The Warrior Who Crosses the Heavens

: Chapter 913: Nowhere To Cultivate

The words of the poor and the rich are not for fun.

The training of martial arts is huge and requires a lot of tonic to supplement the physical energy consumption of the body. The materials consumed are not small.

Sufficient rice is only a basic requirement, and it must have meat with sufficient nutrition and a lot of protein, which is the real big consumer.

Although there are immortals in the Great Song Empire, to be honest, the level of productivity is not great.

The production tools are quite simple, the technical content is generally very high, requires a lot of sophisticated labor to operate, and the efficiency is not good.

Although the land is very fertile because of the heaven and earth, and the production is not comparable to the world without magic, but because of the backward technology, there have not been large-scale breeding bases. The output of meat and the price have always remained high, which is not affordable for ordinary people. .

In addition to the food supply, the largest consumption of Lian Wu is medicinal materials.

The more exquisite martial arts, whether it is base building or promotion, requires the combination of medicinal soup and medicated baths, and the consumption is extremely amazing.

Fortunately, with the ability of Thunder Tiger, the medicinal power of ordinary herbs can be maximized by means of ginseng, ganoderma lucidum, and velvet velvet and other precious medicinal materials. Otherwise, it would be really amazing to consume.

In short, if you want to practice martial arts, you can never do without silver.

Li Gongfu is okay. His family is a fast-caught family. His father has been a head-hunter for more than ten or twenty years. His family savings are still enough to supply his martial arts. He does n’t need to worry about money.

The other disciples of Qin Fengwu Pavilion were not so good.

Their family can only say that in general, there is even an orphan who is still on the street. Where can the financial resources for them to cultivate?

Lei Hu did n’t have the idea of ​​providing completely. When he started to get started, he was kind-hearted. He was well rounded for food, clothing, and transportation. However, after his disciples started to martial arts, they used food and clothing in addition to accommodation. And to cooperate with the medicinal materials required for cultivation, we must find our own solutions.

This is also the main reason why several of them have been pushed by Li Gongfu. Among them, the talents and qualifications of three or two disciples are quite good, and they are much better than Li Gongfu.

Fortunately, Qiantang County has a well-developed economy and business, and it is easy to find a way to make money.

The disciples of Qin Fengwu Museum said nothing else. As long as they have the strength and physical fitness to practice the entry, it is very powerful. The workload on the dock can be compared with more than ten skilled laborers.

An acquaintance such as Li Choutou can help with the introduction of temporary livelihoods. As long as the effort is one day, it is comparable to that of ordinary people for half a month or even one month.

There is Li Qiantou's face, and he has a good martial arts skill. He doesn't have to worry about being charged protection fees. He doesn't have to worry about heavy physical labor. When he finishes the dock work, he has to do some odd jobs in the county seat. Barely supported the cost of their cultivation.

This is still on the back of the Qiantang River, where a large amount of cheap fresh fish and shrimp meat can be obtained, otherwise the demand and consumption of meat during martial arts can not be maintained simply by buying in the market.

Lei Hu didn't have the idea of ​​being a nanny. Although his disciples had a difficult life, he didn't want to help each other, and it was quite good to be able to configure suitable medicinal soups and baths with common herbs.

At least, this group of disciples' exercise progress has not been left behind, it is only a little slower by Li Gongfu's step, which is quite valuable.

Not to mention, after a few years of busy work and survival, the disciples' ability to adapt to the environment and their ability to adapt to the environment have greatly improved, and there are even signs that such ideas are on their own.

However, recently, with their strength reaching the middle and late days of congenital, they are stronger than the other boxing martial arts instructors in the city. The lives of several disciples are much better. The amount of silver money that has arrived has suddenly increased, and there is no need to go to the dock to work hard.

In other words, this is also because of the black cricket. Before the owner of the Wuguan Pavilion in the city died three times and injured two, making the situation of several Wuguan Pavilions suddenly quite bad.

The internal competition between the museum owners and the decline in influence gave Qin Fengwu's disciples the opportunity to rise.

Doing some dangerous things for Hao powerful households Although making a lot of money, the strength required is quite good. Without that strength, it is easy to encounter danger, and death or serious injuries are common.

The more serious consequence is that once word of mouth is broken, it will not be easy to take up such a job in the future.

Regardless of whether you want to compete with the pavilion owner or consciously have insufficient strength to solve the problem, several martial arts museums in the city have been very low-key recently, and they have missed a lot of work from them. .

With their innate strength in the middle and late stages, and Li Litou's help, as long as it is not a particularly dangerous task, they can basically be satisfactorily completed and get a fair reward.

In this way, the life of the disciples under Thunder Tiger Gate will be a lot easier, and they can spend more time and energy on practicing martial arts and improving their strength.

After experiencing two things, such as the black cripples and the Qiantang River tide, the disciples of Qin Fengwu have a sense of urgency and want to raise their strength to a higher level. In this way, even if they encounter black crickets again Existence is so powerful that it doesn't become a pure spectator, and you have to worry about your own safety.

However, life has just gotten better, Li Gongfu suddenly heard bad news, and the price of medicinal materials in the city has risen, just like a thunderstorm.

Although not to make them desperate, anger is absolutely indispensable.

They practice every day. In addition to the consumption of rice and meat, the biggest cost is the medicinal materials. Basically, most of the money earned in their hands is spent on it.

Even if I have a little bit more money recently, once the price of medicinal materials rises, it will have a great impact on them. I am afraid that I will have to live in the tightness before, for fear that the money I make every day will not be spent.

"Brother, what's going on, why did the price of medicinal materials in the city suddenly rise?"

"Yes, brother, seeing that the days are a little more relaxed. Once the price of medicinal materials rises, we will have to go to the dock every day to do coolies!"

"Brother, we are not afraid of fatigue. It is a waste of energy to do work. The time left for us to practice every day is too short, and it will not be good for us to slow down our progress!"


Several students and brothers came together eagerly, expressing their opinions eagerly, and each one was very unsightly. Obviously, the news that the price of medicinal materials had risen had a great impact on them.

"This, I don't know too well!"

Li Gongfu smiled bitterly: "I just saw that the drugstore business was booming when I came here, and I heard a few people buying medicinal herbs casually saying, I wonder if it is true or not?"

"What are you waiting for?"

A senior student hurriedly said, "Let ’s ask what happened in the past. If we really have to raise prices, we have to be prepared in advance. Otherwise, when the money in our hands is insufficient, it is called depression!"

"Walk around, let's go to the nearest medicinal shop and ask!"

Several Wuguan disciples were anxious and greeted Master Lei Hu, and then hurriedly went out to check the news, but they were naturally disappointed.

The price of medicinal materials has really gone up.

After returning to the martial arts, except for Li Gongfu's normal look, the other disciples looked quite dull. When Lei Hu saw it, he was not very angry: "How can it be like this, the sky has not fallen yet!" "

"Master, the price of medicinal materials has gone up!"

One of the disciples answered with a bitter smile: "I'm afraid that disciples and others will start going to the dock to do coolies again!"

"Cool, do it, haven't you done it before?"

Lei Hu rolled his eyes and said badly, "It's only been a few days since I'm comfortable, can't I suffer?"

"Not a master, it just takes a lot less time to cultivate!"

"Yeah, some of us have been learning martial arts later than our elder brothers. If the practice time is short, how can we catch up?"

"Unfortunately, the big households in the city don't often have a livelihood to make money, otherwise it will be easier!"


Disciples of the Martial Arts all described their unhappiness one by one, but did not complain about doing uncomfortable things, but they were worried that the strength gap between the master and the brother would widen.

Lei Hu is also severely restrained. They are not allowed to use force to do the things of "robbing the rich and helping the poor" and "exercising morale and fighting for justice", otherwise it would be much easier to get money, and there is so much trouble.

Li Gongfu was very embarrassed. He stood aside and didn't know what to say. He was helpless. Who told the Li family that he didn't lack the money for his practice?

"Why so much nonsense?"

Thunder Tiger reprimanded: "I don't know what you think. Except for training in the martial arts, it's training. Can't you take the opportunity to cultivate when doing hard labor to make money?"

Speaking of this, he was really mad at one place, and said angrily, "Will it be possible to incorporate kinetic energy into the workforce?"

"While running back and forth ~ ~ can't you practice light body exercises?"

"When you hold a heavy object in your hand, don't you use it as a special big knife?"

A series of questions directly asked a few disciples in Wuguan.

Everyone, including Li Gongfu, looked at each other and wondered what to say.

But at the same time, their hearts were shaking, as if a door opened in front of them, letting them see a different beautiful scenery.

Yeah, why didn't they think about it, while they were busy doing hard work and making small jobs to make money, they merged with cultivation, so they were in a cultivation state all the time.

Maybe the effect of cultivation is not as strong as training in the martial arts, but they spend a lot of time doing hard labor and small jobs every day. Even if the effect of this practice is only one-tenth of normal practice, it is enough to make them happy and make them The strength is not too far away from Master.

Li Gongfu was also pleasantly surprised. This was a joy for the students and brothers. He did not want the students' strengths to be too large, otherwise they would not be able to play together.

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