Chris walked on the white tiles of the Glorr Mall, his steps slow and a faint smile on his face as he remembered the successful date.

Although he didn't ask her out yet, he knew that some feelings between them was mutual...

"I had kept my clothes for keeping here." Chris took out a token from his pocket and passed it to the staff lady in M&H store.

'I need to buy a vehicle. Bike or Car?' Chris thought while taking the polybag from the staff lady, ignoring her fawning looks and flirty winks.

"Tsk," the staff lady clicked her tongue in irritation after getting completely ignored, well she was also pretty decent looking so, getting ignored was a hard blow on her...

"Bike it is." Chris walked in happy mood while whistling, like a normal teenager and young man, he was also interested in owning a nice bike or car.

The reasons for Bike were simple, first, bike was easier to maintain than a car and second, well, Chris loved sports bikes that zoomed through the streets.

[ Host: Christopher Swarts

Bank Details: XXXX XXXX XXXX 6587

Balance: 14,740 - many stuff = 9,360 $

Earned Money- 0


Level-9 (0/128,000 EM) 5 EM/Tap ]

'Just 10k remaining' Chris sighed, he wanted to deal with both vehicle and house today, but it seems the house will get shifted to tomorrow.

Chris stopped a taxi and asked it to go to the nearest KTN showroom.

"We have reached our destination, sir." The taxi driver asked politely, after paying the bill, Chris also got off the taxi and walked in the showroom.

The showroom was big, standing tall with white tiles and many exquisite bikes on show to entice the customers.

Since Chris was just in a E grade city, the bikes were also not very costly or the top models. That was one of the reason Chris wanted to shift to a better city since the quality of life was poor here.

"I want a sports bike." Chris asked a random staff, if it was earlier, he would have got cursed at and spat at his face for showing such audacity.

"Of course sir, please." the staff with star in her eyes, quickly led Chris to one of their latest and best product.

"Excuse me, sir. I'd like to introduce you to our most popular product, which has achieved significant sales worldwide," the lady politely remarked while gesturing towards a striking white sports bike adorned with orange accessories.

The combination of white, orange, and black gave the bike a sleek and powerful appearance, while its low, aerodynamic design ensured that it was a beast on the road.

"Hmm, impressive." Chris nodded to her explanation and asked the few characteristic features of the bike.

"It has a powerful 450cc engine and 30Km mileage. It's top speed can also touch upto 200kmph!" lady explained, glorifying its powerful features, cause well, Chris seemed like a young blood.

And what does a young blood want? Power! They don't care about how much fuel it will burn or mileage or how efficient it is to drive. If it has an impressive top speed and powerful engine, they will take it.

"What's the price?" Chris looked at the bike again and made up his mind.

"Sir, it is limited edition KTN Duke 450. It's market price is currently 6k$ but just for you, we will have 10% discount!"

"5,400$ huh?" Chris looked at her and began to think, his heart was telling him to buy it and enjoy, while mind was telling to not waste so much money and buy a cheaper one.

"I will take it. I want it now, how much time will it take?" Chris didn't suppress his desires anymore and bought the bike directly.

"Great! Just a few minutes sir, please wait in our lounge and we will fit the accessories in mean time." lady clapped excitedly, "also, sir, uhm, if you like something 'else', please ask for me." she winked in a flirty way and went away.

"Wow, I am certainly good looking." Chris shamelessly praised himself and went to wait in the lounge.

Chris was going to sit on a big cushioned chair and nearly sat but then he felt someone pull his hand and move him out of the way, then that person quickly sat on the chair.

"Get aside, loser." that guy scoffed looking at the Chris he just moved away from sitting on the chair.

Looking back up at the arrogant fool, he was dressed top to bottom in a exquisite suit, had a bit handsome face and blonde hairs. A typical 2nd or 3rd generation.

"Hah?" Chris looked at the snobby brat and gave him an annoyed look, "look kid, go play somewhere else."

"Kid?! Who are you calling a kid?!" The brat shouted, "I am Maximus Flagon! Son of Mayor! dare to call me kid now?"

"Well, kids should play in gardens, a bike showroom isn't place for you to play." Chris smiled and adviced with good intentions.

"You bastard!" Maximus roared and asked his bodyguard to catch Chris, though Chris easily dodged the bodyguard and ran away to the security guard.

of course, the bodyguard was unable to do anything to security guard as KTN was a multinational company, and Mayor of a small city was nothing but shit to them.

"Hmph, coward." Maximus scoffed loudly, making rest of the people in waiting room also anticipate the incoming drama.

"Hey kid, why did you even come to the showroom? Underage driving is a crime you know. But, it's okay, I will keep this between us, don't worry." Chris smiled back using his sarcasm at the peak.

"You bastard!!!" just like a typical 2nd generation, his vocabulary only had 'how dare you?' and 'you bastard!', still he somehow managed to overcome his low vocab and said, "Hah! what bike did you even come to buy here?"

"Hmm, a 'good' bike." Chris smiled.

"hmph! just good? my father bought me a 6,000$ bike." Maximus spoke in a haughty tone.

Stressing on the word 'father' Chris chuckled, "haha, so proud of buying a bike with father's money, pathetic."

"Better than buying a 'good' bike like yours." Maximus also rolled his eyes, his superiority complex was already sated.

"Well, I purchased my bike with my own money. Unlike you." Chris smiled at Maximus and went to lounge again to sit on a sofa.

"Hmph, I would rather use my father's money than use mine to buy a lower grade product." Maximus shot back.

'I wonder what his reaction will be when he finds out we bought the same bike.' Chris mused while just have a smile to Maximus.

"Sir Christopher, Sir Maximus, your bikes are ready and assembled." The staff lady politely informed, "Your limited edition KTN Duke 450 are both kept outside the showroom,"

"Limited edition KTN Duke 450...?" Maximus looked at Chris...

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