Ye Suxi just sat there, looking at Liu Shasha calmly.

When Liu Shasha was about to vent her emotions, she was tired from crying and had no strength.

She then said, "Liu Shasha, you have been trapped in your bones by Ye Xinwan."

"Don't you know that the time you got drunk at her birthday party was also designed by her, and it was used on purpose to catch you?"

"Do you really think she treats you as her best friend?"

"You are the person she deliberately approached, saying that you are her best friend. Oh, it is nothing more than a person who is used at a critical time."

"You may not know that when Zhao Xiuye ​​was studying abroad, Ye Xinwan also went to him."

"The two seem to play a lot."

Liu Shasha listened and cried even more.

"I'm stupid, I actually believed Ye Xinwan."

"It's her, everything is her."

Liu Shasha now understands why Zhao Xiuye ​​protects Ye Xinwan like that, and also asks her to protect Ye Xinwan.

It turned out to be like this, it turned out to be because the person in his heart was Ye Xinwan.

A good Ye Xinwan.

Use everyone in the palm of your hand.

Ye Suxi continued: "Do you think it's stupid to blame Ye Xinwan now?"

Liu Shasha was silent for a long time and cried for a while, before she said hoarsely, "Ye Suxi, no matter what your purpose is, I still want to thank you."

"Don't you doubt my purpose and that these materials are false?"

Liu Shasha smiled bitterly, "I won't even be able to see what's true and false."

She had never suspected Ye Xinwan and Zhao Xiuye ​​before.

Her previous weakness was Zhao Xiuye.

Now that I see it clearly and think back on the past, I feel that she is stupid.

She used to be, oh, nothing more than self-deception.

Liu Shasha's head was messed up, and her tears were still flowing.

Knowing the truth, her heart still hurts.

"In that case, then I hope you can answer a few questions for me."

"What's the problem?" Liu Shasha's voice was choked and hoarse.

"About your sister-in-law Mrs. Liu Shao's wife Qu Qiulan."

Liu Shasha was stunned, "What about my sister-in-law?"

Liu Shasha didn't understand why Ye Suxi wanted to know about her sister-in-law.

In fact, Ye Suxi got some information about Qu Qiulan from the black market, but it was nothing more than some life experience.

For more details, she still has to ask Liu Shasha.

"Yes, how did your sister-in-law meet your brother??"

Although Liu Shasha didn't know why, she still answered seriously: "Once on the highway, my sister-in-law's car broke down and stopped my brother's car on the side of the road. My brother got out of the car to help, and then the two of them got to know each other. ."

"The Qu family is one of the six major families in the imperial capital. According to reason, although Qu Qiulan is a side branch of the Qu family, but has a relationship with the Qu family, your Liu family is also a high-profile family. Your brother and your sister-in-law are in the family. Together, the people of the Qu family agree?"

Liu Shasha was stunned, and she didn't recover at all, "Why don't you agree, my brother is good to my sister-in-law, the relationship between the two is good, and my parents also treasure her, in the Liu family, everything is She has the final say."

Ye Suxi narrowed her eyes, "Did she tell you about the imperial capital or about me?"

"Yes... I said it."

Ye Suxi raised her eyebrows, "Ao? What did you say?"

Ye Suxi was curious.

It was really strange that she, Ye Suxi, was able to let Qu Qiulan know.

"She said that you studied at D University before, and she also said that you once wanted to climb up to Shao Qiao, but unfortunately Shao Qiao can't be climbed by anyone."

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