Xiao Jinshen also hated Liu Patriarch's approach very much.

No matter what they thought, they shouldn't hurt an innocent child, and that's the grandson of the Liu family master, and he can actually do it.

Xiao Jinshen clapped his hands, and Xiao Qi immediately appeared in front of Xiao Jinshen.

"Young Master, what are your orders!"

Xiao Jin said deeply: "Go on and follow the plan."

"Yes, my lord."

Xiao Qi withdrew.

Ye Suxi knew what Xiao Jinshen's plan was.

It is nothing more than on such an occasion, in front of everyone's eyes, to expose what the Liu family and the Zhong family did.

Xiao Jinshen already had enough evidence in his hands, and he released the evidence at the scene, and then the staff at the institute would arrest the Liu family and the Zhong family.

Even the properties of the Liu family and the Zhong family's companies will be seized.

Of course, Qu Qiuzhu will take the notarial certificate and get what belongs to her sister.

Of course, to deal with the Liu family and the Zhong family, Ye Suxi also arranged her own plan.

She also wanted to help Xiao Jinshen, so as to better wipe out the two families.

Ye Suxi drank tea and ate pastries, looking down.

Ye Suxi accidentally put the cake on her mouth, Xiao Jinshen took out a tissue and wiped it gently for her.

Like a little girl, Ye Suxi sat blankly, letting Xiao Jinshen wipe the cake from the corner of her mouth.

Ye Suxi blinked, "The cream is so oily, you don't dislike it."

Xiao Jin rubbed Ye Suxi's hair deeply, "Silly girl, why are you disgusting."

"You are mine, what do you hate!"

Xiao Jinshen wiped Ye Suxi well, and there was a gentle light between his brows and eyes.

Ye Suxi looked down, "Look, Liu Manman is here!"

Liu Manman is the one Ye Suxi saved at the beginning.

At the beginning of the kidnapping case, Zhu Xu's girlfriend died, and she was later arranged to go to the car to approach Chen Aoheng.

Chen Aoheng was later arrested, and Liu Manman went to work at the racetrack.

That time when she went to the race car, Liu Manman helped arrange some of the things.

When dealing with the Liu family, Xiao Jinshen found out some secret things about the Liu family.

This Liu Manman is actually a member of the Liu family.

It's just that Liu Manman is the child of the eldest master of the Liu family who died. Now this Liu family master murdered his brother and usurped the throne to become the Liu family master.

Liu Manman's father was originally sick and died suddenly, and no one suspected anything.

But Xiao Jin has investigated these matters in depth. Liu Manman's father was killed, of course, by the current head of the Liu family.

Now the head of the Liu family should not be the head of the family. It was he who killed his elder brother to gain this position.

Knowing this, Ye Suxi sighed inwardly.

I just feel that the Liu family's viciousness is beyond people's imagination.

After telling Liu Manman about this, Liu Manman couldn't believe it.

Because Liu Manman grew up in a small town.

When both parents were there, Liu Manman's life was better.

But when she was in high school, her parents went and she couldn't go to school and go out to work to earn money.

Met her boyfriend Zhu Xu.

He is very kind to her and protects her. No matter how late she gets off work, he will pick her up.

Even if she fell ill later, he would never leave her.

Seeing that she was getting better, Zhu Xu was killed.

So she hated everyone who killed Zhu Xu.

Liu Manman always felt that she was the biological child of her parents.

Unexpectedly, she was from the Liu family.

This made Liu Manman unacceptable.

But Ye Suxi showed her the evidence, Liu Manman couldn't believe it and could only believe it.

"Miss, I want revenge!"

When Liu Manman said these words, there was cold hatred in his eyes.

Yes, she hates and hates the people of the Liu family. If it weren't for the people in the Liu family, her biological father would not die, and she would not be left out.

Perhaps in this case, Zhu Xu doesn't have to die.

So when he thought of Zhu Xu's death, Liu Manman hated those who were related to it.

Moreover, her biological father was also killed by the Liu family, and she must take revenge.

Ye Suxi said: "Don't worry, those things they did, at the ceremony, someone will come forward to expose them. At that time, many of the Liu family's properties will be sealed. You can also get what belongs to you."

In fact, strictly speaking, many things should belong to Liu Manman.

Liu Manman shook her head, "Miss, I don't care about this, I just want to take revenge, I want to take revenge and expose them myself."

In fact, since knowing that Zhu Xu is dead, Liu Manman has no will to live anymore.

At first she just wanted revenge to survive.

Now that she can take revenge in person, she naturally wants to expose them in person.

Liu Manman anxiously grabbed Ye Suxi's hand, "Miss, please help me."

Ye Suxi thought for a while and said, "Well, let me tell Jin Shen to let you come out and expose them. After all, you are the Liu family, and it is most convincing for you to expose their crimes."

Later, Ye Suxi told Xiao Jinshen, they changed the plan and arranged Liu Manman to appear.


In the hall on the first floor of Zunhao, when the scene was in chaos, Liu Manman came in with a schoolbag on his back.

She directly skipped everyone present, and she took the stage.

Liu Manman saw Liu Wencheng who was still standing on the stage in a daze.

Without saying a word, she directly stretched out her foot and slammed Liu Wencheng out of the stage.



A loud noise sounded, and Liu Wencheng was kicked off the stage directly and fell to the ground. The whole person fell to the ground fiercely.

I don't know if there is any bleeding.

Liu Wencheng didn't react at all, and he didn't know who this person was, why he kicked him as soon as he came up.

Liu Wencheng fell to the ground, his whole body hurting like his bones were falling apart.

"What's going on, ah, what's going on?"

The people of the Liu family were in chaos, and everyone came over and grabbed Liu Wencheng in a hurry.

Mrs. Liu pointed at Liu Manman, "What are you, dare to be wild here, get out."

Madam Liu, like a shrew, pointed at Liu Manman and scolded her.

Liu Manman was neither painful nor itchy, she had cold hatred in her eyes, these people were going to die anyway.

She doesn't need to bother with them now.

Then she turned to look at Zhong Hui who was still on the stage, "You want to be kicked off too?"

Zhong Hui trembled and ran down the stage.

But because the skirt was a little long and she was a little fat, she walked a little less neatly and fell directly to the ground.

The people from the Zhong family came forward to help.

Everyone at the scene looked at Liu Manman curiously, not knowing who she was or who she was.

"Who is this, how does he look menacing."

"Isn't it also aimed at the Liu family?"

"It's possible that the Liu family has done a lot of bad things behind their backs."

"If it hadn't been revealed this time, who would have known that the Liu family was this kind of person, and they were very bad in their bones."

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