The Warrior Who Crosses the Heavens

Chapter 610: Aftermath tides

"Lord, see if we can use Kirin's essence to achieve the same effect as Brother Nie?"

Xiongwu suddenly asked, looking up with anticipation and longing in his eyes.

Obviously, Thunder Tiger's explosive news made him very excited.

King Nie Ren and others are also looking forward to it. If there is no opportunity, it will be fine. Now that I have the opportunity, I can't let it go.

"Ha ha……"

Lei Hu chuckled and nodded: "Yes, but in the end, the master master Xiufeng Xiu and the heaven and human realm are the main ones. In this realm, it is enough to completely digest and absorb the unicorn essence blood, instead of forming a crazy like Nie family Blood constitution! "

Seeing all of them presenting joy, he did not forget to pour cold water, and he was not airy: "I was not too happy, Kirin has a lot of blood and blood, it is best to wait until I have figured out the best way to use it and try again. ! "

"What do you say?"

Xiongwu curiously said, "Look at the appearance of the fire unicorn, should there be a lot of blood available?"

"Every drop of blood is the essence of Fire Kirin!"

Thunder Tiger was not good-hearted: "Even if you lose a drop, you have to consume a lot of vitality. Is the vitality of gods like fire unicorns so good to supplement?"

That's the truth!

"take it easy!"

Lei Hu laughed: "Anyway, Fire Kirin is in our hands, and slowly research is all it takes!"


Broke handsome and Bro wave father and son want to join the world!

Witnessing the astonishing battle between Lei Hu and Emperor Shi Tian, ​​the sense of crisis was born in the heart of the broken handsome.

Especially after hearing the thunderous material from Thunder Tiger, I immediately knew that a new era was coming.

In the future, all talented warriors, and warriors with various bloodlines of other beasts, will be the top existence of the entire rivers and lakes pyramid.

If you don't want to leave the team, the best way is to join the World Club or the Gate of Heaven.

Tianmen doesn't need to think about it, as long as he thinks that Emperor Shitian is an old monster who has lived for thousands of years, he has a chilling feeling, and it doesn't seem to be a generous master.

The situation in the world will be much better, at least he has some friendship with the leader Lei Hu.

The main thing is that Fire Unicorn is in the hands of the World Club.

He never mentions that fire is a scourge of Kirin, especially when he knows that the king of the north drinking knives, Nie Ren, has broken through the realm of Heaven and Man with the help of the blood of Kirin. Half of Kirin's blood is credited with envy.

Nima, Beiyin Kuangdao more than ten years ago, still has the same existence as his Nanlin sword leader.

However, with the help of the World Club, the Nie Ren Wang is just a short time of ten years, and has become a strong person in the realm of heaven and earth, there is no way to compare.

Not only that, but the son of King Nie Ren Nie Feng is one year older than Duanlang, but his strength is a small class. This result is difficult to accept.

Everything changed, but it was Nie Renwang who joined the World Club early!

Right now, he needs Kirin Blood to help his bloodline improve his quality. He also hopes that the resources of the World Club can help his son, as well as himself to rise to a higher level.

It is believed that Thunder Tiger and Di Shitian's shocking battle, as well as the explosive material, will soon set off huge waves on the rivers and lakes.

In the future, the most demanding of the beasts will be crazy.

Now, instead of taking advantage of the opportunity to join the World Club, get the chance to get the blood of the fire unicorn to grasp, Duan Shuai doubts that he will regret the intestines in the future.

Lei Hu agreed to the request of the broken coach!

How to say, Broken Wave should also be regarded as the pseudo-protagonist of Fengyun World, and his luck is still quite good. His joining will be of great help to the world's momentum.

It's just the same sentence. I want the blood of Kirin to be simple, but the strength of their father and son is best to be used at the peak of the master, and the resources of the world meeting are usually enough for them to digest and absorb.

In this regard, although broken handsome, although a little disappointed, it is quite understandable.

Under the arrangement of Thunder Tiger, their father and son will take turns training and training at the World Headquarters in the next ten years.

It's really not a big word, the world will have such strength and confidence. After seeing the discussion between Xiongwu and King Nieren, the father and son have no dissatisfaction in their hearts.

The World Headquarters has slowly set off a wave of martial arts training from the top.

Bu Jingyun and Nie Feng, their captive disciples, returned to a state of violent cultivation. Obviously, the experience of captives was not a small stimulus to them.

Especially when they learned about the battle scene between the master and the thousand-year-old monster Emperor Shitian, the realm of cultivation and ascension was even more crazy.

Bu Jingyun and others do not envy the blood of Kirin on Nie Feng. They are all talents that will be carefully cultivated in the world. They have not previously enjoyed the help of serum medicine from Yu Qilin's arm. Xuepu provided the response, and part of the mark of the unicorn blood was already in the body.

Their talents are good, and with the promotion of the blood mark of Kirin, their strength has grown so rapidly. These are explained to them by the elder Xiongwu, who passed on the Fa.

Is the most peaceful and anonymous, after a sudden trip down the mountain, all become a bit abnormal.

"Why, what happened?"

Thunder Tiger noticed for the first time, and called Anonymous directly to ask: "If there is any dilemma, let's talk straight!"

Anonymous didn't hide it, and smiled bitterly: "It was just my master who was at the foot of the mountain, and told me that he wanted to get some unicorn essence blood!"

"He's welcome!"

Lei Hu cursed with a smile: "Tell you Master Jianhui, what do you need to tell me directly!"

Speaking, she glanced at the nameless and smiled, "Looking at you still looking ugly, why is there any bad news?"


Anonymous with a depressed face, he said helplessly: "My master spoke to Emperor Shitian, saying that I am a descendant of Emperor Shitian, and it is a big filial piety to confront Emperor Shitian!


Di Shitian is really despicable. In order to disturb the high-level minds of the world, even this means has been used.

"Are you sure?"

Lei Hu didn't say much, just curiously asked, "Did Emperor Shi Tian come up with any evidence?"


The nameless look was even more depressed, and said helplessly: "I'm afraid I can't go against Tianmen in the future!"

"You made a lot of money!"

Thunder Tiger, however, was a bullhead who smiled at the horse's mouth and said, "If it is the blood offspring of Emperor Shitian, then you have the blood of the Phoenix!"

Anonymous reaction came over, I didn't know what it was like in my heart, and I couldn't speak for a moment.

If that's the case, his extraordinary talent could be explained.

No born swordsman, the immortal reincarnation is so exaggerated, the nameless talent is lost, it should be related to the blood of the Phoenix hidden in the blood.

The reason why it is said to be hidden blood, it is estimated that the nameless is the descendants of the N generation of Emperor Shaotian, the bloodline of the Phoenix has been diluted a lot, otherwise the vision will appear after the nameless birth.

Besides, Emperor Shaotian himself could not be completely fused with the phoenix essence in his body, and the benefits to his descendants were naturally better.

But the Phoenix blood is rare, isn't that the Phoenix blood?

No wonder in the comics, Anonymous is an unbeatable Xiaoqiang. After each injury, his strength will be greatly improved. It is just that Saiyan is no different.

If the phoenix has the blood of a phoenix, everything makes sense.

Doesn't Phoenix have a great magical power, called Phoenix Nirvana?

Every time Nirvana passes, Phoenix's strength will be greatly improved, and Wuming's performance in the comics just fits this point.

Seeing that his name was ugly, Lei Hu laughed: "Relax, it will be very difficult to conflict with Emperor Shi Tian in the future. That guy is busy raising his wound!"

"Even if the injury is healed, don't you have to deal with the people who are around you?"

Having said that, he chuckled with a chuckle: "It will be difficult for him to fight against me again when he completely frees up his hands!"

He spread his hands and laughed: "This is the case of martial arts. The masters in the same realm are improving their strength. If you don't improve, you will be left behind, and behind you will have no say!"

Anonymous sighed with relief and reluctantly laughed, "That's it!"

Ha ha……

Anonymous is okay, but it's too heavy.

It's not that the heart is overcast, but that everything is in the heart. Something depressing and sad is unwilling to be revealed. Such a character is not very pleasing.

Anonymity in the comics is quite a tragedy, even if it bears the name of a martial art myth?

Can not keep his wife and children, no matter how strong the strength is a waste!

Of course, the situation is much better now, at least his wife is still alive and well, and he has given birth to a pair of sons and daughters for the unknown, which is regarded as happiness.

There will be world protection, and the tragedy in the comics will definitely not happen again, unless a lunatic wants to die with the world, otherwise the nameless life has been able to live smoothly.

Now I know that with the blood of the Phoenix, even the thinnest is estimated to help him to enter a higher level, there is no need to promote cultivation through physical damage as in the comics, that is magic.

With the comfort of Thunder Tiger, Anonymous was much better, and he smiled, "My master also put down the capital and told Wan Jian's heart directly!"

Speaking of it, he also read out a section of the formula directly.

Lei Hu was also polite, listening carefully to the thoughtful thought: "How do you feel, this method is extremely extreme!"

Stimulate the waste hole with pure kendo qi ~ ~ How does Nima feel like the disintegration of the demon and the law?

"Yeah, this means of stimulating the body's potential is a bit overdone!"

Anonymous wry smile, full of disappointment on his face, apparently he did not have a cold about this set of Jianzong's highest peers.

Thunder Tiger has an inexplicable sense of familiarity. After careful consideration, he suddenly awakened. How does Nima's sword qi cultivation method feel similar to Shushan sword fairy?

Could it be that the ancestors of Jianzong, who created this skill, learned the fur method of Jianxian, which led to the so-called method of returning to Wanzong?

The more I think, the more I think it is possible!

Alas, the more you understand this world, the more you feel the mystery of the world.

Recalling the momentum that Emperor Shitian made when he launched this move, he felt more and more similar to Feijian's Jianguang differentiation method. Is there really a sword fairy in this world before ...

. m.

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