"Xinwan, don't cry, speak slowly, don't cry..."

Zhao Xiuye ​​was in a hurry, but he could only comfort Ye Xinwan on the other end of the phone.

Ye Xinwan cried and said: "Brother Zhao, I'm sorry, after I returned to China, I found out that I had a child, and then I don't know what to do?"

"But I was reluctant to abort the child. It was our child, but later, Mrs. Chu killed her."

"They are so ruthless, she knew something and did it on purpose..."


Ye Xinwan placed all the charges on Madam Chu intermittently.

He even told Zhao Xiuye ​​that it was because the people of the Chu family found out that the child belonged to Zhao Xiuye, so they made a ruthless attack.

Zhao Xiuye ​​was so angry when he heard it.

He was even more moved by what Ye Xinwan had done for him and suffered for him.

Zhao Xiuye ​​said: "Xinwan, don't worry, I will definitely take revenge."

"No, no, Brother Zhao, don't do this. The Chu family is the head of the big family in Yuncheng, and has a lot of power. We are not opponents. I don't want you to be in danger."

"Xinwan, don't worry, I'm not the me I used to be. I have the ability to protect you and take revenge."

Hearing Zhao Xiuye's words, Ye Xinwan's heart jumped.

Zhao Xiuye ​​is really capable and powerful now, so it looks like he is stronger than the Chu family.

Ye Xinwan was excited and proud in her heart.

She decided to hold Zhao Xiuye ​​firmly.

"Brother Zhao, no, I don't want you to do these things for me, you should have a good life, I, just let me die!"

Zhao Xiuye ​​was horrified, "Xinwan, don't think too hard, don't do stupid things."

"Brother Zhao, I'm sorry for you."

"No, Xinwan, you didn't feel sorry for me. I didn't have the ability to give you better before. I have the ability now. Don't do stupid things or say stupid things."

The two talked for a while.

Under the hint of Ye Xinwan's side attack, Zhao Xiuye ​​decided to quietly return to China.

Then he was going to help Ye Xinwan get out quietly and bring it back abroad.

As for revenge, that will come later.

The key now is to take care of Ye Xinwan's body.

After hanging up the phone, Ye Xinwan smiled proudly.

"Haha, none of you are my opponents!"

At this time, Ye Xinwan still looked like she was crying just now.


Yuncheng had new news in the entertainment news section early this morning.

It is nothing more than that this day is the marriage ceremony between Liu Shao Liu Wencheng of the Liu family and Miss Zhong Hui of the Zhong family.

Two families in order to show their attention.

Engagement and wedding ceremony take place together.

In fact, the two families were also afraid of long nights and dreams, so they also held the wedding ceremony together.

Of course, this ceremony is also very grand.

The Liu family learned from the original Chu family and took over the lobby on the first floor of the Zunhao Hotel.

He invited many prominent figures in Yuncheng.

The heads of the two families also discussed in private, and decided to invite Xiao Jinshen.

If they don't invite, there is obviously a problem.

It seems they are guilty.

In this way, when they invited Xiao Jinshen generously, Xiao Jinshen would not doubt them.

The red carpet is covered outside the Zunhao Hotel.

And balloons.

Many reporters are also preparing to cover reports.

After all, there are a lot of topics, so the reporters also hurry up to take pictures to report.

There is also a welcome.

The Liu family and the Zhong family are also the largest families in Yuncheng.

The union of these two families is also very meaningful.

What's more, the two family companies also have strategic cooperation.

Since the news of the marriage between the two families spread, the stocks of both companies have risen a lot.

Both family businesses benefit, so both families are happy.

As for the things that Liu Shao of the Liu family had previously revealed, there was a lot of discussion and a lot of attention.

And some things were also suppressed by Liujia's money.

Cars drove past outside the door, which also made the Liu family and the Zhong family have a lot of face.


"Oh, they are all old friends, please come in!"

People from both families also greeted guests at the door, showing their attention.

The Liu family and the Zhong family also took advantage of this opportunity to communicate more with their peers to help the company develop better.

Many people from Yuncheng have arrived.

Chu Hannan also took the time to come.

But this time, Chu Hannan came by himself, and there was no female companion by his side.

Everyone looked at Chu Hannan and couldn't help but whisper.

The news from the hospital also came out.

Many people knew that Ye Xinwan's child was gone, and everyone guessed that Ye Xinwan's status could not be preserved.

Many women were thinking about getting closer to Chu Hannan.

I want to catch up with Chu Hannan.

After all, the Chu family is the number one family in Yuncheng, and the Chu family's status is there.

Maybe they could become the young lady of the Chu family.

So one by one, they rushed to talk to Chu Hannan.


Some people simply stepped on their skirts and fell on Chu Hannan.

If it was before, Chu Hannan might reach out to help.

But since he knew Ye Xinwan's true face, Chu Hannan also reacted. In the past, Chu Hannan had deliberately touched porcelain with him, so that the two could become familiar with each other.

So he now knows how to avoid these.

Chu Hannan hurriedly took a step back.


The eighteenth-line star who appeared out of nowhere was stunned when he fell.

She looked up at Chu Hannan, and found that this young master was completely indifferent.

The staff next to her hurriedly helped her up.

The woman stomped her feet vigorously, a little resentful.


Time passed by and the guests were almost all there.

Of course, Xiao Jinshen would not participate in this ceremony of the Liu family.

The Liu family gave the invitation letter, if Xiao Jinshen went to participate, it would instead give the Liu family and the Zhong family face.

Of course, Xiao Jinshen would not give this face.

Not only will they not give it, but they will also be taught a lesson.

This time, it will make them unable to turn over.

Completely wiped out two families.

At this time, Xiao Jinshen and Ye Suxi were on the second floor of Zunhao, and they could see all the scenes on the first floor from the floor-to-ceiling windows on the second floor.

The entire hall on the first floor is also monitored.

Ye Suxi and Xiao Jinshen sat on the chairs, drinking tea and eating snacks, looking at the first floor.

"It's almost time, it's time for a good show."

Ye Suxi also prepared a big gift.

Xiao Jin looked at Ye Suxi's excited expression deeply, scratched her nose with her hand, and said lovingly, "Naughty!"

Ye Suxi pouted, "You said, will the Liu family and the Zhong family panic when they found out that you didn't go?"

Xiao Jin looked downstairs deeply, and said faintly, "The more guilty you are, the more flustered you will be."

"Look, just now, the Liu family and the Zhong family started whispering."

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