The Warrior Who Crosses the Heavens

Chapter 576: Bu Jingyun casts himself

On this day, the headquarters will be very lively!

At the foot of the mountain where the headquarters is located, a convoy of children gathers, and many children only about seven to twelve years old are arranged in a neat queue under the organization of their respective instructors, ready to go up the mountain to participate in the assessment of outside students.

That's right, today is the annual appraisal day for outside students at the headquarters of the World Club.

Good seedlings from the branches throughout the north, as well as the best of the miscellaneous disciples, gathered at the headquarters to accept a more stringent assessment by the head coach.

Specifically responsible for this matter, it is the three high-level leaders of the World Association. As the chief commander of the North Drinking Maniac King Nie Ren, it is clear that the headquarters of the World Association attaches great importance to this matter.

"There are more and more disciples undergoing assessment every year. It seems that within a few years, the headquarters' disciplinary area must be further expanded, otherwise it will not be able to accommodate it at all!"

Watching a long line of provinces and one team, Nie Renwang sighed at the deputy around him.

"This is also no way, the headquarters can't open it up!"

The deputy smiled bitterly: "Finally, is it a good thing for these children to be able to come to the headquarters for assessment and guidance?"

Just kidding, the World Club has long issued strict rules. Outsiders and above disciples must be taught at the headquarters, otherwise the headquarters will not recognize their identity.

This is also to prevent the expansion of the foreign ancestors, and at the same time, the situation is too big. Although it is necessary to help the strength of the leader Thunder Tiger, the elder Xiongwu and the first chief bishop Nie Renwang, it is necessary to take precautions.

Regardless, Leihu, the leader of the gang, has repeatedly emphasized that he doesn't want the world to have a puppet, or even a **** conflict between his loved ones and his enemies.

Therefore, the most critical reserve talent training, the headquarters must not fake the branch, otherwise the world will be independent, and the collapse is not far away.

In fact, it is very easy to understand. Seeing that it has declined so badly, it is almost impossible to keep the capital's Wu dynasty to know the huge aftermath caused by the big tail.

The Wu dynasty also caused too much local power from decentralization. Then the court and the local government were fighting with each other. In the end, all the rivers and lakes forces and local snakes were cheap.

The World Association is the period of rapid development momentum. Thunder Tiger has long been stuck in the form of a system to spread the possibility of large areas. Disciples at or above the level are only a key step.

However, as the world will become the largest river and lake force in the north, the number of branches in each region will increase, and the number of outside disciple seeds sent to the headquarters will also increase every year. However, the headquarters needs to expand the area dedicated to disciples. Meet the influx of growing disciples.

The assessment for promotion of a disciple from a miscellaneous disciple is very simple, just two.

One is to check whether the basic skills of the disciples are solid, and the other is to check whether the disciples who have undergone the assessment are genuine.

That's right, it's that simple!

Of course, there is profound meaning in simplicity, and at the same time, it is also possible to identify which children have ulterior motives behind them.

Lei Hu personally shot, taking the three masterpieces of "Sky Fist", "Fengshen Legs" and "Paiyun Palm" as the core, which evolved from a master master to first-class martial arts, and then successively passed to a second-class entry martial arts in a sequence As the fundamental martial arts practiced by the disciples.

Of course, if you want to transfer to other top schools in the World Headquarters collection, it is not impossible, at least you must cultivate your own basic martial arts to first-class standards.

Therefore, all the elite disciples who will be cultivated by the world are basically the same in internal power sources, and cannot be separated from the category of the three superb powers. This is the root of a great force in the world.

Just like Shaolin Wudang, no matter the Shaolin masters or Wudang masters, their martial arts foundation cannot be separated from the two basic martial arts of the two factions. The remaining seventy-two stunts and various types of martial arts of Wudang are derived from the fundamental methods. Out.

At present, the martial arts are prosperous, but every caring family has been training their children since childhood, and more or less they have some family or family traditions.

In this way, it seems that the children who participated in the assessment are somewhat impure and impure. This is a helpless thing, and it is nothing to the world.

If the three superb martial arts and the first and second class martial arts derived from it cannot be combined with the true energy of other ordinary martial arts, how can they afford the heavy responsibility that the world will inherit?

Among them, if the children from some martial arts families are pure and single, then it is really not a good phenomenon. Maybe these martial arts families are not at ease.

The world will not pay much attention to this. Children 7 to 12 years old are not yet fully mature, regardless of whether there is anyone behind them for guidance. Whenever they arrive at the headquarters of the world to receive training, it does n’t take a few years to completely fall to the world. , At least there is no bad mind in the world.

This is also one of the reasons why the headquarters of the World Club strongly requested local branches to send the best of the miscellaneous disciples trained in the branches to the headquarters for training.

Disciples' loyalty is best cultivated from an early age.

The breaking wave in the comics is one of the best examples. This encounter will definitely not be a good one in the world, but he has no idea of ​​leaving the world society as a last resort.

Later, it was really forced, especially the rising channel was interrupted by the hegemon, so I switched to it, saying that there was no breaking wave before the rebellion, but I have been ambitious to help the Lord in the world. Can be broken.


Here, the members of the headquarters of the World Association are busy assessing the new disciples, and those children are too busy to look at each other and greet each other while they are free, energetic and energetic.

Children between the ages of seven and twelve have a very strong mentality of comparison.

This is not the case. The best of each provincial branch is surrounded by many children from the same province. They gather together and hold a group, they are very repulsive to the small group next to them, and even show a hatred.

Children do not have any distinction between high and low, and do not have the superiority and inferiority brought about by the gap between the rich and the poor. They worship the outstanding people in the group, even if they are from poor families.

In a circle made up of many children, the core of the body is that the body will be washed white in the standard style, and even occasionally there are small patches. At first glance, it is children from poor families. There are many children around. It seems to be from a wealthy family, but what about that?

The world will provide an open and transparent rising channel. As long as the strength is sufficient and its own behavior is not a big problem, it can rise all the way along the established track, and then become a first-class master on the rivers and lakes. At that time, whether it is money, materials or beauty resources, it will not be rolling in. ?

With these guarantees, families who are willing to send their children to the local clubs in different parts of the world will not be stupid enough to say in front of children what kind of nonsense such as rich, rich, or low, is nothing better than the training of the world. Good come good.

"Huo Jingyun, you are one of the top three prostitutes in our province!"

In a small group, one of them was a fat man with a good birth at a glance. He was spitting at a seven-eight-year-old, cold-faced companion and said, "When you get to the headquarters, you have to cover me from bullying. ! "

Huo Jingyun is a little taller than his companion at a young age, but his face is very cold and cold, and it is difficult to get close to the children nearby.

But that's it. As the top three of the province's miscellaneous disciples, he naturally gathers a group of children around him, but the fat man is a self-proficient personality. However, regardless of Huo Jingyun's unwillingness, he made it alone. Beside Bodebo said endlessly.

That's right, Huo Jingyun is the main protagonist Bu Jingyun in Fengyun Comics.

However, in this world, the world will expand without the hegemonic annexation. Instead, it will mainly work with local rivers and lakes to formulate rules, so Huojiazhuang has not been ruined.

I believe that the world will reach an agreement with many rivers and lakes in the north, and there will be no forces in the future.

Bu Jingyun followed the widow and joined Huojiazhuang as a towing oil bottle, and naturally changed his surname to Huo.

It is said that Huo Butian, the owner of Huojiazhuang, still valued Bu Buyun very much, but Bu Jingyun became a procrastinator because of his young age, and his character became silent and difficult to get close to.

That's it, Bu Jingyun has also been cultivated by Huo Jiazhuang. When he was six years old, his stepfather Huo Butian was directly sent to the local Tianxia Club for training.

This is the climate in which northern rivers and lakes have formed in recent years.

In a short period of time, the world will train hundreds of first-class masters in one breath. It has proven the strength of the world to train talents. Many Beidi rivers and lakes forces will send their younger generations to the local world club branch for training ~ www.wuxiaspot. com ~ I hope to be able to become a talent quickly with my brother in the door.

This ethos naturally affected Huo Butian, the owner of Huojiazhuang.

It is also that Huo Butian really loves Bujingyun and almost treats it as his own. This is the only way to send Bujingyun to join the local world club training. The purpose is also to hope that Bujingyun can get the best training as soon as possible. .

The protagonist is the protagonist. In the decades that followed, Bu Jingyun can be said to be the son of Qiyun in Central Plains.

If the world club where Huo Jiazhuang is located, Bu Jingyun will soon stand out, his training skills and talents are amazing.

Even the time to take root is much shorter than the same group of disciples.

The misty palm technique of first-rate and second-class skill has been used in his hands. This has been practiced for less than two years. Not only does the body develop qi, but it also continuously penetrates a number of meridians, which is definitely an arrogant existence.

If it is not too young and the time for getting started is too short, it would not be a big deal to become a number one disciple in a province with his talents in martial arts.

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