Grandpa Hehe found that the invitation to invite him to drink has skyrocketed recently.

Everyone knows why, he didn't bother to go one by one, and only with the invitation of a few relatives, he was willing to move.

However, what made him depressed was that the drinking party was not so confusing because it was a good relationship.

No, at the banquet set by the Shijia Shuanghou, the grandpa looked at the two cousins ​​silently, and he was not very angry; "Do n’t drink, you two do n’t even want to drink me if you rotten the belly. To put it bluntly, I can help if I can, and don't complain if you can't! "

In other words, it is enough for the Historian Shuanghou to fill up with alcohol. It seems that he wants to talk to the grandfather after drinking alcohol, so isn't it awkward?

Dream it!

Grandpa can easily carry blood, and even speed up the flow of blood is trivial.

If you drink more alcohol, as long as you speed up the qi and blood movement, you can resolve the alcohol in a short time. In addition to the stomach full of liquid, what else can it do?

On the contrary, the Shuang Hou of the Historian, taking turns pouring himself into his head, lost his mind.

"Eun Hou, our brother is suffering. He has been nesting in the Ministry of Defense and cannot move. He still doesn't know when he can make it!"

Shi Ji was drunk with wine and drunkenly: "We don't ask you to go further in the Ministry of Military Affairs, as long as you can go to the local army!"

Seeing the master, Shi San nodded and agreed: "That's it!"

The old man smiled slightly and said leisurely: "This is very simple!"

For him, it was quite simple. Since he did not avoid his relationship with Prince Zhongshun, it would not matter if he borrowed the name of the king.


The eyes of Shijia Shuanghou were all bright, how could they still be drunk?

"Of course it is true!"

The grandfather put down the wine, and said badly: "But there is a premise, you have not joined other royals before, otherwise things will not be easy!"

Shi San smiled bitterly: "As far as the situation of our brothers is concerned, which royal lord will pay attention to it?"

"That's good!"

The master straightened up and laughed, "I'm too lazy to drink wine. After a while, you will wait for the news and it won't let you down!"

In his mind, the two cousins ​​of the Historian had some real materials, but just like Jia Zhen's original body, affected by the disuse of the prince, he was suppressed to the present.

It is enough to say that the emperor is too high. Obviously, he cannot see the expansion of the prince's power to shake his throne, and he has forced the prince to lose a square inch and take risks.

As a result, the prince abandoned himself and committed suicide, and the emperor played with his father and son, please, and killed the relatives around the abolished prince. By the way, even the family behind them was implicated.

For his family, the oldest historian died on the battlefield. The oldest historian fought hard and **** the battlefield, and finally managed to march out a marquis. As a result, he returned to Beijing to mix only the middle-level official posts.

In short, since the prince's death, the historians have basically fallen into trouble. The family strength and momentum have continued to decline, and the situation is quite bad now.

Of course, the historian has two Houye after all, even if there is no real power in his hands, if there is no aggressiveness, it is not difficult to maintain the family's continued decline.

However, it is clear that the Historian Shouhou was not willing to live in such a bland life.

The big master understands the mood of the historians, and the two princes are also under psychological pressure.

Three hundred miles in Afang Palace, you can't live a history in Jinling!

Previously circulated in Jinlingfang, this sentence describing the four major family historians, without mentioning the taboo of Afang Palace, described the historian as the most hanging one among the four major families.

Ah, isn't that the family's grandchildren are crowded and crowded, and the first emperor's Afang palace is pulled out as a footnote, in fact, it does not mean so much?

As two historians who are the boss of the historian, the pressure on him is considerable.

The resources of the entire historian are in the hands of the two historians. They have to plan for the future of the historians, and they must also bring the historians who have the ability.

However, the Historian Shuanghou has limited abilities and can help the clan people. In addition to money and food, there is a pitiful amount of official resources.

For this matter, the two Houye were not complained by the elders of the family. What can I do?

The entire historian, the best mixed is the Historian Shuanghou. Even if the clan has the ability, there is not enough resources to want to get ahead, and it is unnecessary to think about relying on other major forces.

In the feudal era, the family was one. Even if the family were to make a profit, they had to keep pace with the family. It was n’t that they wanted to rely on the big forces. They had to take into account the interests of the entire family.

I really want to focus on my personal future. Okay, as long as you are out of the tribe, it has nothing to do with the family. You can toss as much as you want, unless you commit a major crime other than the nine races, otherwise it will be difficult to affect the family.

Lin Ruhai's vein is the best example. In the last years of the previous dynasty, Lin Ruhai's ancestors were talented, but they were stunned by the family.

Later, the world was too chaotic. The Lin family's suppression of Lin Ruhai's ancestors had to be relaxed, and finally they were allowed to leave the family smoothly before they turned their heads and directly joined Taizu's rebel team.

After the founding of the country, Lin Ruhai's ancestors sealed the army as a military division. When the Lin family came to see it naturally, they were rejected by Lin Ruhai's ancestors.

This is also the main reason for the poor relationship between Lin Ruhai's first line and Suzhou Lin's.

Historians naturally did not encounter such a situation, nor did historians such as Lin Ruhai's ancestors have brilliant talents. Although there were some talents among the clan, none of them could be admitted into the family, nor did they feel that the family was hindering them. In the future, there must be a clan division, but the historian Shuanghou also felt great pressure.

That is, when the great master was the governor in Jiangsu Province, he helped the family members of the four major families of Jinling to go to sea to do business, and also helped some young children who were aggressive and wanted to mingle in the officialdom to enter the Yemen as a small official, and resettle the people in Jinling Properly, otherwise the pressure of the Historian Shuanghou will be even greater.

But that's the case. Seeing that the Jinling people are all mixed up, they have either made a lot of money or entered the officialdom, and the Shi family in Beijing cannot sit still.

The Shi Family is really a huge family with a large population. Even if most people are staying in Jinling, there are still more than a dozen houses in Beijing. The number of adults is almost a hundred, which is definitely a horrible figure.

Once they get into trouble, the Shijia Shouhou may not be able to hold back.

Long before the grandfather did not return to Beijing, in fact, the historian Shuanghou already had the idea of ​​holding his thighs. Are they prostitutes and cousins?

It was just that when the old master was quiet, the days were much worse than the two histories of the two soldiers who had been in the military department. When the two old princes faced the old masters, they had a psychological advantage.

This time, it's a bit embarrassing for them to adapt to the huge power gap between the two sides.

After the master returned to Beijing, the Shuangshou of the Historian were a little entangled, and they didn't know if they should come to the door.

As a result, when the news that Prince Zhongshun valued favoring Grandpa spread, the two princes were not entangled, and they were ready to hug their thighs directly.

Fortunately, Grandpa is a man of temperament, without the bad problems in the officialdom, and agreed to the request of the two without hesitation.

What is this, this is relatives.

Grandpa didn't pay attention to what historian Shuanghou thought. His mind was very simple. Since the other party sought for himself and was within his own ability, there was nothing to do.

Hong Lou's original works have a good description of the Historian, but from the history of Shi Xiangyun, the historian's life is getting more and more difficult.

However, some time should have been up. Shi Xiangyun seemed to leave with an uncle who was an official to leave for a period of time, and the historian should be a little better during that time.

How did you get up?

It must not be effective today. The original Red Mansion is a tragic story. The last four families should be finished, and historians are certainly no exception.

That being said, the historians either defected to Prince Zhongshun or King Yizhong, and it was no wonder that they managed to win. In the meantime, I implore him to let him go.

Right now, the historians apparently haven't chosen to stand in line, and their lives haven't gone too far.

Historians also played military merits. There is no shortage of good things at the bottom of the box. They can make a good marquis family of military meritorious forces to the point where the young lady and the mother-in-law are required to move the needle and thread together. Obviously, the money is in short supply.

This matter should have some connection with today's collection of accounts.

In this way, the Brothers of the Historian are also very powerful characters. They silently gritted their teeth and paid back the debts, but unfortunately they failed to get out.

After rejecting the historian's two cousins, the master returned to the other hospital and wrote a letter directly to Prince Zhongshun, asking the Prince to help him.

Don't look at the two historians, the Houye in Beijing has almost no reputation. In fact, they both have the real ability, otherwise, where did the three marquis of Shisan come from?

They ca n’t make it in the middle of Beijing, but they can be put in places where the dragons return to the sea. As long as they are given the opportunity, they can make it ~ ~ Just as Prince Zhongshun needs a general who can be trusted to help guard the coastal areas of Jiangsu and Zhejiang, His overseas trade base is no problem.

I believe that Prince Zhongshun will give the grandfather this face after investigating the Shuangshou of the Historian.

Obviously, the grandfather was definitely like Xiangxiang during this time. It didn't take long for him to go back to the other hospital.

"Master, you must go back to your house this time, or your son really can't survive it!"

Seeing Grandpa, Erji had the urge to cry while holding his legs.

"What happened again?"

Glancing at this glance, Grandpa was not very angry: "Say, there should be nothing in the house recently, I would like to spend a few days to clean up!"

"It's not Brother Jen, he wants to hug his thigh but he can't find the master!"

Twenty-two smiled bitterly: "The old lady doesn't know how to hear the news. There are still some family affairs. I want to discuss it with my master!"

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