The limited-time fool bullet, from the world where Doraemon is located, looks like a small pocket watch with a countdown surface, but it is actually a fairly powerful prop, and the recruiter will become a fool for a period of time after the time limit arrives to make foolish verbal actions.

After turning into a skill, although Urushigaki’s current position has a limit of 3 per day, he also gained the concealment convenience of being able to use Chakra to generate time-limited fool bullets.

There is no need to seal or even time, and with Qi Yuan’s will, the limited-time fool bullet will appear in his hand unconsciously, which makes the limited-time fool bullet more difficult to dodge.


The time-limited fool bullet exploded, and the fox mask man didn’t seem to think that a time-limited fool bullet would suddenly appear on Qi Yuan’s originally empty left hand, and he didn’t even know what kind of ability the limited-time fool bullet had.

Therefore, when Qi Yuan came at him with a time-limited fool bullet, the fox mask man obviously paused in his movements, as if he was stunned by Qi Yuan’s movements.


Seeing the time-limited fool bullet explode, Qi Yuan did not expect that the time-limited fool bullet could make the target hit for 10 minutes and a half hours, but as long as it could affect 10 seconds, it was destined to become a divine skill.

The fox mask hit by the time-limited fool bullet was like turning into a wooden man, standing there motionless, which was completely different from the performance after being hit by the time-limited fool bullet.

What about the verbal actions of fools?

Qi Yuan tried to move, and found that the other party’s hand that had originally grabbed him was loose, this time-limited fool bullet was not completely useless, but the effect did not seem to be as good as originally expected, and I don’t know whether it was the skill effect that had moisture or the opponent’s strength affected the effect of the time-limited fool bullet

“Let me see who you really are!” The Qigaki Beast held the second time-limited fool bullet to prevent the other party from coming to his senses, while using his hand to untie the true face of the fox mask man.


When Qi Yuan untied the opposite mask, his hand shook and directly felled the fox mask in his hand into the tree.

Even if Qi Yuan saw his dead father’s face, he would not be so surprised, but when he unveiled the mask of the fox mask man, he found that the person behind the mask was the newly appointed third generation of Hokage Ape Flying Sun!

Three generations of Hokage want to kidnap Tsunade? Drills, acting?

Seeing the other party’s face and thinking of the other party’s very terrifying strength, Qi Yuan believed that the face in front of him was not pretended with the help of transformation or disguise, but the real third-generation Hokage Ape Flying Sun.

The appearance of the ape flying sun chop in the field survival exercise is mostly to test the minds of Tsunade and their students, but who would have thought that the boat capsized in the gutter and planted on this time-limited fool bullet in Qigaki.

In less than 10 seconds, or even just 3 seconds, Qi Yuan found that the eyes of the ape flying sun, who had remained calm, had regained their agility.

“You… My mask!? ”

In the last second, Sarutobi still remembered that he had crushed Qi Yuan to the ground, but when he woke up, he suddenly found that Qi Yuan not only broke free from his suppression, but also looked at himself with a serious face, and the three generations of Hokage quickly realized that there was something wrong with his mask.

“Third Hokage-sama, have I passed the drill?”

There is no doubt that the existence of the three generations of Hokage in the wild survival exercise is an additional test, not at all for Urushigaki and his students to try to defeat, the test is nothing more than loyalty to Konoha and performance in the face of irresistible enemies.

“You… How is it done? The third generation of Hokage Ape Flying Sun looked at Qi Yuan with a tangled expression, and seemed to be very entangled in how his dignified shadow-level powerhouse could suddenly lose consciousness for a while.

“Hmm… Even if it is my secret technique, the person who is tricked will lose consciousness for a period of time, and when you just stayed with me, I detonated it at zero distance, and you were hit…”

When he said this, Qi Yuan couldn’t help but look a little embarrassed, and at the same time, he once again had a deeper understanding of the effect of the time-limited fool bullet.

It seems that this move has an absolute flaw in how to hit the opponent, and not everyone will get close to Urushaki like the third generation of Hokage and not hurt him to give time to use a time-limited fool bullet.

“Occult? You invented it? “The three generations of Hokage are a little suspicious, the general secretary is a unique ninjutsu that has been passed down from generation to generation and adapted to their clan, and Qigaki is not like a person with a family secret art.

“Luck, luck… That big snake pill they won’t be in danger, right? ”

Urushaki wisely shifted the topic to Orochimaru, not wanting to continue revealing anything on his move [Time-limited Fool Bomb].

And the third generation of Hokage also stopped asking in time, pinched the bridge of his nose and said: “Don’t worry, this test will not hurt you, although there was a little accident, but I recognize your strength!” If you can pass the final graduation exam, I don’t mind receiving you as a disciple. ”

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