Under the orders of the three Bodhisattvas, the Dharma Huazong team stopped their attack on the foreign world, and the two sides made peace temporarily.

After the peace talks, the two sides reached an agreement to go to the Four-pointed Star Area together to snatch the token from Huangfeng Tianxian, and then they all went together to the secret place left by Pudu Jinxian.

After that, the three celestial beings and the three bodhisattvas set off directly to the four-pointed star area.

The three bodhisattvas left, and the remaining members of the Dharma Huazong team continued to stay in the foreign star area.

The Qingxu Sect and other sects have temporarily recovered their safety, and their high-level officials are very dissatisfied with this situation, but there is nothing they can do.

Qingxu Sect and other sects are temporarily unable to return to the Four-Corner Star Area, so they can only continue to wait in the Alien Star Area.

Seeing the severely injured big world in a foreign land, all practitioners want to cry but have no tears.

The foreign star area is very far away from the four-pointed star area, and it took one or two thousand years for the Taiyi Realm to reach there.

For Bodhisattvas and celestial beings, it would not take ten years under normal circumstances to go all out.

It's just that these bodhisattvas and celestial beings were unlucky. When passing through a dust belt on the road, they first encountered a team of the Wild Hunting Star Thieves.

The style of the Wild Hunt Thieves has always been brutal and cruel, even the gods dare to rob.

It just so happens that in this team, there are several strong men at the level of celestial beings.

When the Taiyi Realm passed by here, it wiped out a sub-group of the Wild Hunting Star Bandit Group.

The high-level members of the Wild Hunt Thieves Group don't care much about the life and death of the branch members.

It's just that, if the members of his own family were killed, if he didn't come forward to take revenge, others might think that he was weak and deceitful.

Afterwards, the Wild Hunt Thieves sent many members to the vicinity of the incident, and many of them were immortal-level powerhouses.

It's a pity that the Taiyi Realm has been away from here for a long time, and Meng Zhang and the others cast spells to cover up their tracks.

The strong men of the Wild Hunting Star Bandit searched the nearby void for a long time, but they did not find the whereabouts of their enemies.

This aroused the anger of many high-level members of the Wild Hunting Star Pirates.

For a long time after that, from time to time, teams from the Wild Hunting Star Bandit Group came to this place to investigate.

As soon as this mixed team of Bodhisattvas and celestial beings entered the dust belt, they were discovered by members of the Wild Hunting Star Thieves.

Taoism and Buddhism have always been at odds, and mixed teams of celestial beings and bodhisattvas are relatively rare in the void.

The strong members of the Wild Hunting Star Bandit Group have not found an enemy for so long, and they have become a bit irritable.

Members of the Wild Hunt bandit stopped the angels and bodhisattvas and tried to interrogate them.

Those three celestial beings were born in the spirit world, and they would not be afraid of the Wild Hunt Star Thief Group.

The three bodhisattvas were born in the Dharma Huazong, and they also have a lot of support.

When the two sides disagreed, a war broke out.

Not to mention the defeat of the Wild Hunting Thieves, there were also considerable losses.

If it wasn't for the fact that they didn't want to cause trouble, the three heavenly immortals really wanted to kill all of these star robbers.

After this battle, this mixed team of celestial beings and bodhisattvas continued on the road.

Afterwards, the strong men of the Wild Hunting Star Bandit entangled them many times, but were repelled by them.

This team was busy going to the four-pointed star area, and didn't want to waste time entangled with them, so they accelerated their progress and got rid of them.

The accident happened halfway this time, which delayed them a lot of time.

This is not over yet, this mixed team not long after getting rid of the Wild Hunting Star Pirates, encountered the Sword Immortal of the Sirius Sword Sect on the way.

After a team of sword cultivators from the Heavenly Wolf Sword Sect was wiped out by the Taiyi Realm, a strong man was sent to investigate afterwards.

For these big sects, it is a basic operation to beat the small ones and provoke the old ones.

Isn't one of the main purposes of monks establishing sects to keep warm and take care of each other?

Having lost several sword immortals at the level of true immortals in a row, the Heavenly Wolf Sword Sect sent out sword immortals at the level of heavenly immortals this time, and there were more than one of them.

Like the Wild Hunt Star Pirates, the Sword Immortals of the Sirius Sword Sect have not been able to discover the whereabouts of the Taiyi Realm.

After discovering this mixed team of celestial beings and bodhisattvas, the Sword Immortals of the Heavenly Wolf Sword Sect became suspicious, and of course they wanted to stop them for careful interrogation.

Of course, there is a large part of the reason for this, and the sword fairies deliberately caused trouble in order to vent their anger.

For the sword immortals of the Heavenly Wolf Sword Sect, no matter the three heavenly immortals or the three bodhisattvas, they are all very afraid.

It is true that the three celestial beings were born in the Lingkong Immortal Realm, but they are not official members of the Lingkong Immortal Realm, nor do they have a strong background behind them, nor do they have the support of a strong sect or sect.

For the sword lunatic of the Heavenly Wolf Sword Sect, the Bodhisattva of the Fahua Sect is not willing to offend easily.

They originally wanted to be patient as much as possible, trying not to tear faces with each other.

But the weaker they acted and the more they backed down, the more arrogant they made the opponent.

The sword cultivator of the Heavenly Wolf Sword Sect is used to being domineering, and when facing the weak, he has always acted like a bully, bullying wantonly.

At any rate, there are a bunch of gods and bodhisattvas in the team. Even if you don't want to face, you can't let others push your nose on your face. You still need a minimum of dignity.

A fierce battle broke out unexpectedly.

The sword cultivator of the Heavenly Wolf Sword Sect is indeed powerful, and his fighting power is very strong.

Even though there are not many sword immortals at the level of heavenly immortals, they still easily gained the upper hand.

The three celestial beings and the three bodhisattvas are just a temporary team, and they were opponents who fought each other not long ago.

They don't trust each other very much, and it is even more impossible for them to unite wholeheartedly against the enemy.

And the sword immortals of the Heavenly Wolf Sword Sect have clever tactics, tacit cooperation, and high fighting spirit...

After a fierce battle, this mixed team of celestial beings and bodhisattvas unexpectedly fell to the disadvantage.

Seeing that this was not going to work, they had to take out more hole cards and put in more strength to force the opponent back temporarily.

The Sword Immortals of the Heavenly Wolf Sword Sect would not give up so easily.

After that, the mixed team continued on the road, followed closely by the Sword Immortal of the Heavenly Wolf Sword Sect.

Once they show any slack, they will be attacked by the sword fairies.

Along the way, they didn't get any rest at all, and suffered a lot.

Not only were they delayed on the road for a long time, they also suffered some injuries to some extent.

They paid a high price to finally get rid of the pursuit of the sword fairies.

Even, whether they really got rid of the pursuit of the sword fairies completely, they are not completely sure.

When they came to the edge of the four-pointed star area, they looked in a state of distress, and almost everyone was injured.

Luna, who was patrolling the edge of the four-pointed star area, easily spotted this team.

When Xu Kongzi and the others sneaked into the four-pointed star area to investigate, they obtained information about the alien star area from the captured monks in the four-pointed star area.

Moon God and other high-ranking officials in the Taiyi Realm had already learned general information about the images of the three celestial beings and the three Bodhisattvas from these information.

After Tianxian Huang Feng became malicious towards Meng Zhang, Meng Zhang also told Yueshen and others about the relevant information.

Luna recognized the origin of this team at a glance, and quickly guessed their purpose.

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