The Warrior Who Crosses the Heavens

Vol 6 Chapter 920: 5 years later Qingzhou yellow scarf collar

The Han Dynasty, which had been peaceful for several years, became lively again with the collective efforts of the northern princes.

From east to west, from south to north, there are almost all old runes.

Yuan Shao and Cao Cao, two places in Henan and Luoluo, swept away the leaves almost in the autumn, and put all the sites they were in control of, which made the surrounding princes scary.

备 Liu Bei and Lu Bu were also unwilling to show their weakness, and the soldiers pointed directly at the land of Jiangdong, which caused the Ministry of Sun Ce to be shocked.

Wu Gongsun Zan stretched across the northern grassland, and the Youzhou frontier was invincible, killing aliens and rushing into a storm.

共同 Their common features are complete logistics and amazing continuous combat capability. Even if they are fighting invasion, apart from local support, the rest is not inferior to the local vassal army.

There is the example of the Qingzhou Yellow Turban Army. The forces that have been buying old-fashioned amulets have been training very powerfully, and they suddenly broke out and called the other princes.

The entire Han Dynasty territory was chaotically turned into a pot of porridge, and even the princes of Mateng Hansui, who were far away in Xiliang, did not stop.

Only Qingzhou is still peaceful. No matter it is Gongsun Zan or Yuan Shao, or Liu Bei, the three nearby princes, there is no courage to belittle the tiger.

It is a pity that both Youzhou, Jizhou, and Xuzhou are vassal forces that take the initiative to attack. Their army is on the battlefield with successive battles, making the people in the jurisdiction excited and happy. There is no idea of ​​escaping the war. Few are willing to trek to Qingzhou to hide away.

I have to say that these princes have very strict control over the population under their administration. It is impossible for them to appear in Qingzhou on a large scale. Instead, some high-ranking leaders from Huangjin collar regret it.

In fact, the Yellow Turban collar suffers from the shortage of population. So far, it has controlled only four counties, which is very incompatible with its detached status.

In the past five years, the two counties that were newly incorporated by Yellow Turban were completely digested and absorbed. Although there was still some gap with the development of the old site, the gap was quite small.

There are millions of miles in each of the 24 counties, all of which are connected by tracks. The fast-moving new-generation rune trains, coupled with convenient transportation networks, firmly link the entire Yellow Scarf to the four counties.

A bumper harvest of agricultural production every year, a variety of vegetables and fruits fill the market, commercial development is prosperous, handicraft industry and industry developed with the charm of the core as the core.

The people of the Yellow Turbans had already lived in a well-off life for a long time. It is easy to earn a lot of money from living in their own homes. The overall development of clothing, food, housing and transportation has risen to the point where the people of the surrounding princely territories are dazzled.

RuneCommunication has spread to every household. The most popular is the RuneCommunicator that is similar to a mobile phone. The peace priests with spells provide technical support. It is easy to achieve the era of mobile communication in the modern society. It can only be used as a pure communication device.

At present, the leader of the thunder, Leihu, has given instructions to the Taoist Academy to require a simple rune communicator to add video functions. I believe that after research, the function will not be much worse than the so-called smart phone.

Don't think that this is a crazy dream. If you want to do it, you can easily do it from the perspective of Thunder Tiger Land Fairyland.

As long as the communication rune and video picture rune can be combined into a smooth running rune, and the rune can be miniaturized to the palm-sized bottom case, the degree of smart phones is still hopeful.

At this time, the runephones, which are similar to televisions, have completely matured and flooded into the millions of households in Yellow Scarf County. The price is not high, even the lowest income people can afford it.

Because of the complete spread of communication runes, the high control of the yellow scarf collar will definitely make the vassals envious and jealous.

After so many years of development, the Qingzhou yellow scarf collar has developed its own unique rules and systems.

Due to the universal education of Dajian School, talents from all walks of life have already begun to blow out after the education of the school. The foundation of the yellow scarf is becoming more and more solid. Based on the technology of spelling as the core, it gradually began to appear. More professional and in-depth development.

For these reasons, the yellow scarf collar is not covered, nor can it be covered. The generously called the princes stationed in the messenger, the secret spies have seen it clearly.

Unfortunately, even if the ambassadors stationed in the Yellow Turban collar and the secret spies can see it clearly, there is no way to copy it. They can only choose a small part of their territory that can be accepted by them and can also help the territory to grow. The rest Even the senior officials of the various princes know very well that it is very effective. Unfortunately, due to various factors, it is impossible to imitate learning, or even to say it.

For example, the Taiping Taoist princes, who are at the border with Qingzhou, are not clear about the key role that the Taiping Taoist princes play in the development and growth of the Yellow Turban Collar. Unfortunately, even if they can accommodate the Taiping Daoist, they dare not show it.

Even if the yellow scarf doesn't care, the family members and local mighty under the jurisdiction cannot tolerate the existence of the peace masters, and there is almost no possibility of peaceful coexistence.

It is not because of class conflicts, but actual disputes of interests.

The example of a yellow scarf collar is that as long as it is not a fool, you can see how amazing the magic effect is on production and life.

The development of the yellow scarf has been thoroughly studied by the family members. Except for the rules and regulations that make them extremely disgusted and even hatred, the core is to integrate the spell into the ordinary production and life.

With the help of runes production equipment, the yellow scarf collar agriculture has developed rapidly in a short period of time, which has led to a big explosion in industrial and commercial development. After all, there is no agricultural instability.

As long as the production efficiency has been greatly improved, no matter what the system is, it can quickly develop and grow.

Since monks and priests with spells can do this, monks in the other branches can naturally do it, and may even do better.

The Dahan practice forces have inextricably linked with the family clan. They want to dominate this area of ​​their vassal forces, and they will not allow the existence of the peace masters at all.

The main thing is that I don't want the princes to have other choices. Otherwise, how can the interests of the family members be protected?

Yuan Shao, as the representative of the world family, is naturally very happy, but Gongsun Zan, Cao Cao and Liu Bei and Lu Bu are not very happy.

If all the resources and technology of the highest production efficiency in the construction site are in the hands of the local family, will the princes become the true 傀儡 傀儡 in the future?

As long as the family members of the family unite together, relying on these resources in their hands and the surrounding areas radiated, it is enough to make a prince unable to eat and drink and even hate.

Whether it is Gongsun Zan or Cao Cao, or Liu Bei and Lu Bu who are not from the same origin, they really want to let go of this, for fear that in the future, how they want to develop or inherit the site to their children and grandchildren, they can't help themselves.

Where is such an ambition, or martial arts personality acceptable?

It is a pity that in order to win over the family members in the field, they dare not bravely support the justices of the peace, that is, there will be no attitude of support at the official level.

This gesture of 很快 was quickly used by family clan everywhere to expel all hidden peace priests from the country. If they were not worried that they would cause annoying Qingzhou Yellow Scarves to cause a catastrophic calamity, they all had a mind to kill.

In this way, it is a completely cheap yellow scarf collar.

In just five years, including the joint training of the school and the Taoist Academy, as well as the pacifist Taoist teachers who have fled abroad, plus the number of Taoist Academy itself, the total has exceeded 1 million.

This is a very remarkable number. It can be said that the Taoist Academy of the Yellow Turban Collar has already been regarded as the largest Han Dynasty practice and there is absolutely no one.

The remaining practice skills not only have a very strict inheritance, but also do not have the full support of the princely forces. Regardless of the number of monks or their strength, they have developed very slowly.

How can the master's teaching model with apprentices be able to spell the school training model after universal education?

Not to mention the great limitation of the inheritance of masters and apprentices, and even the great limitations of inheritance of fathers and sons. Even if the traditional school of art carefully teaches an elite heir, thousands of ordinary monks can be cultivated in the school and Taoist courtyard in the same time ~ www.wuxiaspot .com ~ Among them, the qualified seniors are at least ten or even hundred.

The two are not comparable at all. Besides, can the resources held in the hands of traditional magic forces be comparable to the Qingzhou yellow scarf?

In short, after five years of silent development, at this time the Qingzhou yellow scarf collar not only developed in full swing, but even Taoist Academy, which is a core development element, unknowingly became the crown of monks in the world.

The family clan in various places who want to rely on the traditional monk forces to completely monopolize certain resources and technologies in their vassal territories will only seriously slow down the development speed of their vassal territories.

Therefore, any prince with ambitiousness, as long as he knows the astonishing development trend of the Qingzhou Yellow Turban Collar, will not be reconciled to the core development resources in the territory and let the family of the family unite the traditional powers of monopoly.

Although they will not oppose in the face, they will even vigorously support the development of territorial arts and powers. They wished that they thoroughly liberalized the inheritance methods and restrictions and studied the school system of the Yellow Turban Collar. Various resources kept flowing to the court. The goal is to quickly increase the speed at which local arts and powers participate in increasing production efficiency.

At the same time, secretly sent a lot of well-qualified and loyal teenagers to enter the school of the yellow scarf to learn peace.

No matter what, these princes need a loyal magic power in their hands.

Xun Leihu didn't care about this, Dakai Green Monk didn't try to block ...


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