The Warrior Who Crosses the Heavens

Chapter 246: Leave Beijing

What ‘the nobles are invited’ is that the King of Yizhong County secretly rushed to Ningguo's government by the matter of Qin Keqing, and wanted to see the master.

"Isn't the county king afraid of your Majesty?"

When I saw King Yizhong in the study in the front yard of Ningguofu, the grandfather asked directly without being polite.

"Hey, I don't bother you, Lord, but all the senior officials know about Qing!"

King Yizhong said indifferently: "It's just that he is unwilling to accept it. Master Jia's temperament is different from that of 20 years ago, so that the king is afraid to recognize each other!"

He naturally knew the old master long ago. It was only more than 20 years ago that the king of Yizhong County was only a young man. He had little contact with the old master who was accompanied by his prince, but it was also known.

"No more nonsense, I wonder how the county king asked me for advice?"

He waved his hand, and the master went straight to the subject and laughed: "Say it well in advance, don't ask too much!"

"How about joining His Majesty?"

There was a hint of dissatisfaction in the eyes of King Yizhong. The casual attitude of the grand master made him feel provocative and majestic, but thinking of the other party's mighty strength, this made him angry.

"Not willing?"

The grandfather did not answer in a hurry, and faintly scanned King Yizhong and asked.

"For you, are you willing?"

The King of Yizhong County sneered: "That man should have been my father's king, now it should be mine!"

"What about unwillingness?"

The grandfather calmly said: "Becoming the king and defeating the pirates, the strength of today is getting stronger and stronger, what is the county king fighting with today, is it too much of the emperor's favor?"

"Jia Enhou, don't think you are the father and the king's companion, the king will not dare to do anything to you!"

Like a cat with a trampled tail, King Yizhong turned angry and said, "I really want to annoy my king. You ca n’t afford the consequences, but also Rongguo!"

"Hehe, this is the county king!"

The old man didn't care much, and laughed, "I have no interest in the fight for action!"

The king of Yizhong County did not believe such a crap, and sneered, "Jia Enhou, are you not optimistic about the king?"

"You can say that too!"

With a slight glance at this glance, the grandfather did not hesitate to say: "I can't see much hope at all, even Prince Zhongshun's odds are better than that of the county king!"

Before Wang Yizhong County became angry, he laughed, "Is that killer village in Tongzhou two years ago?"

"Why, that's a loyal soldier?"

Pressing his heart into anger, the king of Yizhong County showed some interest, which may have been hidden from ordinary officials, but he could not hide from a powerful man like him.

The movement at that time was not small, and the 3,000 elite cavalry in the Beijing camp dispatched and besieged a village, which soon spread.

The details of the battle were astonishing. In attacking such a small village, the 3000 cavalry would have run into a bloodshed. If it wasn't for the grand master's aggressive shot, it is estimated that the battle damage would be enough to cause the 3000 cavalry to collapse.

Needless to know, such a village must be a loyal hand.


The grandfather said lightly: "It is estimated that there should be no less than ten princes Zhongshun in a killer village like this. Does the county king have such power?"


The king of Yizhong County was dumb, but his heart was quite upset.

"Okay, it turns out that Jia Enhou has turned to Zhongshun. No wonder this uncle has recently jumped up and down to help you out!"

Speaking of this, his eyes were cold and dissatisfied, "Don't you be afraid I will break your good thing?"

To tell the truth, as the ex-prince's sister-in-law, King Yizhong was indeed inferior to Prince Zhongshun, even the powerful royal relatives in the royal family.

Before, because of the former prince, he and his family have been kept in captivity. Although they are free from food and clothing, they are isolated from the outside world. How can they build up power and family?

Prince Zhongshun has always been a powerful contender for the throne. For years of operation, how can King Yizhong County be comparable?

The words of the grandfather touched the scar in his heart. If he hadn't taken care of some facial features, he would have to turn his face to kill at this time.

"Does the King really think I have turned to Prince Zhongshun?"

The old man didn't care, and glanced faintly at the corner of the room, and smiled, "But it's just to give some advice to Prince Zhongshun, just to exchange it!"

"Suggesting Zhongshun?"

The king of Yizhong County wondered, "What opinion will make him pay you such a great price?"

"A back road!"

The grandfather groaned with a smile: "Or to say, out of the current unfavorable situation of fighting with today, the proposal of feudal statehood may be just fine!"

"What, is it possible to propose a feudal state?"

As soon as King Yizhong's eyes lighted, his breathing quickly followed, and he hurriedly said, "What are the suggestions?"

"It's nothing, just to remind Prince Zhongshun to find a big island in Nanyang as a back road!" ‘

The grandfather did not conceal, and laughed: "Or run it as a land where the feudal state was established in the future, and wait for the results of the operation there, and directly abandon Daqi's foundation to go out and become the emperor!"

"Huh, what is your idea?"

King Yizhong sneered, "Zhongshun can only blame if he listens!"

"Oh, did the county king say that Lord Zhongshun is helping me outsource activities?"

The old man smiled and said, "Obviously, is he interested in this medical examination?"

"Zhongshun rat eyes!"

"I don't think so, Prince Zhongshun should have a sense of self-knowledge, and there is almost no chance of fighting with today. If you don't stay behind, you will either have to be trapped or sell crazy for a lifetime, but no one is willing to live this kind of life! "

"It's nice to say. Without the courage to break the boat, there would be no chance of winning. I'm afraid there is no hope at all!"

"So what? After giving up Daqi's foundation, Prince Zhongshun is still his superior in South China Overseas!"

"A barren land abroad, what kind of emperor Tu Zhongshun is willing to be!"

Seeing King Yizhong's resolute attitude, the grandfather was too lazy to continue to persuade and laughed: "King, I have no intention of participating in the royal battle!"

"Okay, Jia Enhou, you're too blind!"

The King of Yizhong even sneered, but didn't yell at him directly, and waved his hands in disdain: "Let's go, I hope that there will be no handle in the hands of the king, otherwise the king will not be polite!"

"Haha, the county king is just fine!"

The grandfather laughed, and turned around and walked away, not at all dragged.


Watching the figure of Grandpa disappeared at the end of the line of sight, King Yizhong shot him on the table with a slap in his palm, his face aloof and angry.

It's so uninteresting, does Jia Enhou really think he won't make people?

At this time, a few staff members stepped out of the study room and approached King Yizhong and carefully asked if they wanted to give a deep lesson to the grandfather?

"King of Kings!"

Waiting for the King Yizhong County to speak, at this moment a majestic man walked out of the shelter of the house and discouraged him; "Jia Enhou's strength is great, for he is afraid that ordinary people can't take him at all!"

"What do you say?"

The king of Yizhong County froze in his heart, waved his staff to stop his staff from opening, and looked directly at the guard leader in front of him.

"Just in the gap just now, Jia Enhou intentionally or unintentionally swept the place hidden by his subordinates and several brothers. Obviously he has discovered the existence of his subordinates and others!"

The majestic man said solemnly, "It's not easy to deal with such a master!"

"If you had an outbreak just now, how confident are you in taking someone?"

King Yizhong's face became serious, and Shen said, "To be honest!"

"Not sure at all!"

The majestic man smiled bitterly: "This is a hard work that is quite good. None of the singles alone can do it with confidence, even if they are attacked by a group, it is difficult to directly get people!"

"Is that so powerful, really so strong?"

The King Yizhong was taken aback, disbelieving: "If this is the case, he will not lie dormant for so long, there must be something here!"

The majestic man didn't speak, he only answered questions he could answer.

"What do you think, gentlemen?"

King Yizhong also didn't mind it, and asked an aide; "Is it necessary to put too much effort on Jia Enhou?"

Several staff members whispered for a while and finally replied that this was not necessary.

No matter how strong Jia Enhou's force is, he is only one person. Unless he can fight with one enemy, this is impossible.

However, the information he provided is worthy of attention. If this is not concealed, it is clear that Prince Zhongshun has lost the idea of ​​continuing the fight for the dragon. This is a good thing for King Yizhong and lacks a strong competitor.

It cannot be said that it is not good for him to establish a nation in the vassal of the vassal, but for the King Yizhong and his staff, how can the barren land overseas be comparable to the flowers and rivers of Daqi?

Without Prince Zhongshun as such a great enemy, King Yizhong could devote all his energy and thoughts to the current body, at least much better than his current situation.

Even, they can consider uniting with Prince Zhongshun. After the completion of the event, Prince Zhongshun's wish ~ ~ What about the feudal statehood?

As for Jia Jian's concubine, it would be better to be a good friend and let him go out of Beijing directly. Isn't Prince Zhongshun doing this? They just need to push it secretly.

Seriously, after Jia Amnesty left the capital, they had to make good plans to win it. Shuntianfu also controlled thousands of government differences. This is definitely a big force in Beijing. If it can be taken and controlled completely, Their strength will be even stronger.

King Yizhong heard it. Although he was very dissatisfied with this result, he had to recognize it with his nose in nickel for the so-called overall situation, and secretly helped the situation, so that Jia Enhou, the obstructive guy, could get out of the way early.

So, shortly afterwards, the grandfather received a court order to transfer him to the post of inspecting history in the province of Jiangsu, a serious official of the third grade!

When receiving the appointment, Grandpa also heard some rumors. It is said that his new official position was the result of the joint promotion of Prince Zhongshun and King Yizhong County. I wonder how King Yizhong County would have such a move?

In any case, being able to leave Beijing can still be promoted two levels, the grandfather is very satisfied with this, and quickly left a right and wrong place with a shelf.

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