tiger transplanted the congenital gourd vine into the internal world of the world gourd, that is, a dead horse is a live horse doctor.

The result is not great. Although the innate calabash vine relies on the shaping of the internal world of the calabash and upgrades barely survive, it is in a state of half dead.

I did not expect a mild chaos aura to be poured, the congenital gourd vine grew up with the speed visible to the naked eye.

Seeing this, Thunder Tiger was extremely surprised. Instead of directly pouring a large amount of mild and chaotic aura, it was intended to slowly cultivate natural recovery. Gods and human beings were in a state of inability to be filled, and congenital gourds that had lost most of their vitality. Vine, naturally, is no exception.

He didn't want to directly infuse the innate gourd vines that had finally seen the dawn restored.

Since the mild chaotic aura has a huge effect on the innate spiritual roots, Thunder Tiger will naturally not be polite, and the innate spiritual roots such as the innate tea trees collected in the inner world of the gourd will be poured out with the chaotic aura. .

The effect is surprisingly good. The congenital aura inside the entire gourd is permeated, and it even promotes the world to a higher level, which is definitely an unexpected surprise.

After the palace was completely built and the protective array was arranged, while the abbot's giant island was thoroughly investigated and directly controlled, Thunder Tiger summoned a great master of the palace who couldn't miss it, and said directly: " Everyone, we should go out for a walk, or some people think we can't live in seclusion ... "

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