The Way of Favors

Chapter 150: (12)

When I entered the house, I saw my baby son leaning against his mother's arms obediently, his big smoky eyes were as clear as washed with water, and his irritability was slightly reduced. Sitting by Fu Rong's side, he hugged the big and the small, and kissed Fu's face. .

Fu Rong turned to look at him, and whispered, "Wang Ye has something on his mind?"

Xu Jin didn't want to say anything about her family's bad things, so he shook his head and lowered his head to tease his son: "Brother Ju is crying again? Obedient, we will go back to our home after listening to the play tonight." On his birthday, he had to endure it if he wanted to return to the palace immediately.

Brother Ju had just finished crying, and no one wanted to take care of his mother. When Dad talked to him, he turned his head to the other side with a sullen face.

Xu Jin laughed and bit Fu Rong's ear: "Like you, I don't like to take care of people when I am wronged."

Fu Rong was really wronged. She did not want to pay attention to Xu Jin more than once, but Xu Jin is the prince. How could she really slap him? It was Xu Jin, who was enthusiastic for a while and cold as frost for a while, and his son's temper really followed him.

I was too lazy to reason with him. Remembering Xu Jia's soaking appearance by the lotus pond, Fu Rong wanted to ask Cui Wan if there was any hidden feeling about falling into the water. Suddenly there was an angry shout from Xu Hao outside: "Brother, come out! I have something to say. I ask you!" There was a quarrel with Xu Jia.

Xu Jin's lips still contained her earlobes, but at that moment, Fu Rong's body was cold, for fear that Xu Jin would bit her in anger.

Fu Rong was most afraid of Xu Jin being angry. At this time, her body was stiff and she did not dare to look at the expression on Xu Jin's face.

The cousin, being provoked by his younger brother at the door, or in front of her, Xu Jin's temper, tolerable?

Seeing the man getting up and striding outside, Fu Rong glanced at the son in his arms. He didn't dare to offend Xu Jin or warned in fear: "Master, today is my grandfather's birthday. Six brothers care about it, don't stay here..."

"I know, you can coax your son at ease."

Xu Jin looked back, calmly calmly said. His wives are all in the house, no matter what the sixth brother is crazy, he will not scare the two of Fu Rong.

Fu Rong was a little relieved, and when Xu Jin went out, she gently patted and listened with her ears, who was holding her dependently.

☆Chapter 183

???? Xu Jin walked out of the house.

Xu Hao was stopped by Xu Jia in the guest room a few feet away. I saw Xu Jin and thought that Xu Jia said that his nephew in the room was still asleep. He endured it and didn't make any louder voices. He raised his neck to question when Xu Jin approached. Said: "Did you count the conspiracy of Sisao on Wanwan's head? Wanwan is our cousin, she..."

"That's what she told you?" Xu Jin looked calm and interrupted lightly.

He was so indifferent, Xu Hao couldn't help being short when he came to the door to find crimes, and complained in a low voice: "You fourth brother didn't save her. Of course, she has to think about the reason for the grievance. Fourth brother, do you still Suspecting Wan Wan?"

Xu Jin sneered, glanced at Xu Jia who took the initiative to retreat to the distance, staring into his eyes and said: "Why don't I save, you should know better than anyone. When I was young, my cousin liked my gifts more than yours, you and me Angry, her cat is gone, let’s help her find it together, I will find it first, you also think I robbed you of your credit. Well, you like your cousin, I don’t like her, in order to make you happy, I have been cold for so many years For her, if I go into the water to save people today, and my cousin treats me as a lifesaver, you will be really happy? Tell me the truth, is Xu Jia saving her to make you more comfortable, or me?"

Xu Hao was dumbfounded, wanting to explain, his face slowly flushed with the eyes of his brother Shang.

He thought that his elder brother didn't know his thoughts, but he knew all about it.

He has liked his cousin since he was a child. Even if he doesn’t know anything about his cousin, he doesn’t want his cousin to focus on his elder brother, but he is five years younger than his elder brother. Many things are not as good as him. Enlightenment, the elder brother can already recite a large article, and then when he ran to show off in front of his cousin, the cousin would say, "What is this, the fourth brother will..."

Since childhood, he has listened to these words too many times, so he sincerely hoped that his fourth brother would stay away from his cousin, and sincerely hope that he would be the best brother in his cousin’s mouth. Later, the fourth brother really alienated his cousin, Xu Hao didn’t know why. , He was only secretly happy, satisfied that his cousin finally became his own.

Only today did he know that the fourth brother was for his sake, to fulfill his exclusive cousin's heart.

As the fourth brother said, if the cousin is really saved by the fourth brother today, listening to her always grateful to the fourth brother, and looking at the fourth brother with that kind of worship, he will definitely be uncomfortable. He would rather be Xu Jia, because Xu Jia is just a guard, he should save people, his cousin will not take him to heart.

The fourth brother knew what was going on with him and thought about him everywhere, but he rushed over without asking Qinghong indiscriminately, Xu Hao felt complacent, "I..."

At the gate of the courtyard, Mrs. Qin's second wife, Xie's, Cui Wan, and Qin Yunyu turned around together. Xu Jin suddenly warned, "Sixth brother, I know you like your cousin, but I am your fourth brother, so ask yourself. Who on earth is more trustworthy between me and her? You dashed against me after hearing her in a few words. Have you ever thought how chilling I would be?"

Xu Hao already regretted that his intestines were green, and he couldn't lift his head even when he heard this.

"What's the matter? Let's go over there to talk if you have something to say, don't surprise them, mother and son." Second Madam Qin hurried over, kindly persuading her.

Xu Jin looked at Cui Wan with cold eyes.

Cui Wan stared at him stubbornly, tears gushing and falling: "Four brother, I don't want to misunderstand you, but you told me, why didn't you save me by watching me falling into the water? You know I listen to Plucking. How uncomfortable after I have said it? I have always regarded you as my own brother. I don’t understand. After thinking about it, I can only attribute the ruthlessness of my fourth brother to those pots of chrysanthemums. Do you doubt me? If yes, I will hit the wall!"

Tears rained down, a grievance that was broken by his brother.

Both the Xie family and Qin's second wife, mother and daughter, looked at Xu Jin. After hearing Cui Wan’s words, they only thought of this explanation, including Cui Fangli, who came after hearing the news, and Master Cui, who stopped in place, looking complicatedly. With Xu Jin. Especially Cui Fangli, he didn’t know anything about Fu Rong’s conspiracy, so he believed Xu Jin’s sixth brother’s statement. After learning that his granddaughter was also involved, he thought of Xu Jin’s scheming and Xu Jin’s protection of Fu Rong. Can't help but suspect it.

With all eyes in sight, Xu Jin smiled: "My cousin thinks about me so, I have nothing to say."

After that, he turned and left.

Everyone was stunned.

Xu Hao was always worried that his fourth brother would speak out his careful thoughts in public. At this time, he heard that his brother would rather defend him with a scapegoat. He felt sour, thinking that he was also a dignified man with seven feet. Explained: "Auntie, Wan Wan, you all misunderstood the fourth brother. He didn’t save Wan Wan personally because of me. Because of me, I told him a few years ago that I don’t want him to go too far with Wan Wan.’s the same today. The fourth brother was afraid that he would save Wanwan and I felt uncomfortable, so he let Xu Jia take the shot."

After finishing talking about Cui Wan, he blushed and lowered his head in the incredible gaze of his sweetheart: "I am all to blame. I am small-minded. I am afraid that Wanwan likes the fourth brother more than me..."

"Shut up! When did I like the fourth brother?" Cui Wan became irritated. When Qin Yunyu couldn't help laughing, she became more uncomfortable and stomped her foot with anger. "It's all to blame for you and I was wronged. Fourth brother still made such a big joke, you, you go, I will never want to see you again!"

The little girl was thin-skinned, and she ran away with her face covered.

Xu Hao was anxious to chase: "Wanwan, listen to my explanation..."

The two were childhood sweethearts. Today is the case. The elders will naturally not restrain them, and are willing to explain clearly to them a chance to reconcile.

Madam Qin also likes Cui Wan as a niece, but she is dissatisfied with the Xie family, and complained in front of Cui Fangli and his sons: "Sister-in-law has heard it? It has nothing to do with Jingxing. Wanwan is still a young man. I thought that if you were wronged, you would inevitably guess that you are an elder, so you don’t want to persuade her. You still fan the flames and say something that broke the marriage between Wanwan and the sixth. The sixth was anxious to find Jingxing theory after hearing this. of."

Xie knew that he had given her the handle, gritted his teeth with hatred, but he looked embarrassed: "I, I didn't expect that the sixth man had such a small heart. I knew that their brothers had such an agreement. How could I? Would you make such a big joke?"

"Shut up, even if you don't know, what should you say?" Master Cui scolded with hatred for iron and steel.

After lunch, his wife persuaded him to make amends with Xu Jin for his son's rudeness. He also felt that his wife was reasonable and thoughtful. He would have such a misunderstanding in a blink of an eye and offended Xu Jin again. He knew that he was incapable, so he would rely on his relatives with Xu Jin to live a good life with his daughter's marriage to the sixth child. Why did his wife provoke his daughter's relationship with the sixth child?

The more I thought about it, the more angry, Old Cui pulled Xie away and went back to the house to teach.

Cui Fangli sighed long.

Mrs. Qin Er hurriedly helped her father: "Daddy, don't hurt your mind. My sister-in-law has always been like that. Jing Xing knows it well and will not care about her.

Cui Fangli was not worried about this either. What he was worried about was that his granddaughter had wronged Xu Jin without knowing the truth, and Xu Hao came to inquire with his brother Changxing Master after hearing what the granddaughter said. In ordinary people, the elder brother would not like the younger brother and sister who can easily break the relationship between brothers and sisters. Xu Jin, that is a person who has the throne, the higher the higher the person, the less tolerant of women's bad things. Xu Jin is not angry now, but he Will you remember it in your heart?

"You don't have to worry about me, go and explain to Jing Xing couple, just saying that Wanwan is also unintentional, telling them not to blame her." He has already accused Xu Jin once today, and he really has no face to intercede for his granddaughter.

Mrs. Qin nodded and asked her daughter to help her grandfather back. She went to find Xu Jin couple.

Xu Jin heard that his aunt was here, so he asked Lan Xiang to lead Mrs. Qin in, and Mrs. Qin would speak, lest he and Fu Rong explained from the beginning.

Fu Rong listened and understood.

Xu Jin didn't save Cui Wan himself, because he was jealous of his younger brother, not because he suspected Cui Wan.

When Cui Wan learns that Xu Jin stands by and feels wronged, it is excusable to misunderstand Xu Jin and suspect her.

At least in the eyes of Xu Hao's Cui family, this is true.

Regardless of the truth, it can only end like this.

She helped Mrs. Qin to persuade Xu Jin: "If you have a misunderstanding, the prince should stop worrying about his cousin. Today is a good day for grandfather. We are all kind. First, please make grandfather happy, and then go back to the palace and talk to your sixth brother. The culprit settled accounts, who made him so careful?"

These words were generous and witty, and the second wife of Qin smiled with satisfaction. As expected, the fourth princess did not marry wrong.

Xu Jin also laughed: "How can I be angry about such a trivial matter? My aunt will go with my grandfather and tell him not to think too much."

Mrs. Qin's second wife knew that her nephew was not the one with a small belly, so she teased her a few times and said goodbye with a smile.

Only a family of three remained in the house.

Fu Rong patted his son, secretly looked at Xu Jin, wanted to ask but did not dare to speak. Others didn’t know that Xu Jin suspected Cui Wan’s mother and daughter, she knew it, then Xu Jin ordered Xu Jia to rescue Cui Wan, in the end...

Xu Jin guessed what she was thinking, and whispered: "She is harmful to your wife's suspicion. I really don't want her to marry her sixth brother, and I also told Xu Jia to save her'good'. Unfortunately, she was saved by her maid. Broken my plan."

Cui Wan likes him. Cui Wan has a deep heart. He has no basis. No one will believe him when he speaks it out. She is as shrewd as a grandfather and doesn't he doubt his granddaughter? Therefore, before there is conclusive evidence, Xu Jin didn't want to upset his mother, but he had to let Fu Rong know how much he was guarding against Cui Wan, so that Fu Rong would also guard against Cui Wan so as not to suffer from Cui Wan's hands.

Fu Rong did not expect that Xu Jin really wanted to disturb Huang Cuiwan and Xu Hao’s marriage for the sake of 50% doubt. After thinking about it, he worried: "The prince is right to do this, but have you thought about how the sixth brother feels? If she really marries Xu Jia, or is taken advantage of by Xu Jia, the sixth brother will definitely hate you."

When mentioning his own brother, Xu Jin closed his eyes irritably.

In the previous life, Cui Wan would have concealed his likes perfectly. He was afraid that his sixth brother would be sad and did not tell him. The brothers did not have a big awkwardness because of Cui Wan. Therefore, he also knew when the sixth brother was impulsively accused. Cui Wan is so infatuated because of Cui Wan's words, he doesn't even believe in his own brother. If it weren't for Cui Wan to save himself today, if it wasn't for the sixth brother to be afraid of him getting close to Cui Wan, he gave him an excuse to defend himself. Would hate him...

Like a spark of lightning, Xu Jin suddenly opened his eyes.

☆Chapter 184

???? After a long break, the men and women were sitting together again.

Cui Wan blushed and apologized to Fu Rong: "Sister-in-law, I wronged the fourth brother at noon, and now I am too embarrassed to see him. When I look back, the fourth sister-in-law will make a payment with the fourth brother for me. The bottom one became a villain."

Fu Rong joked: "If you know how to apologize to your fourth brother, how do you plan to punish the culprit? I seem to have heard that someone is going to ignore someone anymore?"

Qin Yunyu immediately answered: "Sister-in-law, don't listen to her. She is reluctant to ignore the sixth brother. The two have reconciled early. You didn't see the sixth brother as happy."

"Say it!" Cui Wan became angry and rushed to tick her.

Brother Wei sat on his mother’s lap and watched curiously at the two girls making a fuss. Seeing that Cui Wan really caught Qin Yunyu and bullied him, he raised his head to his mother and said "Ah", holding Liu Shu with both hands. The golden ring shook, and the laughter was as clear and sweet as the sound of bells.

Seeing her daughter’s smile, Madam Qin’s tears were about to come out, and she reluctantly persuaded: “It’s alright, it’s all the eldest girls who are aunts, and I'm ashamed to make trouble in front of Brother Wei, so I can sit here and play cards. "It's still early to the dinner, so you don't have to play cards when you are idle.

The two little girls came over with a smile.

Xie asked Fu Rong to take a seat. Fu Rong shook his head, still sitting next to Mrs. Qin, kissed his son’s little face and said, "This kid is clinging to others. I just don’t know how to play this. Right."

It's obvious to everyone that Brother Ju's sticking to her, Mrs. Qin Er smiled and picked up a leaf card and dangled in front of Brother Ju: "Okay, let the mother coax Brother Ju, I will buy sugar for the money I win. ."

Brother Zhu stared at the leaf card in her hand and spoke.

The child has a bad temper and can't stand to look good. It's still quite rare. The few people chatted and teased his brother for a long while, during which he also slept sweetly. The men and women gathered for dinner to listen to the play. Fu Rong sat next to Xu Jin, listening and catching a glimpse of Xu Hao quietly leaving.

Fu Rongqing couldn't help but look at Cui Wan's position.

Sure enough, no one was there.

Suddenly she remembered that the year her sister was married, her sister had a private meeting with Liang Tong, and she pulled Xu Jin's sleeve.

The childhood sweetheart and sweetheart, Xu Jin no longer likes Cui Wan, as long as Xu Hao wants to marry, Xu Jin can't help it, unless he can prove that Cui Wan is indeed the murderer who prescribed her medicine.

Xu Jin followed Fu Rong's gaze and saw Xu Hao's figure gradually disappearing into the night, motioning Xu Jia to stare.

About a quarter of an hour later, Xu Hao returned.

Xu Jin looked at his sleepy son in his arms, led Fu Rong to say goodbye to Cui Fangli, and then called Xu Hao back to the palace together.

"You go back to the house first, I will talk to the sixth brother." When he arrived at the palace, Xu Jin whispered to Fu Rong.

Fearing that he would be stupid, Fu Rong directly persuaded Xu Hao to break up with Cui Wan and couldn't help but want to mention something. Xu Jin heard what she meant, and squeezed her nose quickly with the help of her figure, and whispered: "I am so stupid? Go back with peace of mind, don't worry, he likes whoever he likes, I don't bother to care."

Fu Rong looked at him suspiciously, and led the maid back to Fuhuayuan.

Xu Hao repeatedly apologized to his elder brother when he was in Cui's house, and was forgiven by his elder brother. Now he is sleepy after playing for a day, and wants to go back to the guest room to sleep after saying hello.

Xu Jin didn't keep him, watched the boy leave, he looked at Xu Jia.

Xu Jia walked up to him, bowed his head and turned back and said: "The Sixth Hall went down to see the girl, and the girl asked if the prince had calmed down. She was affirmed by His Highness, and then asked His Royal Highness to explain clearly to the maiden after entering the palace tomorrow. She apologized to the empress."

Xu Jin was not surprised.

Cui Wan's behavior has always been generous and reasonable. Just like today, she set a trap to get him to the bait. He didn't. Based on the relationship between the two of them, Cui Wan immediately guessed something was wrong. She didn't know that he understood her. Cui Wan's intention was only when he doubted her again because of Fu Rong's murder, so Cui Wan calmly cried out her grievances. The more calm, the more it seemed that she had a clear conscience.

Under normal circumstances, he would dispel suspicion. Even if he still doubted, he would not dare to attack her again, because the elders knew the relationship between the two, and if Cui Wan had an accident, the elders would easily think of him. After all, Cui Wan has been in peace for so many years. Why did he have an "accident" after being suspected of offending him?

From the time Cui Wan fell into the water to watch the doctor, she thought of such a good countermeasure, which became to dispel his suspicion, and she was defeated by asking him to throw a rat. Even if Xu Jin reasonably explained his actions for not saving people, he could no longer attack Cui Wan for the time being, because something happened to Cui Wan, and his mother might believe that he did not do it, and the sixth brother would definitely not believe it, even the sixth brother. Believe it, Cui Wan definitely doesn't believe it. Once Cui Wan blows the air in his sixth brother's ear, his brotherhood with his sixth brother will be completely over.

The sixth brother may not care, he cares, he is not willing to let a woman break their relationship.

"Did you say anything else?" After a long silence, he spoke again.

Xu Jia said: "His Royal Highness Six said that in this year's draft, the emperor would ask the emperor to marry the two. He asked if the girl was happy or not. The voice of the girl was too small and the subordinates did not hear it, but His Highness sounded very happy behind him.

Xu Jin smiled. His cousin really knows the current affairs. She had been delayed for a few months for him in her previous life. In this life, she was sure that it would be impossible for him to propose marriage to her sixth brother. This wink was almost the same as Fu Rong.

It’s just that after Fu Rong got married, he wholeheartedly lived with him, helped him obey his mother, and helped him care for his younger brother. As for Cui Wan, in his previous life, he thought she would really have a good life with his sixth brother after she married his sixth brother. Jin cannot guarantee that what he once saw is the truth.

"Go down, follow the movements of the Cui family from now on."

Xu Jia didn't leave immediately, he hesitated for a moment and said, "The same goes for Master Shangshu?"

Xu Jin had already turned around, and when he heard this, he whispered a low "um".

Fu Ronggang, Fu Ronggang finished his bath and was about to get out of the water when he heard the voice of the little maid outside shouting "Master".

Fu Rong motioned for Lanxiang and Meixiang to go down, her shoulders dipped under the water, and he smiled and looked at the man who walked in: "Master Wang finished talking so soon?"

She has long hair like a waterfall, smart eyebrows and a delicate smile. Xu Jin saw that he liked it, and his mood became clear. After taking off his clothes, he stepped into the tub, and took the person to his lap to sit down, "I'm done with the thick wash? Then wipe it for me."

Fu Rong is not stupid. Today Xu Jin is in the Cui Mansion. She sees clearly, but he doesn't tell her that the Cui family is his mother. She didn't dare to spy rashly, so she had to pretend that she didn't understand anything. Taking the towel on the edge of the tub, Fu Rong supported Xu Jin's shoulder with one hand and wiped his chest with the other.

It was dark outside, and the lights in the room were bright, illuminating several scars on his body clearly. Except for the arrow wound on her left arm, which was left for her, the other traces were very light. Thinking of him, the overbearing prince who seems to have the wind and the rain and the rain, was actually not so smoothly and smoothly, then looking at the lines on his forehead, Fu Rong's movements became more gentle.

"Okay, let's turn the prince, I will wipe your back."

Xu Jin had just been enjoying with his eyes closed. At this time, he opened it and saw her ruddy complexion, with drops of sweat on her face, charming and attractive, he reached out his hand to hug her, kissed her face and said: "Dongren, you like me ?"

He asked this suddenly, and Fu Rong bit his lip and looked at his eyes slyly: "I don't like it."

Xu Jin frowned immediately.

Fu Rong hurriedly said, "Why did the prince take it seriously?" She said shyly and kissed him on the cheek. After leaving, she looked at him with beautiful eyes and then lowered her eyes.

Xu Jin didn't say a word, but there was a change in his body.

He was so powerful that Fu Rong was about to flee, but was pulled back by Xu Jin arrogantly. After a few breaths, he attacked the city.

Even if the two have been close for countless times, Fu Rong still couldn't adapt immediately. He raised his head slightly, his red lips lightly opened, and he begged silently.

This time Xu Jin didn't rush to the next step. He kissed her gently on the neck, then slowly moved it to her face, and asked her quietly: "When did that dense like me? Don't lie to me, be honest. "

Fu Rong's eyes were filled with water, making Xu Jin unable to see clearly.

When did you like him?

Fu Rong could not say clearly.

Does she like Xu Jin? Definitely like it. Just like she did to Xu Yan, her husband is tall, handsome, powerful and kind to her. How could she not like it? But Fu Rong knew that Xu Jin's love was the kind of feeling that would be so sweet when someone had it, and it would be heartbroken after being lost.

She is living very happily now, but one day Xu Jin is gone, or if he has someone else, like Qi Ce did to her sister, will she be heartbroken?

Fu Rong didn't think so.

So she still doesn't like Xu Jin enough, right?

But how can she tell the truth?

Many thoughts in his mind, but only a few moments, under Xu Jin's expectant gaze, Fu Rong lowered his head, "I..."

"Look at me and say." Xu Jin lifted her chin.

Fu Rong glanced at him, the next moment his eyes softened again, and he recalled softly: "After the wedding that year, when we were painting the boat, I threatened to throw away the long-lived thread that I had made for the prince. When the prince held my hand tightly, I I like the prince a little bit. I am afraid of having children. The prince allows me to use contraception. I like the prince a little bit more. When the prince gets an arrow to save me, I like the prince very much."

She held his face and looked at his handsome and cold face because of the silence, "I like it so much that I want to be with the prince for life, and I will never separate."

Xu Jin's throat moved.

"How about you, does the prince like me? When did you start to like me?" Fu Rong asked softly.

She was sitting in his arms, and the water that could reach her shoulders fell down, and the beauty was looming. She held his shoulder with one hand, rubbed his face with the other, and said something almost seductive and confusing, and she looked at him affectionately and hooked him, just like a fox demon visiting late at night, deliberately trying to hook him.

When did he like her?

Xu Jin couldn't remember anymore, he didn't have the mind to remember, he blocked her mouth and pressed her under the tub...

It is difficult to breathe, and it is not necessary to breathe.

Fu Rong gave everything to him, she only closed her eyes, and her soul seemed to float out, floating like a boat that couldn't make a shore.

In fact, Xu Jin tonight is a bit strange. He always liked to say something serious to tease her, and deliberately made her ashamed to listen, but at this time Xu Jin didn’t say a word, even his breathing was heavy and regular, and he was groggy. Fu Rong seemed to see his eyes, so calm, not knowing what he was thinking.

But she didn't have the opportunity to explore, the last consciousness before falling asleep was the bliss he gave.

She was very tired and fell asleep. Xu Jin finished cleaning the two of them, looking at the dark bed, not knowing when she would go to sleep.

In a daze, he suddenly appeared on a grassland.

He seemed to have been here. Xu Jin had a bad premonition. Just about to avoid it, a strong wind hit his head. He suddenly turned his head and saw a shadow of a knife. He wanted to avoid it. He swept over his neck.

The strange thing is that he didn't feel any pain, he just dreamed, seeing the hideous appearance of his sixth brother with red eyes.

He wanted to ask why the sixth brother wanted to kill him. A sharp arrow penetrated the sixth brother's chest without warning...

The night is as dark as ink.

Xu Jin opened his eyes and couldn't see anything. He raised his hand and touched the corner of his eye with a bit of coolness.

How long have you not had this dream?

It was his own younger brother, the younger brother who liked to secretly bully when he was young, the younger brother who taught him how to write and ride horses, and the younger brother who kept the same blood as him.

He had always thought that his sixth brother had been tempted by someone's power to seduce him. He also vowed to find that person in this life to avoid fratricide. But today, he suddenly discovered another possibility. His sixth brother might have been deceived by a woman before...

Xu Jin laughed mockingly.

Rather than being a woman, a hypocritical woman, he would rather be a powerful person, so that the sixth brother seemed a little promising.

But no matter whether he is in power or a woman, he will catch that person in his life and send him death.

No one can play with their brother anymore.

☆Chapter 185

In the autumn, the air is a little cool in the morning and evening, and the temperature in the day is just right, and it is warm and not too warm.

Taking advantage of the Mid-Autumn Festival, Fu Rong hugged Brother Bi and returned to her family's home.

When Fu Bao heard the news and led Da Lang to visit, the three sisters moved to Fu Xuan's yard, because there was a grape rack over there, and the purple grapes were just ripe.

The little maids set up tea tables and wicker chairs next to the grape racks. Fu Rong pushed Brother Bi and walked over. After sitting down, he pointed to bunches of grapes on the vine beside him and taught his son: "This is grapes, Aunt Six’s grapes. Her grapes are the best. Shall we pick them all when we go home?"

Brother Wei stared at the grape rack with big eyes and swept back and forth several times, reaching out to pick it.

"My younger brother is greedy." Da Lang leaned on the wooden cart to look at his brother, he looked up at Fu Rong and said, serious.

This nephew may be his son’s accompaniment in the future. Fu Rong smiled and touched the top of his head, softly coaxing him: "Will Da Lang help younger brother pick bunches of grapes?"

Da Lang glanced at the grape rack, turned his head and walked towards Fu Bao, "Auntie hug me, pick grapes, and give it to my younger brother."

Fu Bao pretended to be angry and complained to Fu Rong: "As expected of the princess, I have the heart to make such a big child work for you! Hmph, let me take it back to you for the sake of my little nephew's face." Nephew, went to the grape trellis to choose.

I saw my brother Zhu, stretched out his hand to hug his mother, and wanted to go.

Fu Rong smiled and leaned his face over: "Brother Ju'er's mother will hug you in one bite."

Brother Zhu immediately held his mother's cheek and kissed loudly.

Fu Rong happily picked up the little guy and walked towards Fu Bao. Fu Xuan followed her uneasy: "Sister, be careful of the grape roots on the ground."

Of course Fu Rong knew.

Brother Wei is interested in everything now. He has to touch the grapes with his own hands. He accidentally squeezed one of the grapes. The little guy was startled. Seeing his mother and aunt were both laughing, he was beautiful. , And started playing. Fu Rong didn't hug him to the place nearby, specifically pinching a bunch of grapes. After he finished pinching his brother, he still wanted to pinch the one next to him. Fu Rong kissed his little face and said, "No, you pinch your sixth aunt next to him to hit someone. "

Brother Wei listened, and turned to look at Aunt Six beside him.

The little guy has been able to remember people recently and has become a lot more sensible. Whether it is a relative of his grandfather’s family or a grandfather and grandmother sixth uncle in the palace, he will give it to him when he wants to hold it, but he has to be happy before giving it. If it were to catch up with Brother Bi'er upset, even Xu Jin wouldn't give it to Brother Bi if he wanted to hold him, holding his mother as a grievance that he would never be separated from his mother in this life.

Fu Xuan liked this nephew. She was greedy when she first saw Fu Rong's brother Fu Rong. She was too greedy, and she didn't care if she would be teased by her sister. She laughed and coaxed: "Brother Ju, hug her aunt, aunt Hug brother to pinch the grapes." He said and gestured.

Brother Wei understood, and grinned hard at his aunt.

His little purple hands had long been wiped by the maids who were next to him, and Fu Xuan happily took his nephew and hugged him to pinch grapes. After playing for a while, I saw that Fu Rong went to Fu Bao to make Dalang amused. Fu Xuan looked around. Seeing that no one was paying attention to the maidservants, he quietly said in Brother Bier's ear: "Brother Bier kisses my aunt. My aunt feeds you grapes."

She secretly kissed her nephew while he was asleep, but she has not yet enjoyed the treatment of being kissed by brother Ju. Except for the third sister and the couple, it is said that all relatives have not been kissed by brother Ju. Fu Xuan wants to try .

Brother Zhu understood what the kiss meant, looked at his aunt, and continued to pinch the grapes happily after he didn't hear it.

Fu Xuan couldn't help but disappointed, and her nephew didn't kiss her, she quickly fragrant his nephew.

Brother Wei looked at her again, and then continued to pinch the grapes, but he suddenly folded back after reaching out, and wiped the place where the aunt was stolen by his little hand covered with grape juice. When I lowered my hand, I probably touched my lips and tasted the sweetness. Brother Ju licked his mouth, looked down at his hand, and then started to eat his fingers.

Fu Xuan quickly called Fu Rong over to dissuade him. She asked her mother, Brother Yu can eat less grapes now, but the grapes here have not been washed, what should I do if my nephew eats a bad stomach?

The two sisters were busy working together, and finally washed Brother Ju's hands, and Fu Rong fed his son another grape.

Fearing that the little guy was drooling at the vine, Fu Rong hurriedly took his son to his mother in the front yard.

Fu Bao went back first. There were a few of his own mothers in the room. Fu Rong put Brother Wei on the couch and let him sit and play by himself. She talked to Qiao and accidentally learned that Mrs. Qin invited her mother to Qin's house for a couple. The second visitor was extremely surprised: "Why didn't mother tell me before?"

Qiao looked at her questioningly: "Why do you want to tell you?" The two families were originally relatives, and they moved around normally.

Fu Rong quietly glanced at the younger sister who was coaxing his brother over there, and asked in a low voice, "Mother took my sister with me?"

Qiao nodded: "A Bao Xuanxuan has a good time with Yunyu, I will take her over, lest she always read in the house bored."

Fu Rong pondered for a moment, and asked, "Did the mother see Brother Qin?"

When Qiao heard this, he finally put down the half-belly embroidered by his grandson, looked at his 13-year-old daughter, and thought of Madam Qin's eyes at Fu Xuan, and whispered to Fu Rong in shock: "Can't it? Is Qin Ying almost twenty?"

Immediately thinking that six or seven years of age difference between men and women is nothing, Joe's heart suddenly brightened. She had met Qin Ying several times. That year, she came to Beijing and met at the post house. Qin Ying was polite and courteous to her family. She also liked the official brothers very much. The second wife Qin got along well, shrewd and generous. If so The two were married, and after the daughter got married, she had the relationship of her third sister, which was considered a kiss.

She was happy.

Fu Rong's heart trembled, and the two elders looked at each other, so this marriage is basically even if there is a bit of character. Qin Ying is not familiar with her. Her younger sister's idea about marriage is similar to that of her elder sister. They are all prepared to listen to their parents' arrangements. Once the mother and Mrs. Qin reach a tacit understanding...

Is there any hope for Wu Baiqi?

Seeing that it was about time when their family came to Beijing in their previous life, Wu Baiqi and his younger sister were about to have contact, and Fu Rong didn't want to change brother-in-law before that. She wanted to change her brother-in-law because she was sure that Qi Ce was not a good person. Changing her sister would not be worse than marrying Qi Ce. Wu Baiqi is different. My sister will have a happy life when she marries him, so why should she watch Sister and Qin Ying who may not be able to give her happiness come together?

Let's get to the bottom of my sister first, if my sister is already interested in Qin Ying, then Fu Rong can't help it.

Pulling Fu Xuan aside, Fu Rong asked her quietly, "My sister is also thirteen. Are there anyone you like recently?"

During the questioning, Fu Rong stared closely at her sister's small face. Based on her knowledge of the family, she might not be able to tell except for the lying of her father and mother. No one of the other brothers and sisters could escape her eyes.

Fu Xuan didn’t want to hide anything from his sister, so he gave Fu Rong an eye knife, saying that the eye knife was actually not suitable, because Fu Xuan had no anger or resentment in his eyes, and it was more like the teacher in the school heard it. The student said something absurd, unbelievable and disdain to reason with him.

Fu Rong was stunned for a moment. Seeing her younger sister continued to coax his brother away, she secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Since her sister had no intention, Fu Rong decided to ask Xu Jin about Qin Ying’s movements. In her previous life, she did not know Qin Ying and did not pay attention to Qin Ying’s marriage, but Xu Jin had a good relationship with Qin Ying.

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