The Warrior Who Crosses the Heavens

Chapter 290: go to school

"Grandma, grandma, I don't want to go to school, I want to accompany grandma!"

In the main house of Rong Qingtang, Bao Yu, who had just returned from a happy play, suddenly heard the "bad news" conveyed by Mother Jia, and suddenly she was holding the mother's arm in a thunderous light.

"Don't make trouble with Baoyu, your grandmother can't bear to go to clan studies and suffer, but this is your decision!"

Mother Jia held Baoyu in consolation, and sold the second old man directly.

Hearing that it was his own family's decision, Baoyu's cuteness and coquettishness ceased.

Jia family tradition, the son sees Lao Tzu and mice see cats, Jia Baoyu is in this situation, afraid of his own Lao Tzu Zheng second master.

"Don't worry, Lan Ge will go to ethnology with you!"

Mother Jia was very reluctant. She scolded her second child for being cruel and heart-warming.

Jia Baoyu's entire spirit was debilitating. Knowing that he could not escape from school, his heart was so depressed that he couldn't add any more.

What fun to follow with a bunch of scholars, might as well be chic with the sisters and sisters at home.

Xue Baodi, who was sitting with her, was envious and disdainful, and had a complex mood for a while.

I envy Jia Baoyu for having such a good condition. He was born without your son-in-law, and was so liked by the old lady of Rongfu that he regarded him as an eyeball.

Now he can go to the infamous Jia clan to study and admire the dead.

Disdain is, such a good opportunity for advancement, see Jia Baoyu's appearance is not happy?

There was a sense of injustice in the heart, and the Xue family wanted to send Xue Yi into the Jia clan studies and could not figure out the way.

That ’s right, Aunt Xue wanted to send Xue Yan to the Jia Clan Studies. When she first came to Beijing, she would go in for a while, but unfortunately, the ethnology studies were reorganized soon. awkward.

I haven't felt anything before, but now the clan ethnology has suddenly risen, and twelve talents have been cultivated in one breath. The mother and daughter of the Xue family regret it all the more, and they are even more annoyed by Xue Yan.

With such a good opportunity for advancement, Xue Yan didn't even know how to catch it. He was disgraced and driven out of Jia's clan studies, so that the mother and daughter of Xue's family were almost depressed and vomited blood.

Even Xue Yan himself regretted seeing the momentum of the Jia Clan Studies. It was even more annoying to be mourned by his mother and sister all day long. I very much hope that I can study in the Jia Clan Studies again.

He doesn't have any long-term vision, but just feels that the Jia clan now learns cattle comparison. If he becomes one of them, he will also be qualified to brag in front of outsiders.

A relative had previously sent money to Mrs. Wang, hoping to allow her children to go to ethics school. Xue family was also one of them, but it was a pity that it was destroyed by the second master.

Now that Baodi sees Baoyu's opportunity to enter the ethnology school, he doesn't cherish it. He also despised some thoughts at the same time. Did he use this opportunity to squeeze his brother in?

On the other side, Tanchun, who is already eight years old, also moved his mind.

If Jia Baoyu is not able to study ethnology, Jia Huan, the uncle's younger brother, should not be expected to study in the same way.

Even if Master Zheng Er agrees, Mrs. Wang will use all means to stop her. Who calls her an aunt and bears the responsibility of 'bringing up' her sister-in-law?

Don't watch Tan Chun follow in the footsteps of Mrs. Wang, and step on her own mother and brother in the mud directly. I still hope that my relative, Jia Huan, can go forward.

It's not that she has any affection for Jia Huan, but she knows that once Jia Huan rises, her niece will be better off with her aunt.

There was no opportunity before, but now the opportunity is here.

Master Zheng Er attaches great importance to the education of his younger children. As long as his mother, Aunt Zhao, blows a little pillow, it is quite easy for her brother Jia Huan to enroll in school with Baoyu.

After coming out of Rong Qingtang, Xue Baodi hurriedly returned to his home in Lixiang.

"Mother, is Brother at home?"

As soon as she entered, she couldn't wait to ask.

"What happened to my child, why are you so anxious?"

Aunt Xue got up and walked over, sitting in front of Xue Baozhen, curious, "Is it your brother that caused trouble outside?"

Speaking of this, even if Aunt Xue has always preferred Xue Xi, her tone is quite bad.

Xue Zhiguo is really a tyrant. By virtue of the convenience of living in Rongguo, he soon mixed with a group of Jia clan. He ate flowers and wine amused all day, and his silver money was spent like water.

Fortunately, Lu Di's lesson has impressed Xue Yan very much. In the past two years, he did not make much trouble, but small troubles continued.

That is, the Jia family's restrictions on the children in the clan are becoming more and more strict. Previously, the Jia clan who hanged Xue Xie and made the dumb king as a fool was recalled and recalled. I have a stupid temperament, referring to what it might take to be pregnant.

But that's it. As the only adult male in the Xue family at present, he needs to go out to check the business in Beijing from time to time.

I don't know how he hooked up with the **** on the street recently. Recently, he has been away from home every day, and his money has been drained away. Aunt Xue is very upset.

At the moment, seeing Xue Baozhen's anxious face, thinking that Xue Yan had caused troubles outside, his heart burst into flames.

In order to settle those small troubles, the silver given to Mrs. Wang alone was almost fifty thousand two thousand. Despite knowing that Mrs. Wang lion opened her mouth, the Xue family had no connections in Beijing and could only honestly acknowledge it.

Someone has to ask, isn't the Wang family's power in Beijing weak?

Hehe, Aunt Xue was originally from the Wang family, how could you not know the greed of the Wang family?

Otherwise, their family ran to the capital thousands of miles away. Why didn't they nest in Rongguo Palace not move, or they were worried about being bullied, but the Wang family members were the least reliable relatives.

"Mother misunderstood, it's not brother's business!"

Xue Baozhen hurriedly explained, "It is Baoyu who just got the old lady's advice and is ready to go to ethnology and school. He is still unwilling to go!"

"Well, that's why the old lady and your aunt treat Baoyu as a treasure!"

Aunt Xue sneered: "All day in the backyard, playing with a bunch of girls, what can be done?"

As the saying goes, there is no harm without contrast.

If, like the original book, the entire Jia family revolves around Baoyu, all resources are devoted to Baoyu, and the rest of the Jia clan Wan Maqi is dark, and it may be that Aunt Xue and Baobao Xue treat Baoyu as a fragrant tincture.

However, the situation is different now. There are twelve talents in Jia's children in Jiafang Wenwu Shuangquan, Jia's children, and twenty children, and the rest of the people who have achieved martial arts are not a minority.

Even if Jia Zhu exists in the second room, Jia Lan also reads books at first glance. Although Jia mother and Mrs. Wang still regard Baoyu as an eyeball, the resources that can be invested in Baoyu are limited to the limited support of Jia mother and Mrs. Wang. , The momentum is much worse than the original.

In addition, Baoyu behaved like a sister-in-law. She was addicted to 'femininity' all day and couldn't help herself.

When the Jia family's talents appeared, the mother and daughter of the Xue family looked at promising young people. Where would Baoyu be regarded?

I just want to get married with the Jia family. There are not a few good young people. If there are enough candidates, I am afraid that Aunt Xue will pick flowers. As for Jia Baoyu, she is not in the range of her selection.

"Mother, how Baoyu has nothing to do with us!"

Xue Baozhen laughed: "But Brother can take the opportunity to find a way to enter the Jia clan studies!"

"What can I do?"

Upon hearing this, Aunt Xue suddenly became interested, and she really wanted to send Xue Yan to the Jia Clan to train, which is better than being homeless all day.

"Mother, this time we can't ask too much!"

Xue Baoxuan groaned: "The school specializing in the four books and five classics need not be counted on, let alone say that the identity of our businessmen is not allowed to participate in the imperial examinations for three generations, so the elder brother's temperament is not suitable for staying there, and the students who are not able to pay well may not And will be evil with them! "

"Your brother is not so bad!"

Aunt Xue was a little unwilling, but she did not refute Xue Baozhen.

"I mean, let Brother go to Baigong School!"

Xue Baodi's words had just been spoken, and she was immediately interrupted by Aunt Xue: "No, what kind of things are learned in Baigong Academy, don't you know?"

"Mother, what is the way of business and economics taught by Baigong Academy, and what is martial art?"

Xue Baozhen solemnly said: "Learning the way of business and industry economy is just right for our family's situation. If my brother has a good martial arts skill, maybe there will be great opportunities and great fortunes in the future, don't forget that the second army is a military general!"

Aunt Xue was so excited that she really thought about it.

She doesn't know what kind of temper Xue Xue is. It is definitely not a material that can read the four books and five classics with meditation, otherwise, it would not be decidedly dropped out by the Jia clan studies before.

"Then how do we operate so that your elder brother can enter Baigong School?"

Aunt Xue felt that it was okay to try it ~ ~ directly asked the feasibility of the operation, and suggested: "Or else, ask your aunt for help?"

"No, my aunt's appetite is getting bigger and bigger, I can't always ask her!"

Xue Baozhen shook his head to veto, chuckling: "This time, let's go to Brother Zhu!"

As soon as Aunt Xue's eyes lighted up, why did she forget Jia Zhu? It was the eldest son of Erfang Ao, and now she was on official duty. She was also pulled over by the second master of ethnicity to supervise the ethnology and was the best candidate. .

"We can't sign the contract for the school this time, but my mother doesn't have to worry about it. This time I was with the big brother, but there are brothers in the ring!"

Xue Baoyin opened her mouth with a smile, and saw Aunt Xue's face puzzled. She explained with a chuckle: "If Tanchun is not a fool, he will not let the ring brothers read four books and five classics, but go to Baigong Academy like the older brother, otherwise, Aunt won't agree! "

Unsurprisingly, the news came from Erfang soon, and the news that Erhuan's third son Jia Huan was going to study ethnology spread, but he went to Baigong Academy!

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