The Warrior Who Crosses the Heavens

Vol 6 Chapter 897: Behind the scenes affecting the situation in the north

On the road from Qingzhou to Xuzhou, two million cavalry troops pulled the elder and divided into ten long dragons rumbling forward.

"General Guan, what are you looking at?"

Huang Zhongjun's handsome account office, Tai Shici moved his horse forward, curiously looked at Guan Yu, who was constantly watching, and wondered: "Is there anything wrong?"

"no problem!"

Tong Guanyu withdrew his gaze and said with a bitter smile: "I just feel the equipment of the Yellow Turban Army. It's great!"

Two million fine rides are already not a weak force, and no one in Xuzhou can get it now.

What's even more exaggerated is that two million fine riders are all in perfect leather armor, and they also sew goggles on their hearts, and their shoulders are also wearing metal protective gear. Such equipment is called Guan Yu's straight eyes.

That is, when the Han Dynasty has not yet collapsed, it can be easily equipped. At present, there are only a few famous princes in the dogfights who have such financial resources and strength equipment. At least Liu Bei Group, which is sitting in Xuzhou, does not have such ability. Two million leather armors are equipped for generals.

At this time, it has been almost a month since Guan Yu and Mi Zhu visited the Yellow Turban collar of Qingzhou and issued an invitation to the leader of the Yellow Turban Thunder Tiger.

Xun Leihu responded directly to the troop, and sent two million fine riders as soon as possible, and Tai Shici personally commanded to participate in the besieging of Yuan Shu.

Under the great joy of Tong Guanyu, he didn't care about the unusualness of the Qingzhou yellow scarf. He basically stayed in the barracks every day to prepare for the expedition with Tai Shici.

Obviously, the speed of the Yellow Turban Army to deploy soldiers and logistics and logistics materials scared him, but he was not too concerned about too many things, and set off immediately after everything was ready without any delay.

After he hit the road, Guan Yu slowly reacted.

It's no wonder that elder brother Liu Bei wants to invite the Qingzhou Yellow Turban Army to play together. The quality of the Yellow Turban Army is indeed quite good.

He waited until the two million fine riders of his peers unfolded, which surprised him even more.

"This is nothing!"

Wu Taishici laughed lightly: "These leather armors are not at least troublesome to make. Just using good water conservancy is enough to produce hundreds of thousands of pieces per year!"

At present, the Qingzhou yellow scarf collar has begun mechanical transformation. There are many factories that manufacture leather armor. All of them use the power of hydraulic machinery to quickly form by pressing and cutting. The output within one year is definitely not low. As long as there is no shortage of raw materials, it can continue to operate from the beginning of the year to the end of the year. Compared to the traditional manual workshop, I don't know where it is better.

Not only is leather armor made, but simple weapons such as knives and guns, as well as some people's livelihood appliances can be made in this way, and the efficiency is not improved.

There is also a large-scale application of amulet in production. It can be said that the development of the yellow scarf collar has been completely out of touch with the big man now and has become a unique existence.

The productivity of the Huangjin collar family is comparable to that of several states or even half a big man.

That is, the territory of the Yellow Turban is not large at this time, and the population is also quite limited. Otherwise, the productivity of the entire family will not matter.

Although the world has extraordinary powers such as the method of refining gas, both military commanders and conspirators have extraordinary means, but their existence still depends on the existence of productive forces. Without sufficient material and resources to support them, it is difficult for them to ascend.

Productivity is combat effectiveness. Although this cannot be said to be true, it is almost equal to the truth.

It only takes time to completely transform productivity into combat effectiveness. At the moment, it is a matter of time to limit the strength of the yellow scarf.

For these reasons, only the senior leaders of the yellow scarf knew clearly that Tai Shici also had a very deep understanding. Naturally, he would not easily tell these to Guan Yu.

That's the case. Guan Yu was also embarrassed and asked: "Can you make hundreds of thousands of qualified leather armors a year?"

Don't blame him for being surprised, how big is the population of the yellow scarf collar?

Xun is the size and population of Xuzhou. It is not easy to achieve this.

It's just a matter of collecting raw materials and coordinating the workshop is a headache, at least Guan Yu definitely doesn't want to participate in such affairs, which is too cumbersome.

He didn't even know that the productivity and productivity of the yellow scarf was not what he remembered.

To maximize the role of water conservancy machinery, to be able to work continuously around the clock, which is much stronger than a model that requires craftsmen to slowly make everything.

Speaking of these, Tai Shici didn't say much. It is estimated that even if Guan Yu didn't understand, or even listened to it, there was nothing to say about Guan Yu's daily life.

Feeling the breath from the two million cavalry, Guan Yu shifted the topic and said, "I'm afraid that this cavalry will cause uproar when it arrives in Xuzhou!"

说 He said that naturally the Yellow Turban army popularized the method of refining gas in the army, which violated the family's taboo.

Although the two million cavalry soldiers who accompanied them were all just getting started with gas refining, and their strength was not as good as that of the generals, this practice was absolutely unacceptable to the family.

I should know that even the inexhaustible gas-refining method is sufficient to support a powerful local place.

Although such a place can't enter the family's eyes, it can even be said that it is not even suitable to raise shoes for the family, but the Yellow Turban Army shows two million gas-refining cavalry in one fell swoop. Power, this is a force that the family can't dare to underestimate.

In case one or two thousandth of the two million gas cavalry soldiers could go further, that would be great, and the family would not want to offend too much.

No one knows, when will come back to the 30-year Hedong 30-year Hexi good show.


Wu Taishici dismissed it: "Since the big leader dares to let a certain army lead a military expedition, he is not afraid of some of these!"

I have the ability to come to Qingzhou to find a problem. What family clan is fart in front of the yellow scarf collar in Qingzhou.

Don't look at the Yellow Turban Collar, which has only two states, but the entire Qingzhou has no other strength to stand on. Except for Tian Kai who was pushed in front of the thunder, the entire Qingzhou is actually under the secret control of the Yellow Turban Army.

The situation in Qingzhou in the past three years has been stable, but those family members who had previously escaped the war or hid in Tian Kai, have no way to return to the old nest and re-establish the order belonging to the family.

It's not that they have no idea, but that the yellow scarf doesn't promise them that they are okay at all.

In Qingzhou, the yellow scarf collar is the maker of the order. It simply does not allow the so-called family to rebuild the order. It is long unlucky to die unclearly.

As long as you are not a fool and you have a companion's **** lesson in front, even if there is no resentment in your heart, you will not dare to make troubles.

It is not that there is no family who wants to secretly harmonize Jizhou private loans, and wants to curb the yellow scarf collar through the curve to save the country. The result is not effective at all.

The existence of the yellow scarf collar has completely changed the situation in northern Han Dynasty.

Gongsun Zan, who was originally in the normal history and has finished his life, is still alive and well. Although she is absolutely defensive, it is not easy for Yuanzhou Shao of Jizhou to destroy it.

The reason for this change is that the yellow scarf collar indirectly supported Tian Kai by sending a large amount of ordnance supplies and grain to Youzhou, helping Gongsun Zan to withstand the impact of Yuan Shao.

Xi Gongsun Zan's reputation in Youzhou is not covered. Basically, Youzhou Frontiers are Gongsun Zan's supporters.

No matter what era, the frontiers are extremely powerful, and Youzhou in the Han Dynasty is no exception. Among them, Bai Mayi Cong, founded by Gongsun Zan himself, is one of the best.

Although Bai Ma Yi Cong has been completely abolished, Gong Sun Zan's combat power is still good.

In the original history, Gongsun Zan defeated too badly in Jizhou. Not only was he disheartened, but the Youzhou forces also fell apart, but even so, he persisted for a short time before he was completely finished.

At the moment, I do n’t say, Qingzhou Tian Kai is a steadfast alliance of Gongsun Zan, helping to share some of the pressure, not to mention the continuous energy supply of arms and supplies of grain and grass.

In addition, the Yellow Turban Army's exposed combat power is not weak, which has restrained some of the Jizhou Army's energy. In addition, several generals have remained behind to defend Qingzhou, making Yuan Shao unable to attack Youzhou with all his strength, giving Gongsun Zan breathing opportunities.

Gongsun Zan's temper was extremely forbearing, otherwise he would not be able to beat the crying father of foreigners in Youzhou, and at the same time he would receive the support of the frontiers. He soon recovered from the previous defeat and became a reef in the sea. Yuanzhou Shao in Jizhou has a lot of troubles, and he is still alive and well. ~ ~ Although the yellow scarf collar has not directly shot, it can secretly help with resources, and support Tian Kaibu to the front. The situation in the north has completely changed. main reason.

The northern dialect of Qiang, which can threaten Qingzhou's yellow scarf, can only be said to be the Yuan Shao family.

Yuan Shao ’s Jizhou Warlord Group is all formed by the family of the family, which can be said to represent the elite power of the family of the northern family. The strength exposed in the bright light alone is quite good, let alone the power hidden in the dark is even more terrifying.

Although Xie Leihu is a fairy, he is not sure that he can actually deal with the hidden forces behind the family clan. Before he can figure out their specific strength, it is better not to fight directly.

In addition to Jizhou, Youzhou Gongsun Zan can be said to be the biggest powerful force there, even if it is against the yellow scarf collar, there is no chance of winning.

As for Cao Cao, he is licking the wound now, and he can't care about Qingzhou at the moment. He thinks that the first thing to go north is Jizhou Yuan Shao.

Therefore, don't look at the frequent wars in the northern part of Han Dynasty, but the yellow scarf collar of Qingzhou is very stable. There is no need to worry about the threat from the Ministry.

I say again, the yellow scarf collar has developed to the point where it is now arrogant enough, even if outsiders are aware of Thunder Tiger's taboo behavior?

凭 On the strength of the Xuzhou family, still want to reach out to Qingzhou?

Wu Taishi's heart is full of arrogance, and the yellow scarf behind him is extremely powerful. Guan Yu, his companion, can't understand it at all. This time, he will definitely play the yellow scarf's magnificent prestige!

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