Shen Ruoxuan never expected Wei Chenluo to say such a thing, her lips trembled, "You are shameless!"

Wei Chenluo raised his eyes, "Very good, I should show you what it means to be really shameless."

When Wei Chenluo said these words, his eyes were full of charismatic and wicked rays of light, strange and unusual, making people feel a little scared when they looked at his eyes.

Shen Ruoxuan suddenly realized that she seemed to have provoked Wei Chenluo, and she stepped back in fear.

Shen Ruoxuan stepped back, and Wei Chenluo walked forward.

After Shen Ruoxuan retreated to the base of the wall, Wei Chenluo also leaned against the wall with her fingers on the wall.

"What are you going to do?" Shen Ruoxuan became nervous when she spoke.

Wei Chenluo pursed her lips and smiled wickedly, "You should know what to do."

Then, before Shen Ruoxuan could react, Wei Chenluo lowered her head, blocking what she was about to say and blocking her breathing.

Shen Ruoxuan raised her head, but Wei Chenluo grabbed the back of her head, unable to breathe at all.

Wei Chenluo was like a violent storm, Shen Ruoxuan couldn't hold back, and the corners of her eyes were filled with water.

Little did she know that Shen Ruoxuan, who was so delicate and soft, made Wei Chenluo's eyes darker.

When Shen Ruoxuan couldn't breathe, Wei Chenluo hugged Shen Ruoxuan and carried her into the bathroom.

Soon, the sound of water rushing came from inside.


When Shen Ruoxuan came out, her whole body fell apart, and she couldn't lift her soft hands. She narrowed her eyes and looked at Wei Chenluo lazily.

Compared to Shen Ruoxuan's demeaning appearance, Wei Chenluo was refreshed, with a charming smile on her brows and eyes.

When he looked down at Shen Ruoxuan, there seemed to be some light in his eyes.

Maybe there is still a hint of tenderness, but Shen Ruoxuan couldn't understand it.

Shen Ruoxuan was a little angry, and unconvinced she hit Wei Chenluo with her hands.

He's so bad, so bad.

But there was nothing she could do.

Although Shen Ruoxuan hit Wei Chenluo with her hands, her hands were so soft that she couldn't use any strength at all.

Wei Chenluo reached out and grabbed Shen Ruoxuan's hand, and said hoarsely and evilly, "Xuan'er is so strong, it looks like she wasn't tired just now."

"You bastard!" Shen Ruoxuan's voice was full of tears.

Eyes are watery.

Seeing Shen Ruoxuan like this, Wei Chenluo still said softly, "Just kidding, go to sleep!"

Shen Ruoxuan didn't believe Wei Chenluo, and still looked at him vigilantly.

After confirming that what Wei Chenluo said should be true, she secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

When Shen Ruoxuan closed her eyes, she was really sleepy.

She was about to go to bed, and at this moment, Shen Ruoxuan seemed to think of something.

She slowly opened her eyes and looked at Wei Chenluo with puzzled eyes.

Shen Ruoxuan now finds that she can't understand Wei Chenluo more and more.

She wanted to ask him, is she not afraid that Zhou Meier will be angry if she finds out?

Wei Chenluo's attitude towards Zhou Meier, she doesn't seem to be able to tell.

Of course, at this time, Shen Ruoxuan would not stupidly mention the three words Zhou Meier.

Because it might stimulate Wei Chenluo.

If Wei Chenluo is stimulated, she probably won't have to rest tonight.

Wei Chenluo kept looking down at Shen Ruoxuan, so when Shen Ruoxuan looked at him with her eyes open, he knew it.

Wei Chenluo raised Shen Ruoxuan's chin with his hand, sliding his fingers back and forth.

"Why, can't bear to sleep, or not tired?"

Shen Ruoxuan glared at Wei Chenluo angrily, and hurriedly closed her eyes to sleep.

Shen Ruoxuan slept soundly that night.

She knew that in two days, she would return to the imperial capital with Wei Chen.

It was where she lived since she was a child, and it also carried many of her memories, many memories.


Ye Suxi was recovering from her injuries in the hospital, and Xiao Jinshen was with her, almost never leaving her.

When Ye Suxi was seriously injured at first, she couldn't do anything, it was Xiao Jinshen who took care of her.

Under the guise of other people's hands, Xiao Jinshen is not at ease, so many things are done by Xiao Jinshen himself.

At first, Ye Suxi couldn't eat anything, so she used nutrition bottles.

But if she drinks water, Xiao Jinshen feeds her spoon by spoon.

The action is very gentle.

Sometimes when Ye Suxi looked at Xiao Jinshen's eyes, she couldn't help but indulge in his eyes, unable to look away.

Of course, with Xiao Jinshen by his side, Ye Suxi was not alone and anxious.

But sometimes Ye Suxi is also worried about affecting Xiao Jinshen's work, "Jin Shen, I'm fine, just go and do your business."

"It's okay, there's nothing important now."

For Xiao Jinshen, of course, Ye Suxi's business is the most important.

Looking at her like this, he can rest assured.

Many of the medicines for Ye Suxi's wounds were specially-made wound medicines from Ying's Hospital, so the wounds healed quickly.

Later, Ye Suxi was slowly able to go to the ground by herself.

Xiao Jinshen supported her carefully, for fear that she would fall.

When it was time for dinner, Xiao Jinshen asked gently, "Is there anything you want to eat?"

In fact, Ye Suxi didn't eat well during this time, and when Xiao Jinshen said this, Ye Suxi felt hungry.

A lot of food flashed in her mind.

They are all snacks, malatang, skewers, vermicelli, chicken nuggets, hot pot, xiao long bao, braised pork, finger cakes, etc.

There were so many things to eat flashing in her mind, and she felt that she could eat them all at once.

I feel like I can eat a meal.

The more I think about it, the more I feel hungry, "I want to go out for shopping and eat delicious food."

It was only in front of Xiao Jinshen that Ye Suxi showed her true temperament and told him what she was thinking.

Xiao Jin looked at Ye Suxi tenderly, and stroked her hair amusingly, "You can't be discharged from the hospital now, and you can't go shopping. After a while, when you are discharged from the hospital, I'll take you to go shopping, okay?"

Xiao Jinshen's voice was gentle, completely coaxing Ye Suxi.

"Then I want to eat some snacks, can I eat them?"

"Of course, what do you want to eat, I'll buy it for you."

Ye Suxi said something to eat, and Xiao Jin said warmly: "You stay in the room obediently, I'll buy it."

Ye Suxi grabbed Xiao Jinshen's hand all of a sudden, "You are so busy, I can order takeout or have someone buy it."

"It's okay, just a while, I'll be back in a while."

Before, Xiao Jinshen would also go out and buy Ye Suxi the fruits she wanted to eat, and cut them into pieces and feed them to her.

When Xiao Jinshen went out, Ye Suxi went to bed again, and she sat there waiting for Xiao Jinshen to come back.

He also didn't want to cause trouble to Xiao Jinshen.

Don't worry her.

But Ye Su was reluctant to go out, and it didn't mean that no one came in.

For example, Ye Xinwan from a hospital had already inquired about Ye Suxi and stared at Ye Suxi.

Knowing that Shao Shao left the hospital, a vicious light flashed in her eyes, and then went to Ye Suxi's ward.

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