The Warrior Who Crosses the Heavens

Vol 6 Chapter 837: Conflicts caused by marriage

To ask why Thunder Tiger did these things, what seemed like no good?

In addition to the evil taste in his heart, he is also trying to mention Bai Suzhen.

Will his limited interventions cause some powerful and powerful squeezing?

After all, although Thunder Tiger's behavior seems to be no big deal, it can help Bai Suzhen from a small aspect to better establish a foothold in Qiantang, and more or less all affect the powerful layout behind the scenes.

If there is a strong response behind the scenes, Thunder Tiger will have to change the way to participate in the future.

If the power behind the scenes is not intense, you can gradually increase the temptation in the future, while slowly changing the plot direction of the legend of Bai Niangzi from the details, and stealing food from the luck behind the scenes.

After half a month, the weather was calm.

Xun Leihu basically let it wash. Although it seems that the power behind the scenes is powerful, he has no interest in monitoring Bai Suzhen's daily life.

That's it!

I just deal with Pharaoh monk, it is much easier.

Uh ...

Xiao Leihu intervened a little, so that Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing girl no longer seemed so obtrusive, and had a limited impact on the plot. Later, Xu Xian and Bai Suzhen joined together again.

When Li Gongfu sent a post with a festive look, Thunder Tiger felt a little ridiculous.

How long is it, Nyima?

Xu Xuxian and Bai Suzhen have never met for a month since they met the broken bridge. Is this about marriage?

"Is this a sudden post?"

I put down the post, and Lei Hu curiously asked: "Did your little sister-in-law already have a marriage contract with Bai Shi Suzhen in the post, and you haven't heard it before?"

"This one……"

公 Li Gongfu was suddenly stunned, he didn't really think so much before, stuttering: "This is the girl that Han Wen met, and then ..."

I can't go on talking about it, how can such a thing allow Xiao Xunzi to handle it by one hand and say that it is to lose adults.

"Go back first!"

Xun Leihu waved his hand, and passed the post, calmly saying: "Take things to the end of the matter and talk about the others, after all, you also have a lot of money, don't let anyone read the joke!"

"Yes, yes, I will go back first!"

公 Li Gongfu's face flushed and shy.

I can't wait to find a place to drill in, but this time I lost my face.

Fortunately, Xiao Xunzi's wedding news was only spread in a small area, and the post was not scattered everywhere, otherwise the Li family would become the laughing stock of Qiantang and Yuhang.

I was embarrassed and embarrassed, my heart was very dissatisfied with the little sister-in-law Xu Xian: Look at the good things you have done!

At the same time, Bai Suzhen, who promised Xu Xian's in-law marriage, had no good opinion.

The girl ’s family needs to know self-love. Even if Bai ’s family has no elders, you ca n’t follow the little sister-in-law. If you want to stay in Qiantang in the future, just pointing to the neighbor ’s pointers, it ’s estimated that you can force the little sister-in-law and Bai Niang to stay. , Isn't it Li Gongfu who is unlucky in the end?

This is not nonsense. If the little sister-in-law Xu Xian can't stay in Qiantang, his sister Xu Jiaorong can't be upset, isn't it his brother-in-law?

I thought of this, and my heart was unknown, and I was dissatisfied and weird.

Xun's dissatisfaction is well understood, but the weirdness is such a large loophole. He didn't react at all before. He had to come to the martial arts hall to get a mention before responding. He shouldn't be so uncomfortable?

Uh ...

When I returned home, before looking for a place to sit, the lady Xu Jiaorong walked out with joy.

"Father-in-law, have the stickers been sent to the Wuguan? Will Master Lei come when he arrives?"


公 Gongfu took a slap in a few cases, took out a post-it note from his arms, and threw it in a few cases. He was unhappy: "What come, do you still think I'm not ashamed?"

"what happened?"

Xu Jiaorong was startled, and hurried to pick up the post on the case, dissatisfied: "If you are not good, you will not come. What's wrong with me?"

Speaking of this, she said badly, "Don't you often say that you are a master of the martial arts? Why don't you give me such a little face?"

Xu's heart was quite annoyed, thinking about how to persuade his father and his wife to stay away from the martial arts hall. What's so remarkable is that the Li family did not rely on the martial arts hall to eat.

"You still have face to say?"

公 Li Gongfu suddenly exploded, yelling at Xu Jiaorong: "My master only asked one question, why didn't I hear the news that the Li family took the third media and six employment, how do you tell me to answer?"

"What, three media and six employment?"

Xu Jiaorong's face froze and she couldn't speak for a moment.

怎么 "Why, you know how ridiculous your brother is!"

公 Li Gongfu sneered, and said uncomfortably, "Which married couple doesn't pay attention to their parents' matchmaker, even if Old Taishan is gone, isn't there still your sister and me?"

He said here, he sneered with a shake of his hand: "I know a girl and I don't know the so-called marriage. I am confused and let him make a fool. Is it shameful now?"

"This, this, Han Chinese is old ..."

Xu Jiaorong suddenly became embarrassed, and he couldn't figure out how to explain for his brother.

For such a big event, letting her and Li Gongfu take control of her is not a problem. If you and you are going to be married, you just say hello. She and Li Gongfu are not too important.

This is nothing, anyway, she and Li Gongfu are generous and don't care.

But the perception of outsiders, the Li family had to consider.

You ca n’t make the Li family the laughingstock of the whole Qiantang just because your brother and brother are married.

I didn't say anyone else, Xu Jiaorong didn't agree.

相 "Sangong, what do you say?"

Xi softened his tone, Xu Jiaorong sat on the chair next to him, and said sorrowfully: "It's so easy to see that the Chinese language has a marriage intention, can't we just quit halfway?"

Seeing that his own lady was soft, Li Gongfu didn't mean to continue to get angry, and sighed, "I don't worry about getting married, let's slowly finish the gift of the three media and six hires, let's talk no later!"


Xu Jiaorong was hesitant, and tentatively said, "I'm afraid the Chinese won't agree?"

"Ha ha……"

公 Li Gongfu's heart was on fire, and it was hard to suppress. His tone was still stiff, and he was not good enough: "Don't just care about your brother's feelings, you must also consider the consequences!"

"What consequences?"

Xu Jiaorong was dissatisfied with the game and was a little worried. Li Gongfu's tone was very restrained. She had heard the dissatisfaction with her brother.

If it was usual, she would have to make a big noise, but now she is lacking in energy. Who told her brother to be so unreliable?

I am a bit embarrassed. Xu Xian and Bai Suzhen's hurried marriage here is almost the same as that of a private acquaintance, which is to be pointed at by the outsiders.

"If you only care about your younger brother, I won't bother to talk about outsiders' gossip!"

公 Li Gongfu was annoyed, and he was not polite to express all his thoughts. He said coldly, "If your brother can't stand leaving Qiantang, I'm not interested in helping out!"

"No, Chinese won't do that!"

Xu Xujiaorong's face was frightened. She was shocked by the attitude of the father-in-law Li Gongfu, and she was also very scared. What if her brother really couldn't stand the gossip?

Ha ha……

公 Li Gongfu just sneered and didn't say much. In short, he made up his mind. This time, Xu Xian's marriage must be postponed. First, the ceremony of the third media and six hires was finished, and then the little sister-in-law would do whatever he wanted.

"Tell this to Han, I won't be blindly involved!"

He shook his head and got up, leaving, and turned back to lose heart Xu Jiaorong said: "I'm not afraid of shame, if your sister and brother didn't discuss anything, then follow the Chinese boy's will!"

Xu Jiaorong opened his mouth, and finally said nothing, and he was at a loss at a loss.

I am also in the Li family, Li Gongfu's temperament is generous, and there are no bursts of wealth that have suddenly become rich. He does not value the views of outsiders, and his elders and clan do not interfere in family affairs.

Otherwise, Xu Jiaorong alone can't do anything for years, it is enough to make Xu Jiaorong drink a pot.

The situation of the Xu family is even worse. If it were not for the **** of Li Gongfu, the hundreds of acres of paddy fields in the Xu family and the semi-dead drug store in the city would have been snatched long ago.

As the only male in the Xu family, Xu Jiaorong is unavoidably a little pampered, but also Xu Xian's weak temperament, otherwise her pampering method, I am afraid that an unlawful **** will come out.

Xu Ke is like this. Xu Xian's actions this time still made Xu Jiao Rong angry enough, but after he got angry, he began to think about how to end the younger brother, at least not to let outsiders grab the handle nonsense.

Sometimes gossip can kill people!

Like Li Gongfu, she is also dissatisfied with the game of the Bai family lady Xu Xiaoxian ~ ~ Even if her brother Xu Xian is confused in such a hurry, your daughter ca n’t be so casual. .

"Sister, I'm back!"

At this moment, Xu Xian shouted from the door full of joy, but for a moment Xu Xian was already full of hungry spring breeze. When she saw her sister Xu Jiaorong frowning, she asked curiously: " What's wrong with my sister, and worrying about your husband's tolerance? "

He's seen this kind of scene a lot, and he thought he was leaving again.

不要 "Don't talk nonsense, your brother-in-law hasn't worked out any tolerance recently!"

Xu Jiaorong rolled her eyes, and said badly: "Sister, this is worrying about your relationship!"

"What's so sad about this!"

Xu Xian's face flushed, and she laughed, "Isn't it already set a date?"

"What day and date can I set as my lover?"

Xu Jiaorong was dissatisfied: "Hanwen, I discussed with your brother-in-law and decided to let your family affairs be carried forward for half a year!"

"What, why push back half a year?"

Xu Xian was unhappy, and hurriedly trot up to her sister, and even said, "Isn't it already said, have you done the poster?"

"Hum, you can't say it in Chinese!"

Xu Jiao Rong didn't hit one spot, and said badly: "Your brother-in-law is going to Qin Fengwu Museum to send a post today, but as a result, he is ashamed and comes back. At this moment, he is holding his breath!"

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