The Way of the Immortal Master

Chapter 3723 Distress

There are many experienced and well-informed people in the underworld. Once they discover these visions, they will probably make various associations.

Tai Miao needs to be prepared now to deal with the situation after the news of Samsara Chi's birth is leaked.

Of course, as Samsara Pool approaches its birth, it’s not all bad news.

Before the reincarnation pool is born, there will be various obvious signs.

Based on various increasingly obvious signs, Tai Miao was about to deduce the specific location where the reincarnation pool was born.

Once he grasps the specific location where the reincarnation pool was born, he will have greater initiative.

He also considered that when the reincarnation pool was actually born, there would be a lot of noise and it would be impossible to keep it secret.

It takes time for him to refine and master the reincarnation pool.

Before that, if other strong men discover the existence of the reincarnation pool, they will definitely come to snatch it.

All the preparations Taimiao is making now are to stop those strong men who come to snatch the reincarnation pool.

Of course, relying solely on the strength of him and his subordinates may not be able to stop the enemies who covet the Samsara Pond.

You must know that the Reincarnation Pool is of vital importance in the underworld and is the focus of competition among all parties.

Mastering a reincarnation pool is almost equivalent to having a Hades Emperor.

As long as he is not too desperate, a Hades Emperor can dominate the underworld and rule the roost for many years.

And the Samsara Pool is an existence that even the powerful people at the Golden Immortal level covet.

The powerful people of the Golden Immortal level in the Yang world will be greatly suppressed when entering the underworld, and they will not be able to show their strength at all.

Even, the power of the underworld will directly shut out many powerful people at the Golden Immortal level.

A strong man at the level of a golden immortal is the ceiling of combat power in the Yang world, but he cannot compete with the entire underworld.

In the underworld, the Emperor of Hades is the real ruler.

After a powerful man at the level of the Golden Immortal of the Yang World forcibly enters the underworld, he may not be able to do anything to the Underworld Emperor.

In the underworld, it is not that there are no powerful people who surpass the Underworld Emperor, but they are subject to many restrictions and cannot take action at will.

For example, Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva of Buddhism has golden immortal level fighting power in the underworld.

If he could take action at will, he would have swept through the underworld and wiped out all other cultivation systems.

It is precisely because he has been subject to many restrictions that although Buddhism is the most powerful force in the underworld, it has never been able to unify the underworld, and there are still some forces competing with it.

Once Tai Miao becomes the Underworld Emperor, his strength and status will be completely different from before, and even many golden immortals will take the initiative to win over him.

You must know that many golden immortal-level cultivating forces in the Yang world have not been able to cultivate their own Hades Emperor in the underworld.

To become the Emperor of the Underworld in Tai Miao Distance, all the conditions are already met, all that remains is to refine and control a reincarnation pool.

For this upcoming pool of reincarnation, Tai Miao is willing to pay any price and risk everything he owns.

As Tai Miao’s true deity, Meng Zhang must of course provide full support.

Tai Miao's achievement as the Underworld Emperor is also a crucial matter for Tai Yi Realm.

Meng Zhang is ready to enter the underworld to help Tai Miao fight at any time.

At the edge of Renchen, the connection between the underworld and the Yang world has been greatly disturbed and is not smooth.

Only by returning to the void can Meng Zhang be completely synchronized with Tai Miao and be able to freely enter and leave the underworld.

Because of the promotions of Wen Qiansuan and Gu Yue Lingqing, Taiyi Realm was slightly delayed in the Renchen border area for a while.

When they were successfully promoted and began to consolidate their cultivation realm, Taiyi Realm's various matters in the Renchen border area were almost finished, and Meng Zhang quickly ordered Taiyi Realm to set off.

Taiyi Realm began to move quickly, and soon arrived in front of the wormhole passage from which it came.

Back then, the top management of the Ten Faces Merchant Alliance reached an agreement with Meng Zhang, consuming the Sky-fixing Pearl to strengthen and expand this passage. They also asked the powerful men of the Immortal Lord level in the alliance to help, and they barely allowed the Taiyi Realm to pass through this passage safely. Wormhole passage.

Over the years, because this wormhole passage connected the Shimian Star Region and the Renchen Border Region, the Shimian Merchant Alliance continued to invest resources and strengthen it.

This is not only to make more profits, but also to please those powerful people at the Golden Immortal level who are about to open up unknown lands.

Now, this wormhole passage can easily pass through a huge fleet, and can also barely pass through a large world like Taiyi World.

In order to protect this increasingly important wormhole passage, the Ten Faces Merchant Alliance has arranged sufficient guard forces at both ends of the wormhole.

The other side is inside the Ten Faces Star Area, so that's fine, don't worry too much.

This is the Imchen Border Territory, which is often not safe.

Therefore, the Ten Faces Merchant Alliance built a huge fortress here to guard this wormhole passage.

When the Taiyi Realm approached the wormhole passage, the strong men from the Ten Faces Merchant Alliance who were responsible for guarding it immediately came out to greet them.

Taiyi Realm is so unique and eye-catching that it has naturally attracted the attention of these powerful people.

According to the agreement reached between the top leaders of the Ten Faces Merchant Alliance and Meng Zhang, the Taiyi Realm and its monks can freely and freely pass through this wormhole passage.

The Taiyi Realm stayed in the Renchen Border Region for a while, and the relevant news had already reached the ears of these powerful people, and was even sent back to the Ten Faces Star Region.

The Taiyi world entered a dangerous and unpredictable unknown land. Not only did it return safely, it also made great achievements, which amazed many people.

After some simple negotiations, Taiyi Realm began to approach this wormhole passage.

Meng Zhang evaluated it carefully.

With the current stability of this wormhole passage, it does not require the help of other immortal-level experts. If I keep an eye on it more, I should be able to let Taiyi Realm pass safely.

Taiyi Realm slowly entered the wormhole passage.

The Taiyi Realm had just entered most of it, and part of it was still exposed in the wormhole passage. The surrounding space immediately shook violently, which also affected the Taiyi Realm, causing the Taiyi Realm to start shaking endlessly.

If an accident occurs while traveling through the wormhole passage, the problem will be huge, and the Taiyi world may be severely damaged.

The entire Taiyi world was alarmed, and many monks and countless mortals fell into great panic.

The top leaders of Taiyi Realm reacted quickly and immediately took action to appease people's hearts and united with the gods to stabilize Taiyi Realm.

Some senior executives carefully sensed the surrounding situation and tried to find out where the problem lay.

Meng Zhang was the first to realize that something was wrong.

At first, he thought there was something wrong with the wormhole passage that caused Taiyi Realm to be in danger.

But after taking a closer look, he discovered that the problem came from elsewhere.

From the direction of the unknown land, there were waves of violent fluctuations, which had a huge impact on the Renchen border area.

An accident happened in an unknown land at this time, which shocked Meng Zhang and secretly called him unlucky.

The violent fluctuations caused violent space vibrations, seriously affecting the spatial structure of the surrounding area and destroying the stability of the wormhole passage.

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