Ye Suxi knew that Bougrin never designed jewelry since the international competition a few years ago.

No one could ask him to move.

The styles that are still popular on the market today are all styles that she designed before.

But now, these design drawings are all from Bougrind, and she asked her to choose a ring design.

Ye Suxi looked at the design drawing, her eyes lit up.

"Let me choose one?"

Xiao Jin said warmly: "Well, choose the style you like, and I'll let someone create it."

"Actually, it's not so troublesome."

Xiao Jinshen patted Ye Suxi's hair lightly, "You are my wife, and of course I want to give you the best."

Although it was very simple, it could move Ye Suxi's heart the most.

It turns out that this is what it feels like to be pampered and pampered by someone.

She didn't expect that she could feel it one day.

Ye Suxi didn't want to waste Xiao Jinshen's heart, and began to choose carefully.

She used to draw jewelry designs.

If she hadn't been framed later, she wouldn't have been able to draw design drawings again.

Looking at these design drawings at this time, she liked them very much.

But I still picked one out of them, "Just this one!"


After coming out of the jewelry store, Xiao Jinshen took Ye Suxi's hand and asked, "Want to go home, or go for a walk?"

Xiao Jinshen felt that he spent little time with Ye Suxi. He happened to meet in the afternoon, and there was nothing to do at night.

He thought about it, and accompanied Ye Suxi for a spin.

"Can we take a walk? There's a park around here."

Ye Suxi wanted to have Xiao Jin deeply.

Even if she went for a walk, she felt a little romantic.

"Okay." When Xiao Jin treated Ye Suxi deeply, he was always good-tempered.

The two then held hands and took a walk in the park.

Ye Suxi was a little silent at first, and just walked on like this.

But the heart is excited.

In the past, I didn't like to walk alone, and I felt that it was not interesting to go to the park.

But with Xiao Jinshen by her side, she felt very happy to take a walk.

Ye Suxi couldn't help but talk to Xiao Jinshen, "When I was young, my parents would bring me and my sister to the park to play together."

"The park wasn't like this back then."

"Many houses outside are old civilian houses, and now they have been demolished and built into high-rise buildings..."

Ye Suxi would find a lot of topics to talk about.

Xiao Jinshen would listen patiently and respond with a sentence or two from time to time.

Perhaps because Xiao Jinshen listened carefully, Ye Suxi wanted to share many things with him.

When Ye Suxi was talking, she looked up at Xiao Jinshen, and when she looked at his profile, she felt so perfect.

There was a pothole on the side she was walking on. At this time, a few children ran excitedly towards it.

Ye Suxi gave the road sideways, and stepped on the pothole without noticing, and her foot was swollen all of a sudden.


Ye Suxi's aching brows furrowed.

Xiao Jinshen paused, "What's wrong?"

he asked, then squatted down, "Is your foot twisted?"

Ye Suxi squatted down, "It seems to be twisted."

Xiao Jin looked at her pale face and sighed, "Just tell me if it hurts."

"It doesn't hurt." Actually, it hurts a lot, but she feels that compared to the previous injuries, it's nothing.

It just doesn't seem to be going anywhere.

She felt a little ashamed, obviously going out for a walk with Xiao Jinshen.

Xiao Jinshen half supported Ye Suxi and found a chair to sit down.

Then he squatted down, took off Ye Suxi's shoes, and checked her.

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