The Warrior Who Crosses the Heavens

Vol 6 Chapter 948: Great changes in the yellow scarf

After sending away Chao Ma, who was full of heartfelt thoughts, and Liu Xun who seemed to be eager to join the Hundred Schools, Lei Hu's life returned to peace.

The yellow scarf now has a stance of the interstellar era in science fiction, and the technical content of the entire civilization pulls out at least dozens of streets near the princes.

The promotion of civilization naturally brings us beyond the countless horrors of the lords of the Han Dynasty.

Ten years ago, the 40 million Jizhou Army invaded Qingzhou. Although the yellow scarf collar was strong, they had to join the Qingzhou assassination Shi Tiankai to form a coalition confrontation. Even Tai Shici and Guan Hai, two generals, came to fight.

But now, by borrowing Yuan Shao ’s Jizhou Army, he is afraid to take the initiative to offend Qingzhou.

The strength of the yellow scarf collar is expanding too fast. This is a victory in the rune upgrade of Rune. It is also a victory of the peace. The vassals of the Han dynasty are completely ineligible to challenge the detached status of the yellow scarf collar.

Now, even if a general is sent out casually, the commander-in-chief tens of thousands of troops can rise up the vassal territory of the Lin Army. This is not a big word but a real strength.

In particular, after the flying amulet was researched and widely used, the strength of the yellow scarf collar has reached a point where the princes of the world can't even see their backs.

Thunder Tiger did not personally point out, and the yellow scarf collar still set up a flying armament with a flying amulet as its core, and gained absolute air superiority.

To put it bluntly, wherever the yellow turban collar is willing, the territory of the Han Dynasty cannot escape the air strike of the flying rune.

Obviously, all the princes who have been paying attention to the yellow scarf collar should have a good number in their hearts.

The flying amulet was clearly placed there, and some princes from all over bought some more to study it. As long as their brains are not confused, they will know how great the yellow scarf collar is.

Although Lei Hu has been retreating recently to practice "Nine Turns to the Golden Body", these things were more or less understood when he was out of customs.

He didn't forcibly intervene in the idea of ​​intervention, and the yellow scarf collar formed a relatively complete operating mechanism. As long as Leihu is in control of the general direction and supervised, it is not necessary to experience everything himself.

This is not the case. In recent years, he has often closed the customs. The total time spent in customs clearance for official duties is less than three months. The yellow scarf does not work normally and develops quite well.

In particular, the popular education system that Thunder Tiger pushed forward at first had gone through more than ten years of silent development, and finally it was time to harvest.

Hundreds of schools, and higher-level schools, continue to provide talents for the yellow scarf collar, whether it is management or business, even the unpopular talent has a lot, greatly improving the quality of the entire yellow scarf collar, making development Speed ​​is even faster.

As far as Thunder Tiger knows, while satisfying the rapid development of the Yellow Turban Collar, each vassal has also more or less recruited some students from 100 schools and more advanced colleges in the Yellow Turban Collar, making the Yellow Turban Collar's influence, It is not just the influence on the rune implements that has slowly begun to penetrate the core management of these princes.

No way, vassals everywhere want to imitate the development model of the yellow scarf collar, purchasing rune equipment from the yellow scarf collar alone, and related books are far from enough.

When the territory develops to a certain extent, the princes everywhere will find that the development of the territory has encountered a bottleneck, no matter how hard they try, the effect is not obvious.

Later, it was through the letter of the messenger stationed in the Yellow Turban that he learned the reason.

In other words, the ambassadors stationed in the Yellow Turban collars, the best way to obtain territorial information, is still in the increasing number of programs and increasingly complex rune sound mapper and rune loudspeakers.

In order to improve the leader ’s knowledge and to teach the leaders some scientific production and lifestyle, the yellow scarf collar has made great efforts. Rune sound mapper and rune loudspeaker are two of the best publicity channels.

Many reasons, as well as the various reasons for the development of the Yellow Turban Collar, have been repeatedly stated in the Rune Sound Mapper and the Rune Tate Bar. In short, we must improve the understanding of the people, as well as the understanding of various policies, and strengthen the ability to implement policies. This is the basis for the rapid development of the yellow scarf collar.

Obviously, the messengers stationed in the Yellow Turban collars by the princes everywhere could also know this information through the popular rune sound mapper and rune loudspeaker, and then wrote the letter to the boss.

As a result, the princes everywhere naturally understand the main reason for the limited development of the territory.

Not enough talents, especially those who are good at resource management and reasonable distribution.

The vassal territories of various places are not as comprehensive as the yellow scarf collar, and various policies and plans can be implemented in place. There is no need to worry about the strong resistance that may be encountered in policies and plans.

The most powerful force of the Yellow Turban Collar is the Yellow Turban Army and the Taipingdao Teachers College. The civilian group has a small influence on the drama. They have not formed an intricate interest group. They dare to oppose the Yellow Turban collar regime or secretly engage in small movements. Basically, they are eating soil in the labor camp.

The situation is different for the princes. The area they can control is not large, and the places are basically controlled by the family.

The vassals wanted to imitate and learn part of the development model of the yellow scarf, and at most they could only be implemented in areas that can be completely controlled, and they could not make the most of their resources.

As for the vast villages and towns under the county seat, that is a powerful family territory. Their style of work is often not different from that of the princes. Even in order to better control the vast number of farmers and tenants, they clearly have better production tools and means of production. Do not use, but instead use the traditional farming model of the past. If it can develop, hell.

Speaking of princes everywhere, don't look at the vast territory of each one, at least there is a state, but the territory they can actually control is not as good as the four counties of the Yellow Scarf.

If only the urban economy in the territory could be developed thoroughly, it would be a pity that the chiefs of the princes everywhere did not have any professional personnel in this area.

Those historically named existences are indeed capable of developing the urban economy, but they are the core members of the vassals of various places, and it is impossible and not so much energy to be spent on the management of the urban economy.

Besides, such talents are basically from the family clan, and the princes in various places are not assured that they are fully empowered to let these talents from the family be free to do whatever they want.

At this time, it is necessary to introduce professionals with yellow scarf collars.

The yellow scarf collar did not block their solicitation, and the vassals of various places successively recruited a lot of talents at extremely high prices, directly enriching their respective peripheral management.

The talents from the yellow scarf collar have almost no foundation in the vassal territory themselves, and their ability is quite good. If they want to play, they must firmly rely on the vassals around the place, and they have little to do with the strong local family. It is also the best. The talent most needed by the vassals.

It is also with the help of the talents cultivated by these yellow turbans that led to a hundred schools of learning, the development momentum of vassal territories in various places has accelerated rapidly, breaking the bottleneck and entering a new level of development.

At least, all the princes who intend to imitate the learning of some yellow scarf collar patterns. The development of the territory has completely departed from the original farming model, and has begun to make a rush to the model of joint development of new agriculture and industrialization.

In the meantime, a greater number of rune implements are needed, as well as the mature theoretical systems and rules and regulations in various fields of the yellow scarf collar. In short, in recent years, while the vassals of various places have been working hard to expand their territory, they have also started to have shallow or deep bodies at the same time. Yellow scarf collar imprint.

At the beginning, when the vassals of various lands were recruiting talents from the Yellow Turbans, they also aroused the vigilance and defense of the seniors of the Yellow Turbans. Fortunately, at that time, Leihu was just out of the customs. After listening to the report, he instructed the followers not to care, and there was no need to set up any obstacles. If the talents cultivated by Baijia School want to leave, just let go.

Thunder Tiger had no plan to hegemony the world. It would not be a big deal for the talents cultivated by the yellow scarf to help the princes everywhere to develop their economy and people's livelihood. On the contrary, it could also help to enhance the strength of the entire Han region by one or more grades. He likes the gap between the aliens around him.

Before the great changes that Nanhua Old Road said, he loved the fact that the devil came to various tribal tribes outside the Serbian. Although Lei Hu didn't care much, he didn't mean to let things go.

He doesn't care what kind of changes the so-called Devil will bring to the steppe alien tribes, but he knows that as long as the civilization of the vassals in the Han Dynasty has been promoted and productivity and productivity have been greatly improved, regardless of the aliens Don't even think about shaking the situation in the Han region.

Of course, this is just a trivial precautionary mind in Thunder Tiger's mind. The appearance of the yellow scarf has completely changed the pattern and development of the Han region ~ ~ The flow of talent will aggravate the progress of this change, whether it is the Han region The princes of all places or Thunder Tiger himself have great benefits.

He found an interesting phenomenon. With the talents cultivated by the Yellow Turban Collar, they were solicited by the vassals of various places, and they played an increasingly important role in the vassal territories of various places. I do n’t know where the humanitarian luck came from, but it is more than ever. More turbulent from the sky, into the soul of Thunder Tiger.

In a short period of time, the transfer of "Nine Turns to the Golden Body" has reached an amazing level of eight transfers, achieving Tianxian Xiuwei, but the sudden increase in humane luck has helped a lot.

Obviously, this kind of talents trained mainly by yellow scarf collars helps the vassal territories to develop economic livelihood and improve the level of civilization, which has greatly helped Thunder Tiger. Monotonous soaring humanitarian luck is rare. Cultivation of food.

Anyway, the development of the yellow scarf collar has reached a quite horrible level. With the core force of the peace master representing the runes, there is no need to worry about the development of vassal territories around the country, which will endanger the core interests and safety of the yellow scarf collar. Thunder Tiger Naturally Don't mind being more generous, don't hide and make people complain and blame ...

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