The Warrior Who Crosses the Heavens

Vol 6 Chapter 912: Qingzhou yellow scarf

Defeat defeat Defeat defeat, Jizhou army defeat!

It seems that the mighty army of the north, the mighty army of the north, has failed to withstand even a charge of the 50 million Qingzhou Yellow Turban Army, and it is so miserable.

There is no clever strategy or reversal, but the crushing of the unreliable strength, the 35 million Jizhou Army from Qingzhou, which has 20 million main soldiers, is even more ugly. Such a commander in the world can still not stand a collective charge of the Qingzhou yellow scarf.

A war that the princes thought of the world ended like this.

When Yan Liangwen returned to Jizhou with less than 3 million defeated troops, the whole Jizhou shook.

At the end of the 35 million army, it was only able to escape back less than 3 million. What a terrible defeat, it can even be said that the entire army was lost.

Yan Liangwen was ugly kneeling before Yuan Shao for three days and three nights before he was forgiven. The whole Jizhou was in an atmosphere of wind and rain and chaos. It was only when the chicken flying dog jumped to stabilize the situation.

The main reason is that the Qingzhou Yellow Scarf that won easily did not go into Jizhou with the pursuit of victory. Otherwise, because of the sudden loss of 35 million troops in Jizhou, all the troops arranged at the junction of Qingzhou and Hebei were completely lost. When the defense was neutral, it was enough for Qingzhou troops to enter Jizhou Stir it upside down.

"Why not enter Jizhou and give Yuan Shao a good-looking one?"

After the war, Tian Kai said in confusion in his heart, and did not understand what the Qingzhou yellow scarf was doing.

"The main force of the Jizhou Army is undefeated, and unintended risks are likely to appear unpredictable!"

Tai Shici shook his head and explained, "Furthermore, I did not expect that victory came so suddenly, and there was no preparation at all ..."

Tian Kai was speechless but also able to understand, not to mention that Tai Shici is now full of confusion, but why is he so? Jizhou Army is just like the paper, but the **** battle that was originally thought was an easy victory, if not for his own eyes Seeing personal experience, he couldn't believe it.

Of course, at the same time when my heart was blank, I had a new understanding of the combat power of the Qingzhou Yellow Turban Army.

Nima, how did the Qingzhou Yellow Scarf train? In this battle, nearly ten elite soldiers capable of condensing military forces came out in one breath. How powerful was the charge of more than 40 million elite soldiers, and the road was shocking. However, the Jizhou Army was directly overwhelmed by them.

You must know that the reason why the army can be called elite is that during the time when the army is condensed, the hearts of all the soldiers in the army are at the same level, and the ideas and actions are consistent, that is, millions of soldiers form a joint force. Can play most of their own strength.

At this point, the elite who can condense the military spirit absolutely crushed the ordinary army during the war.

This is the same as two big men fighting each other. One clenched his fists to gather the strength of the whole body, but the other was uneasy. Various thoughts could not be unified, and he wanted to use his fists and his legs to attack, and the result was naturally self-evident.

The Jizhou Army was so defeated. Although it was a terrible defeat, it was reasonable and reasonable to think about it.

Don't look at Yan Liangwen and Ugly. There are several powerful generals in the world. They are arrogant and arrogant, but they have 35 million Jizhou Army. Among them, the existence of millions of military condensate is good, and they are the two of them. The army and the like.

In comparison, the main force of the Yellow Turban Army is basically too sharp.

Tian Kai also did not expect that the military strength and combat power of the Qingzhou Yellow Turban had been arrogant to such an extent, and in one breath he took out more than 40 million absolute elites that could consolidate the military spirit, which he could do when the Han Dynasty had not completely collapsed. At this point, it is absolutely incredible.

You know, it's not easy to train elite troops.

The military discipline will not be said. The main reason is that the training intensity is not ordinary. Without sufficient logistical support, it will not be able to practice. If it is not good, it will hurt a lot.

For example, Tian Kaibu ’s horses and horses have been able to practice for seven days. This can only be achieved with the continuous support of Qingzhou yellow towels.

If you want to be able to practice the absolute elite that can consolidate the military spirit, at least you must reach the level of three days or even two days a face, the state of consumption of grain and grass is too alarming.

Of course, relying on training alone can not train an elite soldier capable of consolidating military ambitions, but this is the basis.

But when you think about it, you can feel relieved. Obviously, there is no problem with the supply of grain and grass in Qingzhou Yellow Scarf. Otherwise, how can you support the various princes' various grain and grass supplies while moisturizing themselves?

As far as he knows, in addition to his own staff and Youzhou, the Qingzhou Yellow Turban also provided a lot of grain and grass material support to Xuzhou and Huainan, which is truly incomparable.

This time the Qinghai-Hebei army fought with nearly 100 million troops. The fighting process was not good. There was nothing to say. Basically, it was a one-sided battle. The entire war process took less than three days and ended with the defeat of the entire Jizhou Army.

However, the capture of prisoners, the establishment of prison camps, and the transportation of grain and other activities, but it took the coalition forces more than a month.

After everything was handled properly, Tai Shici declined Wan Tian's invitation to the party, and led the main man, the yellow scarf, to make a difference. As a younger brother, he had to be aware of it. He was clinging with 50 million yellow scarves. What did he want to do?

After the 50 million victorious teacher returned to the yellow scarf collar, it was naturally lively again. Needless to say, there were various celebrations and awards. The haze that had enveloped the yellow scarf collar before was swept away. The yellow scarf collar was lively after a few days. Restored the peace and hustle and bustle of the past.

The inner collar of the Qingzhou Yellow Turban did not last long, but the princes of all parties in the world were shocked. They raised the Qingzhou Yellow Turban to a fairly high position and were regarded as one of the powerful competitors in the world.

No wonder they are like this. It is because the Jizhou Army lost too quickly and miserably this time, basically it can be said to be annihilated.

Looking at the world, no princes have such confidence, and they can do this during the battle with the 35 million Jizhou Army.

For example, Cao Cao, Gong Sun Zan, and other princes who felt the tremendous pressure from Jizhou Yuan Shao were shocked. Regrettably, why didn't the Qingzhou yellow scarf chase after victory?

Not to mention Yuan Shao, at least half of Jizhou has to be scourged, seriously weakening Yuan Shao's war potential?

Unfortunately, the Yellow Turbans in Qingzhou are not under their command. They have not paid much attention to such an unknown force before, and now they have no channels to contact.

No matter what, the Qingzhou Yellow Scarf has revealed its fangs, and the shot is an absolute elite of 40 million capable of consolidating military energies. This is a powerful force that can stir the situation in the north.

At the same time as Qingzhou Yellow Scarf became famous, Tai Shici and Wu Anguo also followed the world.

Tai Shici was in the army before the army and the peerless fighters Yan Liang and Wen Chou, and the strength of the peerless fighters was fully revealed. No one in the world dare to neglect. No matter how they feel about the Qingzhou Yellow Scarf, they have to consider Tai Shi to deal with the Qingzhou Yellow Scarf. The kind factor.

Wu Anguo is also well-known in the world, and he can fight against the wind with his broken hand and ugly power. Although he has used the unique fighter style of the Yellow Turban Army, his strength is at least the top peak. This kind of force is enough. The world's heroes dare not underestimate.

It's not a joke. The Qingzhou Yellow Scarf has a peerless general and a top-ranking peak general. In terms of high-end force alone, it is even stronger than some established princes.

Although the princes have the support of the hidden powers, even the hidden powers behind them can not guarantee that they will be able to pass such tyrants as Tai Shici and Wu Anguo.

In particular, Tai Shici, not only has a crown of pistols, but also a powerful shot technique. In this way, the martial arts comprehensive martial arts will be more daunting than the simple existence of martial arts in a certain aspect.

Otherwise, the Jizhou Army will definitely have a great advantage when fighting.

What's more, Yan Liang and Wen Chou are both veteran veterans of the same age. They have already shown great prestige on the battlefield. Even if they are caught off guard by Tai Shici and Wu Anguo for a while, they won't do anything for them.

In short, after the Qing-Hebei war that seemed to be powerful but ended in a tiger-headed and snake-tailed mode, the Qingzhou Yellow Turban officially surfaced and became one of the powerful forces in the world. The vassal forces of all parties sent troops to explore the truth or directly sent important information. The messenger came to express goodwill, and the desolate Qingzhou became a place of worldwide attention for a while.

"Big boss, we have had a lot of strangers here recently. After they arrived, they went around and inquired. Do you want to restrict it?"

Soon, there were high-level reports from the territorial security and anti-rapist departments, and asked Thunder Tiger what to do.

"There's no need to move around!"

Lei Hu didn't take it for granted: "After the Qing-Hebei war, it is no longer possible for us to imagine the low-key as before. Sooner or later, a large number of other agents are sneaking in. There is nothing here that we cannot disclose to the public, of course, those areas that belong to the confidential department. , You must not let outsiders penetrate! "

"Big boss ~ ~ A family is worried that as the vassal spies flood in, they may shake people's hearts!"

The senior officials who came to ask for instructions worried: "There is still the possibility of robbing talents, which cannot be prevented!"

"Nothing to worry about!"

Lei Hu said: "Our rules here are completely different from those of the vassal territories outside, and there is a more complete living system. It ’s okay for anyone who can't stand the temptation to be excavated. They will naturally feel uncomfortable after leaving the territory. No one can say for sure if they can show their skills! "

Having said that, he waved his hands and directly shifted the topic: "Yes, has Guan Hai answered the letter yet? He should have merged with Zhang Baiqi's horses now, and it should be true letters!"

There are hundreds of millions of people, but the strategic resources urgently needed by Qingzhou Huangjin.

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