The Way of the Center

Chapter 658: A Game That Changes the Situation

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"Baby, come back quickly, don't continue to work. You need to rest now, it's not good to work too hard." On the phone, Anjie was talking to Catherine tiredly. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Aldridge would I can't believe that a fierce guy like An Jie can speak in such a tone.

Catherine has been pregnant for almost four months, and even though she is a model, she can still see a slight bulge in her belly at this moment.

An Jie naturally hoped that Catherine would just rest at home like this. After all, if she was too tired during pregnancy, it would be bad for both mother and baby.

"Hahaha, fool. Have you ever seen a woman who is less than four months pregnant and will rest at home idle. Don't worry, I don't feel anything at all right now. When the time really comes, I will come back consciously. You It's better to focus on your season, and when your vacation comes, we will be able to have a good time." It's not that Catherine doesn't miss An Jie, but she can't give up her job casually, although An Jie The money she earns in a year is already astronomical, but Catherine doesn't want to become a housewife at such a young age. Secondly, Catherine didn't want to distract An Jie by herself. After all, the difficulty of winning 26 out of 30 games is no joke.

Indeed, no one said that 72 wins in the regular season is a hard indicator that the Trail Blazers must complete this season. But again, no one wants to see the Blazers miss this opportunity to break the record. Even Jordan himself once said: "If Angie can, he will take this record away! But you also know that if they get 72 wins but can't win the championship, it won't make any sense."

Jordan's words are correct. The reason why the Bulls' record of 72 wins is brilliant is that while they achieved 72 wins, they also successfully won the O'Brien Cup.

This is also a problem that the Trail Blazers have to face at present, whether to fight to the end to break the record, or to save energy to prepare for the playoffs.

The decision of Ricard, who is currently calling the shots on the hospital bed, is to take a better record as the first goal!

Although striving for 72 wins will make the Trail Blazers face the risk of injury attacks, although working too hard in the regular season will make the Trail Blazers encounter more difficulties in the playoffs. But the real brave will not shrink back because of fear.

Now that damn record is in front of you, and that first place in history is waiting for you to sit on it yourself. Are you afraid to fight for it because you are afraid? No, this is not a choice a man should make.

After hanging up the phone, An Jie also fell asleep early. Don't look at the last 30 games left, but the last 30 games are destined to be quite hard...


The first game of the last 30 games,

The Trail Blazers ran into a bad opponent, the San Antonio Spurs.

The Trail Blazers and the Spurs have met twice this season, with each winning one game. Judging from the historical record of fighting, the two sides seem to be evenly matched.

However, even the most stable team, it is impossible to maintain stability in every game in the 82 regular season games. Today, the Spurs are in a rare downturn.

Maybe it's because the back-to-back battles made the aging Spurs a little overwhelmed. At the end of the season, the players' physical reserves were already tight. At this time, we still met back-to-back, and we also met the Blazers in back-to-back. The invasion of all kinds of unfavorable factors made the Spurs play unsatisfactory today.

Popovich was still yelling from the sidelines during the first three quarters of the game, but in the fourth quarter, he was also a lot quieter.

Everyone in the Spurs seems to be able to score today, but in fact it is because there is no one finalist who can stand up.

Basketball is a game that requires the close integration of teams and individuals. Facts have proved that only an outstanding team without outstanding individuals still cannot make a team go too far. The Nuggets, who had no stars in the past few seasons but played well in the regular season, were beaten back to their original form in the playoffs because of this reason?

At the last moment of the game, the exhausted Spurs failed to make three consecutive offenses, while the Blazers seized the opportunity under the leadership of Anjie. The exhausted Duncan had no way to stop Anjie's crushing, so the Spurs eventually lost 100 to 93 at home.

Defeating the Spurs boosted the morale of the Trail Blazers players. So just one day later, they "dropped in" to win the Pelicans led by Davis, a second-year rookie.

"Big Eyebrows" Davis's performance today made Anjie look at him with admiration. This guy scored 36 points and 9 rebounds. Even Anjie himself had to admit that in his second year, compared to Davis, he was Not far.

Although Anjie only scored 26 points in this game, he grabbed 18 rebounds. Most importantly, Anjie also sent 10 assists, and the Trail Blazers also scored 20 points with 4 players, easily shooting down the Pelicans again.

So, basketball is a game that combines individual and team. Davis is very good personally, but the Pelicans team is not at the same level as the Trail Blazers.

111 to 103, the Trail Blazers won another away game. And their winning streak has also reached 12 consecutive victories.

But the good times didn't last long. On March 16, the Trail Blazers faced the Warriors, the biggest dark horse of the season, at their home court.

The two young guards of the Warriors, Steve Curry and Klay Thompson, have completely made Anjie remember their names.

These two guards, who don't seem to have strong physical fitness or strong impact, teamed up to score 64 points by shooting! Curry scored 37 points and Thompson scored 27 points.

Like Anjie, the playing styles of these two guys are completely opposite to the trend of the league. In this era when guards are increasingly desperate to hit the basket, Curry and Thompson choose to use their strengths to avoid weaknesses and use shooting to solve problems.

The Warriors have been biting the Trail Blazers to the end, until Steve Curry made a lore shot from outside the three-point line in the last 1.3 seconds, and the result finally came to an end.

An Jie was completely dumbfounded at the time. A skinny guy with a baby face who looked harmless to humans and animals, and who had hardly heard of it a few years ago, was able to kill himself in this way.

"Damn it." An Jie shook his head helplessly, maybe in the next few years, he will have another strong opponent.

After the game, Anjie also took the initiative to say hello to Curry and Thompson.

"I remember you guys." An Jie said to Curry and Thompson, which also means that these two small guards of the Warriors have been officially included in the hostile list.

113 to 112, the Warriors completed the lore at the Moda Center. Since the 21st century, the Warriors seem to always be associated with the word dark horse. Now, they have killed the defending champion at the home court of the defending champion. Maybe the Warriors in the future will not only be as simple as a dark horse anymore.

Losing this game also sounded the alarm for the Trail Blazers. Winning 26 out of 30 games is not something that can be done so easily. Even the most inconspicuous opponent has the possibility of defeating himself.

It was precisely because of the loss in this game that the Trail Blazers became more cautious in the subsequent games. Even if the opponent is a team that has already missed the playoffs, An Jie and his teammates will not take it lightly.

The season just went on and on, and there were a lot of great moments.

For example, Anjie saw a quadruple-double of 23 points, 12 rebounds, 10 assists and 10 blocks against the Magic. For example, Aldridge scored a season-high 40 points against the Wizards.

Lillard also scored a triple-double of 30 points, 10 rebounds and 12 assists against the Knicks. This picture has appeared many times. In other words, everyone in the Trail Blazers is in a very, very good state .

The record of 72 wins is getting closer and closer to the Blazers, and the whole world has held its breath. Because of them, maybe they are witnessing the birth of a living legend!


On April 9, 2014, there were still four games before the end of the regular season of this season, and the record of the Trail Blazers officially came to 69 wins and 9 losses.

69 wins, which has allowed the Trail Blazers to tie their record last year. At this time, there are four games left in the regular season, and almost everyone believes that it is almost a certainty that the Trail Blazers will break the Bulls' record!

However, in today's game against the Suns, the Trail Blazers encountered a lot of trouble.

The Suns are now ranked ninth in the West, and they still have the possibility of entering the playoffs. And usually at the last moment, this kind of team is often the most combative!

In the first half of the game, there were no accidents. The Trail Blazers kept suppressing the Suns. Even though Bledsoe played very hard, the strength of the rest of the Suns could not make Bledsoe's efforts return.

From the third quarter, the situation changed. The Suns' backup small forward, Gerald Green, who entered the league in 2005, suddenly broke out without warning.

Before the game, no one cared about this guy at all. Anjie doesn't even know that Gerald Green is playing in the Suns now, because this guy has changed teams almost every year in the past few years, and Divac naturally doesn't have a special defensive strategy for a Suns substitute.

But Gerald Green filled the disadvantage with incredible mid-range shots and layups that were lucky enough to avoid Anjie's block.

Scoring 32 points with 60% shooting, Gerald Green's sudden outburst made the Trail Blazers too late to react.

In the end, the Suns also narrowly escaped death on their home court. 109 to 113, Gerald Green, a guy who has never been remembered by people, did something that was enough to change history.

He, dedicated to the Trail Blazers' tenth defeat of the season!

69 wins and 10 losses! This means that in the next three games, as long as the Blazers lose one more game, everything they have done before will fall short!

The whole of Portland is tense, and Divac is also under tremendous pressure.

From 30 games to 3 games, it seems that the situation is still very difficult...

Is the Dynasty Bull really high above and untouchable? No, An Jie wouldn't believe it!

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