The Warrior Who Crosses the Heavens

Chapter 152: Grandpa forgiveness

On the same day, Jia Rong, the son of Rongguo's big house, led by his father's long-term follower, came to the study room of the Middle Eastern Academy of the House.

"I don't know why the master asked the baby to come here."

Respectfully, I met my father, Jia Jian, who sat up and bowed his head.

"Why, I need to find a reason why I want to find you?"

Jia Yan stared, and sang the chapter on the desk with his hand on his face, scolded with unhappy expression.


"I forgive you for not having the courage!"

Jia Jin smiled coldly, took the just-written memorial on the desk, and smashed it into Jia's face, disdain in this boy's miserable eyes: "Look at the contents first!"

Jia Lianqiang put up with the upset, picked up the freshly-released music on the ground, and looked at it, but the more he looked at his face, the stranger it became, and the more he looked at his breathing.

"Master, this is ..."

After seeing it, he was already in a cold sweat, and he hurried to close the memorial with his face panicked at a loss, and the content in the memorial gave him too much shock.

"Why, Lao Tzu intends to let Jue to you, don't you want to either?"

Jia Zhen leaned on the back of the chair and sneered, "Would it be okay for you to give your brother-in-law title?"

"No no no, master don't get me wrong!"

Upon hearing this, Jia Xie was shocked, and he hurriedly waved to accompany the laughter: "The baby just didn't understand, why did the good master suddenly think of letting the baby attack the baron?"

It is naturally a good thing to attack Jue, and it will be time for Rongguo to lead his second grandfather.

"Hey, if I don't let you attack the lord again, the house will continue to call the second wife-in-law to be the head of the house. When your kid can attack the head, I don't know if there is any house in the house!"

Jia Zheng sneered, and said with a sneer: "Again, the old lady's eccentric eye posture, what if she wants me to give the title to the second child?"

"This, this, this is impossible?"

Jia Yue was stunned for a moment, and shook his head in a hurry; "Assault on the court has its own law, which is inconsistent with national law!"

"Old lady and second child don't think so!"

Jia Jin sneered, his expression inexplicably said, "The second man in the house is now the master of the house. If he did not take the place of his righteous attitude, he would write the name of Lao Tzu in reverse!"

"This, this, it's unlikely!"

Although he said so, his face was very ugly, and he was not a fool. To say that the second uncle didn't want to take his father instead, and justified his words and became a fool in the family.

But what should he do?

He is the only sister-in-law of Dafang, Rongguo. Oh, it should be said that the first-class heirs of the General's Mansion are righteous. In the future, the title of the mansion will be his and the property will be his.

At this moment, Jia Min was full of hostility towards the second uncle, and even the entire second room!

Thanks to him, he was still thinking about doing a good job for the second uncle. It's ridiculous to want to come now. This house will be his own in the future. What else do you need to prove to others?

At the same time, Er Shu and Er Yan's previous behaviors, at this time he wanted to come all changed.

The elder uncle who was always standing was quite forgiving to him, and it wasn't a harsh way to force his eldest son to die. Previously Jia Yi was very grateful to his uncle's mercy, but now it is not the case to want to come.

The emperor Wang ’s kindness and kindness have become abominable. Now thinking back to Eryi ’s many seemingly unintentional utterances, it is quite inductive. Why do people like us not have to compete with those poor students? There are misleading words in the ears from time to time in the ears, and now I want to come to him and all those good second sisters can't get in touch with each other.

Seeing Jia Yan's anger on his face, Jia Qian could not guess what the cheap son thought, and sneered and added fire: "Why, look at you doing a good job as a steward in the past. Isn't it? See the idea of ​​the second room? "

What about the cheap son Jia Yi's heart being taken away by the second room? As long as the fundamental interests of the big room and the second room are not resolved, he can draw a salary at any time and anywhere to bring people over!

"My son is scared!"

Yi Eryi was ashamed. He found that all his thoughts had been wrong over the years. He was a big house sister-in-law and a well-known heir in this house. He didn't need to look at Erfang's complexion.

Thinking about the days when I was running errands, I felt embarrassed in my heart. I became increasingly dissatisfied with the second room. What did the second uncle and second concubine think of him?

"Bring the memorial!"

Jia Zhen took the memorial handed down by his cheap son and said directly: "Minger Lao Tzu will hand up the memorial piece. As for how the court and the emperor respond, Lao Tzu can't control so many, please ask for blessings!"

Jia Yan's heart was fiery, but when he thought of the situation in the house, he seemed to be poured with a basin of cold water, hesitating hesitantly; "the old lady won't agree with me!"

"Fart, Lao Tzu is a well-known striker in the house. For such a big event as Lao Jue, Lao Tzu himself is in charge!"

Wasn't angry and waved his hand, Jia Zheng directly rushed people: "Well, let's go, don't obstruct Lao Tzu's eyes here!"

Now that the matter was over, he really didn't want to continue to care about Jia Yan, the cheap son. As far as the kid's passion for the second room was concerned, if Jia Zhen had only such a bitch, he would have deprived the heir of this **** and could not see the situation's asshole.

He made the title of Fuzhong, and no one can stop it!

As soon as Jie Shier finished, he immediately left here with his private house and Mrs. Xing, as well as a few young children, who really thought that he was a rare and so-called 'National Mansion'?

If not ...

Jia Zheng sat in the study room for another hour, and then he took the share to let the champs go out, and silently did not alarm anyone in the house.


The two flowers bloomed on each table, and Jia Jia was kicked out of the study of the East University Courtyard. The whole person was confused, so I did n’t know how to return to the small courtyard behind Rong Xitang. This is where he and his wife Wang Xifeng became married. .

"Yo, what's the matter with Er Ye, look like a lost soul, and have been scolded by Master again?"

Wang Xifeng's crisp and crisp voice came to his ears, so that the stunned look of Erji awoke, but his wife's words made him feel uncomfortable.

"What nonsense, did the master call me there for reprimand?"

Jia Yue's tone was a little dissatisfied. At this moment, he suddenly didn't want to tell his wife the news.

"Yo, what's the second elder, don't I know what the old man is?"

Wang Xifeng was dressed in gold and red, wearing gold and silver, and rolled up a scent of incense. He was so angry that he gave him a second glance, and said hello to the confidant next to him, Pinger, to pour water to serve his man.

"Hey, don't tell you this!"

Jia Yi waved his hand, took the tea cup from Ping'er, and motioned to Ping'er to go out to guard the door.

Ping'er didn't leave in a hurry, first glanced at Wang Xifeng's look, and saw that she nodded before going out to guard the door. Her ears were raised and she listened carefully to the voice in the room. She was curious about the sudden behavior of Er Er.

"Oh, what are you doing, grandpa Er, have to get Ping'er out?"

Wang Xifeng's eyes fluttered with a pair of danfeng. The indescribable charm was moving, and his voice was crisp and delicate.

If he switched to weekdays, I was afraid that Jia Yi had already given the soul to him, and he put his face on his face and took care of it, but today he was not in a mood, and suddenly said: "If, if the master would let me inherit the title, What does grandma think? "

Wang Xifeng first froze, then suddenly covered her mouth and laughed. She ignored her unpleasant look and sneered and said, "Secondly, the second man is confused, not to say that the old man would definitely not do this. Things, even if the grand master suddenly opened up, the old lady would not agree! "

She wanted to say something even more unpleasant, of course, to ridicule her cheap father-in-law, but she turned to her mouth. How do you say that Grandpa is Er's biological father? If she says it too badly, she will not take it seriously.

Is this possible?

Even if the grandfather suddenly found out his conscience, he could be obedient to the old lady in the past, as long as the old lady was unwilling to talk about nothing.

Seeing Wang Xifeng doing this, Jia Yi suddenly felt very upset. He opened his mouth and said nothing at the end. Even his pillow-holder thought so, so what is the idea of ​​others?

However, Er'er dared to swear by conscience. In the study, the master's attitude was very resolute, as if the title of the family of Rongguofu was a hot potato, and he just wanted to quickly let go.

Since Wang Xifeng didn't believe it, he naturally wouldn't talk nonsense any more. He hurriedly enjoyed a lunch in the house, and then he was buried in the small study in the small yard.

Is this yard too small? The study is so small!

I hadn't noticed it before, but now Jia Yi has gotten into a hostile mind with Erfang. Naturally, there is something wrong with looking at everything.

The courtyard he lives in is right behind Rongxi Hall ~ ~ but the room and size are too aggrieved, which is completely inconsistent with the identity of the heir in this house.

The most important thing is that in front of this courtyard is the courtyard where the second uncle and the second concubine live. These two live in the large courtyard on the east side of the Rongxi Church. It seems that their husband and wife are relying on the second uncle and second concubine to eat. general.


Jia Jin ’s action here was quite rapid. He handed out the book after leaving the house, but within a day, the old relationship in the palace was rumored. The matter has become his acceptance of his request for concession and asked him to do it. Ready for the angel.

Hey, this step is finally done!

Jia Yan's eyes flickered with excitement, his excitement can't be explained in his heart, and he planned carefully for many years. Now he can finally relieve his burden and stay away from the abnormal right and wrong place of Rongguo Mansion.

Hum, I just don't know what his cheap mother and second cheap brother will look like when he receives the imperial edict from Rongjue?

He expressed great expectations ...

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