The Warrior Who Crosses the Heavens

Chapter 195: Master Pardon 1 knife in hand

The flames were raging, and a personal fire group wailed, screaming screaming. Mobile terminal

The Jingying soldiers who had blocked a few entry roads in the village before, either fell to the ground with a sudden fire from the pot and boiling water, or immediately evacuated like a frightened rabbit.

The prince was so angry that his face became purple. At this time, his angry words were indescribable. Like the volcano that was about to erupt, he could detonate himself at any time.

Seeing that the soldiers in the Beijing camp over the 30th were not buried in the sea of ​​fire, but were seriously burned by boiling water, his mood sank into the valley for a moment.

It is not the distress of the generals who are distressed, but the worry that they cannot be accounted for today.

Plus the previous war damage, the village full of killers has not yet won, and the Beijing camp side has lost almost two hundred men and horses.

In wartime, this idea of ​​casualties is naturally nothing.

But now is the time of the Taiping Dynasty in the Daqi Dynasty, and it is still in Gyeonggi. It killed more than two hundred soldiers in the Beijing camp in one breath. This is an extraordinary event.

It is conceivable that when the news came out, the court would shake and it goes without saying that Wang Zi-teng's political opponents would flock and even today he would be very dissatisfied with him.

The magnificent Beijing camp ambassadors personally directed the 3,000 cavalry to attack a small village. After being beaten into such a look, it was almost a waste of dim sum.

Thinking of the gloomy future in the future, Prince Teng didn't regret it.

He also found it by himself. Today, he sent a secret order to the Beijing camp. He dispatched 3,000 cavalry to kill Bentongzhou quickly. The Prince Teng thought that the opportunity for his performance had arrived. He also left two unsuccessful vice generals in the Beijing camp and brought himself three thousand The cavalry rushed to Tongzhou.

As a result, I encountered a hit!

"Wang Teng, what are you still doing, copy the guy!"

The grandfather slaps the prince up and slaps him in the palm of his hand. His heart is a little down on this maggot. It really is not the general who really fights out on the battlefield, and his psychological quality is still a bit poor.

"Yes, yes, come and punch me, don't let a thief go!"

Prince Teng suddenly responded, but now is not the time to regret it, first take down the killer in the village before talking, so it is better to sacrifice the work.

Moreover. In front of the village, even the stuff of letting go of the city, such as fire oil tanks, has been taken out. It is not rebellion but also a rebellion. You must not let it go easily.

Next, Prince Teng commanded three thousand cavalry and dismounted to launch a tide-like offensive towards the killer village.

However, the result was unexpected. Just entering the chaotic building complex on the village road, it was difficult to bring the advantage of the number of soldiers called Jingying.

I tried to smooth out these messy buildings that blocked the road, but it cost nine cows, two tigers, and just scraped off the adobe outside the messy building. The dense blue bricks inside did not call Wang Teng and the commander who commanded the battle to vomit blood. It is disgusting that these blue brick walls have more than one floor!

Where is this village? It is almost the same as the Han Dynasty and Tang Dynasty's Dwelling Docks. It is as strong and resistant to grass and easy to defend.

I don't know how much fuel oil is stored in the village. In short, he rushed to the Beijing camp for 500 soldiers and died in the flames.

At this point, don't say that the prince's eyes were red, it was those generals who didn't deal with the prince's or had other intentions.

If this is not enough to attack a small village, none of them will end.

"Don't take a break, wait until you have made a batch of fortified weapons!"

The grandfather had been following the Prince Teng's army, and he saw that the Jingying soldiers were fighting fires with moths, and bumped into thick and sturdy cluttered buildings. He was hit with a severe blood loss.

Nima, these blocked roads, created a lot of messy buildings in alleys, which were basically built in accordance with the standards of city houses.

A wall has at least three layers of blue bricks stacked. How can it be broken by flesh alone?

Although the cluttered building complex is not high, the height of one foot is enough to make the dismounted cavalry helpless, and their swords and guns are really average.

The village does not know how many martial arts high-strength killers. When the soldiers in Beijing camp hit the most violent, more than a dozen cans of hot oil were slammed down.

Not only once, but the whole village was in this situation on all sides. Half a day of offense and defense lost more than 500 soldiers. Such a killer's killing skills should not be underestimated.

That's right, don't look at the small village, but it is solidly blocked by cluttered buildings on all sides, leaving only a small passage between buildings, which is not suitable for large troops to act together.

As a result, three thousand Beijing camp cavalry attacked the village for a long time, leaving hundreds of corpses, but they had not rushed in.

Sporadic brave men rushed in, and all were turned over by the killers inside.

In terms of personal force, the martial arts killer is too strong from the Beijing camp, there is nothing to do, and the number of people who rush into the village is simply death.

But without pushing the village's rugged and cluttered buildings on all sides, the large troops could not be deployed at all.

I don't know if it was intentional or unintentional. There is no big tree in the area around the village, let alone the huge wood suitable for making siege appliances.

Seeing that Wang Zi Teng's eyes were red, there was no response at all, and the master raised the volume and suggested: "Take a break and wait for the siege equipment transported by Tongzhou to arrive!

"Enhou, what if we wait for someone to run away?"

Prince Teng touched his face with sweat, and said helplessly: "Only by continuing to attack and not let the killer in it have a chance to breathe, can I rest assured in my heart!"

"The war horses are all in use. First, use bows and arrows to suppress one side, and use a rope to hang the beams of the house. Pull them all down with horsepower!"

The old man looked at it for so long and reminded him: "As long as you break through one side, don't talk about the other three sides!"

"Good idea, why didn't I think of it?"

Wang Zitang's expression was quite complicated. He was very grateful for the reminder of the grandfather, and at the same time he had such a hint of persuasion.

Alas, Cheng Ping Jiu Jiu is again in a prosperous place like Beijing. Can he count on the generals who rely on their qualifications and background to rise up and analyze the problem rationally when the war is tense?

One incompetent, exhausted the three armies!

I had underestimated the killer in the village before, and then the smashing only looked at his head. Most of the 500 casualties were actually unnecessary injuries. Of course, the master would not say that.

Sure enough, with the help of Grandpa, the Jingying soldiers gathered archers on the side of the village to suppress the killer's counterattack, and then dozens of ropes were placed on the messy building beams blocking the road, and dozens of military horses on the other side separated. Pulling, just listening to the sound of a blue brick wall collapsed directly.

it is good!

The Beijing camp generals who have not been able to obtain the results of the battle issued a loud cheer, such as the two blue brick and stone walls behind the legal system were soon pulled to the ground.

"Kill ..."

Without three solid blue brick heads blocking the road, hundreds of powerful Beijing camp soldiers quickly pushed the road houses flat, and the village that had never been unable to enter was exposed to the eyes of the Beijing camp soldiers.

"Kill in, there are rewards for catching thieves alive!"

At the first sight, Prince Teng was overjoyed, and he couldn't help observing the still complex and changeable terrain and buildings in the village. He drew out his sword and rushed to the horse, and the guards around him didn't dare to chase.

"Hey, it's really brain draining!"

The grandfather shook his head, and he did not hesitate to use a big sword and a rein, and followed slowly.

The figure is tall and riding on a horse. But after seeing the sturdy houses that have been flattened out, the topography of the village is still artificially complicated, and even a few small soil slopes are piled up at the intersection. Stuck at the intersection.

The buildings in the village are even more messy. The house in the east and the yard in the west seem to be placed randomly. You can observe carefully that all of them have a hindrance to moving forward.

Obviously, this killer village has been in operation for a short period of time. Although it may seem very inconspicuous in the rough, it is not even as neat as the village next to it. You can carefully think about the seemingly messy layout, but it is famous everywhere. Full of malice.

The most sturdy outer house barrier was broken. It is reasonable to say that the killer inside should be panicked ~ ~ But the fact is that the side of the house has been breached, and no trace of human activity in the village can be seen.

However, the other three sides still shouted to kill Zhentian. From time to time, you can see a variety of orthopedic shadows in the flexible vertical field of the roof and roof beams.

Sure enough, the martial arts of the guys in the village are quite good. The village killer martial arts that the grandfather saw at a glance are at least equivalent to bright and dark levels.

If this is a street fight, with the strength shown by this group of killers, it is not as simple as killing chickens and dogs in Beijing camp?

Sure enough, Prince Teng couldn't wait to lead the Guards, and crashed into a spider-like complex terrain.

The debris of the road let the prince Teng who was struggling to kill and his guards gradually disperse.

Two orthopaedic fitness images emerged from the shadows next to each other. The speed quickly killed the Prince Teng, and the guards around him couldn't even make a response. They could only issue an exclaim line like "Caution for adults".

The Prince Teng's face turned wild, he darted his knife and slashed, and the assassin almost swung the knife and was unstable.

I'm dead!

Seeing two cold mans headed straight to the heart and head, the prince suddenly became cold with cold hands and feet.

call out!

At this moment, a shining sword shouted, as if the blue dragon swept up and flew in the air, and the first one flew to the sword with a stinging path to stab the prince to the prince. The next moment the sword shone out and whistled. Believing his head to the sky.

Uh ...

Count the hidden weapon to radiate from the shadow corners around. Half of them went straight to the big master who slashed like a dragon, half went to the prince Teng who had just retrieved a life from death.

Lying grass, are masters!

Big Master Bee's eyes, with a knife in his hand and a knife sharpening whistling ...

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