Up and down the Rongguo House, because of the arrest of Zhou Rui, the second house manager, the scene was full of excitement.

Mrs. Wang ’s plan to find Jia ’s mother for help was very successful. Jia ’s mother was quite dissatisfied with Master ’s “deliberate targeting” of the second room.

However, the grandfather obviously didn't want to have a conflict with the government. He has been living in another hospital for the past few days, and he has been pushed for two or six years to invite Jia to get angry.

"Bad boy, bad boy!"

Shouting Er Er directly and counted on the grand master, and if Er Er is going to find the grand master, she has important things to say.

What's important?

Isn't it for the second house?

Yun Er's heart was particularly upset. He co-authored the master to arrest a second-room supervisor who violated the law. The old lady thought that the master was revenge in private.

Look at Grandpa too flat?

With the master's patience, a declining Rongguo mansion, did he get into the master's eyes?

In other words, the old lady was still addicted to the glory of the past, and the second wife was staring at the title of the house. What if the grandfather was completely bored one day, let his son give up the title?

It is estimated that by then, the two houses of Rongguo House will be completely separated, or even divided.

I was afraid at that time, the old lady would regret that her intestines were green.

For the old lady's request, Er Er naturally did not dare to refuse in person, but turned around and left.

Just kidding, the grandfather made it clear that he didn't want to go back to the house recently. He had to run to find someone, didn't he ask for trouble?

Regarding Er's perfunctory attitude, as well as his unavoidable gesture, Grandpa Jia felt that her authority had been provoked, and she almost could not bear it, and she was going to visit her in person to make her look good.

Until this day ...

"What, Shuntian government officials caught the second housekeeper on the Liguo government?"

Rong Qingtang, when mother Lai Da heard the news, Jia mother froze.

"Yeah old lady!"

Lai Da wiped the sweat from his forehead and said carefully, "It is said that the people's land was seized from the outside, and he was also forced to death!"

In my heart, I couldn't help but beat.

The Lai family has done a lot of such things, but it hasn't killed anyone.

He was afraid of the grandfather that he could survive in the hands of two assassins with bows and arrows, and that the grandfather who could completely overthrow the assassins was too strong.

Right now, it seems that Grandpa is going to ruthlessly rectify the servants of the giants, and his heart is chaotic.

If you accidentally get caught up by Grandpa, you can't eat any better.

Before the second house supervisor Zhou Rui was arrested, the second wife asked for help from the old lady, as well as the rumors and rumors in the world, but he did not mean anything.

It is really a bunch of stupidity. If the old master really wants to rectify Zhou Rui, even if the old lady comes forward, it is probably useless. Now being a demon in the government and even destroying the old master's name will not only have no effect, but will only cause big The master's resentment, maybe Zhou Rui, who could have been very stuck, because of the storm in the house, he continued to be locked in Shuntian House.

Really guessed by him!

For a weekly Rui, how could it be possible to get into the eyes of Grandpa?

The arrest of Zhou Rui was not even known to the grandfather. When his officers were on patrol, he saw that Zhou Rui had taken a man and nearly killed a poor people and suddenly arrested him.

Grandpa has long established the rules. He can ignore the gray areas in the capital and even the dark industries, but absolutely no case of human life can occur under the broad daylight. This is the bottom line.

Otherwise, the patrol officer can catch people directly, and if something goes wrong, the master promises to stand up!

If the next official is replaced to preside over the daily work of Suncheon Mansion, I am afraid that the government officials below will not believe his promise. There are too many powers in Beijing.

Although Suncheon Mansion is important, there are too many existences that can't be provoke, plus the number of relatives and friends is not a small number. If one is not good, it can lead to powerful characters that can't be provoke.

The ordinary Suncheon Mansion Yin, in order to be moisturized, must not only have a strong background, but also ‘be a man’, let alone Suncheon Mange.

Such a boss of Suncheon Mansion, in addition to having a great future in the future, actually does not recruit low-level officials to wait and see, forcing them to become grandchildren.

No one is willing to sacrifice themselves, no matter whether they meet an official or a well-dressed guy, they all have to smile and greet them, for fear of inadvertently offending the existence of human life, one can imagine the humiliation in their hearts.

What's more, there was an enthusiastic official who was enthusiastically excited by the two or three false words of Yuntianfu Yin Yun. As a result, when something really happened, he was directly regarded as a scapegoat.

My heart is cold after seeing more. Since I can't offend those who have background, then desperately squeeze the people at the lower level. No one is born to be a bad person, all forced by the environment.

Until the grandfather presided over the daily official duties of Suncheon Mansion, in the case that all official missions were too late to respond, he directly slammed Prince Zhongshun. Such a strong performance was called Suncheon Manchurian Conviction.

With such a strong boss, the lumbar poles of Shuntian government officials are quite straight.

Grandpa is not a master of power. Most of the power is delegated to the officials of Shuntianfu. The only requirement is not to oppress the people too much.

Want them not to benefit from the people at all, the grandfather said that he did not have such ability, as long as he did not make too much trouble, the Suncheon government official dissatisfied with such a request, but still within tolerance.

When the bad horses in the government official group are eliminated, the spirit of the official officer of Suncheon Mansion is getting higher and higher, and the cohesion is different from the past.

The old master did not deliberately order it, but his officials had to target the giant servants, but these guys were arrogant. Even if they were honestly told by the host before, when they saw that there was no major action in Shuntianfu, they continued to work Prestige.

According to past experience, even if you really meet Shuntianfu, as long as you hold out the name of the main house, naturally nothing will happen.

Then, a lot of giant servants were unlucky.

Everything that violates the law, once the officer of Suncheon Mansion called the patrol found that one word: catch!

Zhou Rui is not the first giant to be arrested, but it is not the last!

However, Shun Tianfu's arresting people so brazenly naturally attracted the dissatisfaction of those who were arrested as servants.

The grandfather is qualified to go to the early dynasty. He basically had little communication with the officials in the past. He is not a member of the civil service system, but also a heterogeneous group of the Honourable Group. He has no friends at all.

Only in the last few days, the officials who have been actively seeking the Grand Master's "chat" from behind have suddenly increased their numbers. The purpose is very simple. I hope the Grand Master will not go too far.


Not too much!

Compared with the behaviors of various foreign supervisors, Suncheon Mansion can only be said to act impartially.

But it is the impartiality of Shuntian Mansion, but it can't stand Yigan Xungui's wealthy homeowner.

In other words, they are not accustomed to such a strong posture of Suncheon Mansion. They were arrested and looked ugly, and some of their business will be affected if Suncheon Mansion is strong.

Breaking people's wealth is like killing parents!

Conflicts of interest are unreasonable, so Grandpa has been under great pressure in recent days.

But what about this?

The grandfather didn't care too much. The officials from the Xungui group were just as friendly as each other. Once the evil words threatened, the grandfather would never be polite.

Every family in Vanity Fair is not clean under any family!

Anyone who does not give face to the grandfather when he is up, or actively find fault, is sent directly by his grandfather to stare at the lord, specifically targeting the family behind these guys. If he finds something wrong, he immediately shoots. The lords of the top giants faced with embarrassment and could not leave Taiwan.

"Jia Hou, don't do it absolutely!"

The family business was greatly affected. Seeing that the sharp decline in income was a foregone conclusion, some officials couldn't hold their breath and threatened the grand master directly: "If you are in a hurry, you can't please it!"

Ha ha……

The old man didn't care at all, but he didn't mean the opposite. He just said that what he did was done impartially, if anyone felt wrong, he could directly raise it.

But if anyone wants to play with him, the grandfather said he would stay with him to the end.

Such a strong attitude made the honourable ministers whose interests were impaired enough, but they were helpless to take the grandfather.

At this time, the officials at Lantai Temple did not hold back their loneliness, and suddenly jumped out to impeach the Grand Master 'Greece and Corruption', which caused turmoil in Beijing.

I've seen shameless people, I've never seen such a shameless guy, just open my eyes and talk nonsense!

Isn't that just catching the criminal steward behind the old people behind you, it was so good to be impolite to launch an impeachment, do you really think that you are the master?

If there is a real honest official, the grandfather has nothing to do with him, at least it is not effective in the official field, but the grandfather has a lot of power, and can still achieve the goal through the channels.

I used a little of the power of the intelligence network, but in a few days I collected all the information of the impeachment official ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ It was amazingly efficient.

The old man pointed out, and also used the impeachment method to directly kick the puppet into the abyss of hell, telling the Manchu Wenwu to see his fierce means.

It's just that today's response is invisible.

After receiving the impeachment from the impeachment of the grandfather, he did not leave it as he did before, but left it to the cabinet for discussion and investigation, as if he believed in the innocence of the grandfather. In fact, the grandfather was clear.

Obviously, today's attitude towards the grandfather is no longer as loose and indulgent as before. It is so meaning to take advantage of the opportunity to beat, so it is not so great that the grandfather must guess.

Go for it horse!

The old man didn't have the mentality and energy to guess the current mentality, and took care of himself according to his own thoughts, and then the protagonist was unlucky, and it is estimated that he will have to spend a long time in prison.

Such a ruthless and merciless method shocked the minister, and praised the grandfather's strengths, but since then, few people have taken the initiative to impeach the grandfather, especially if there is no conclusive evidence. .

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